On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 17:34 -0500, Lance Albertson wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 00:20 +0200, Christian Hartmann wrote:
> > To host patches, docs etc. Just like every other devs/staff guy does
> > atm. (Sure. toucan isn't meant to be a download server and we're aware
> > of this fact.)
> Patches to our phpbb should only fall under 2-3 people and means
> moderators != forum admins. And those folks should be closely tied to
> the infra folks. So please tell me again what patches/docs they would
> have as moderators? My vote would be no shell access to moderators, I
> simply don't see the point of adding that into our infra. I do however
> see the need for having an alias for email contact. If they want to do
> more than moderate, thats their will and can take the ebuild quiz for
> that or can discuss that with recruiters.

Ok, after talking with a few folks I want to retract my comment about no
shell access. I didn't think about the other groups (docs) that already
have shell access and retain a simliar status as forum mods do in
Gentoo. I'm just getting ansty about all these new people we're bringing
on and the security behind it. Thats my main concern at this point, not
whether your work is more or less than a regular developer. I just
wanted to make that point before I had a flamewar directed at me :)


Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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