Robin H. Johnson posted
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below, 
on Wed, 20 Jul 2005 00:04:57 -0700:

>> > And as I've mentioned before I'd like MORE reports of packages working
>> > well before they are moved to stable arch. Without those stable
>> > working reports I don't have any means to judge just how much testing
>> > has been done on a package, other than my own use of a package (and as
>> > such I do leave things longer than the 30 days, because I don't
>> > entirely trust them).

>> This sounds like a request for the QA team.  I tend to stay away from
>> most ~arch packages simply because most of our systems are live
>> production servers, but I'd be happy to test-drive new ebuilds of
>> vpopmail if it would help get new versions into the stable tree faster.

> In the absence of a proper QA team, users are some of the best
> large-scale QA available. All I'm asking for are reports that a package
> "Works for me". Try the ebuilds out, and send some feedback in.

As a ~arch user (~amd64), and sometimes even a -* and/or hardmasked for
testing user, this is right up my alley, altho I don't use these specific

What's the best mechanism (other than becoming an AT, which I'm working
on) for a user to report such working ~arch packages, without spamming the
devs working so hard to stabilize them?  ATs have specific procedures in
place for marking an ebuild TESTED and requesting moving from unkeyworded
to ~arch, and from ~arch to stable (for amd64 ATs, here: ), but there do
not appear to be any such procedures outlined for normal ~arch users, at
least that' I've come across.

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