On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 02:00:24AM +0200, Sven Wegener wrote:
Could you possibly split the stuff into two files?
one for RDEPEND.only and one for DEPEND.only?

I see a lot more FP for RDEPEND.only.

Many of the RDEPEND.only are correct, as the packages are just scripts
that call other binaries to do their work. On the flipside, there are a
lot of packages that only need something to build properly (eg
sys-cluster/torque needs sys-apps/ed, and dev-libs/openssl has a build
system that needs perl).

I suspect that you'd end up with a massive whitelist if we tried to
catch everything.

For the moment however, I can offer some general items:
anything inheriting php-ext*eclass is correct with DEPEND of dev-php/php but
and RDEPEND of virtual/php.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Home Page  : http://www.orbis-terrarum.net/?l=people.robbat2
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