Aron Griffis wrote: [Thu Jun 16 2005, 09:32:26PM CDT]
> I don't think that switching to g-prefixed commands for GNU utilities
> is a good answer.  We aren't going to be able to push that upstream,
> which means maintaining a lot of patches ourselves.  Within our own
> developer body, we're going to have an impossible task keeping things
> compatible since few people have the knowledge required to write
> truly cross-platform scripts.

The current situation is that portage sets aliases for tar, make, sed,
etcetera that point to the appropriate g* commands on the *BSD systems.
I have to admit that I'm actually quite content with that system, since
it's not at all intrusive to the Linux folks, and it's minimally
intrusive for the *BSDs.  It does require that all Gentoo systems have a
certain set of GNU utilities, but I'm quite willing to live with that

All that said, if I'm completely missing the point please feel free to
tell me.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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