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Kristian Benoit wrote:
> # ebuild path/to/ebuild config"
> I'm trying to do the same as config does, but in as a preconfig that
> would only be also called on user request.

I'm just idly thinking here, and I'm sorry if this has already been said
better - but I could see some value in an *optional* src_preconfig()
function that allows you to run a manual config such as in the make
menuconfig case - not required, but if present the ebuild breaks out
with the einfo message, then when you go to run emerge again detects the
change and carries on. Course as soon as I type this I realize that
would require even more finangling since you would want to avoid
clobbering with features=clean flags. Not sure of the mechanics on how
this is done for the portage emerge process, but even stopping the
emerge process for those packages that *must* have a preconfig done
would help (are there any though? I can think of one maybe, but not
really anything to demand new functionality in portage yet).

2 probably pointless cents on the matter,

- -mike
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