On Friday 01 July 2005 16:56, Aron Griffis wrote:
> Dan Armak wrote:      [Fri Jul 01 2005, 03:42:22AM EDT]
> > ...OK, so deprange() needs to signal errors out-of-band. Like setting a
> > KM_ERROR variable which causes the eclass to abort later on.
> Heh, doesn't work for the same reason you can't exit.  It's
> a subshell.
> How about this?
> ebuild:
>     DEPEND="some stuff"
>     qt_min_dep "3.3"
> eclass:
>     qt_min_dep() {
>         if cool; then
>             DEPEND="${DEPEND} new stuff"
>         else
>             die "..."
>         fi
>     }
Would work, but be against the general move to make the general ebuild section 
purely declarative :-( I don't want to change a great deal of code merely to 
catch incorrectly written ebuilds, when we can already print messages on 

I'd rather signal failure to code outside the subshell by touching a file in 

Dan Armak
Gentoo Linux developer (KDE)
Public GPG key: http://dev.gentoo.org/~danarmak/danarmak-gpg-public.key
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