On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 00:17 -0400, Olivier Cr�te wrote:

> From the preliminary raw data, I count 100 votes out of 381 eligible
> voters .. giving us only a 26.24% of participation... I guess the rest
> just didn't care.
Considering the amount of information we had to go through and parse,
plus the fact some of us were busy, I would say thats not the case at
all. This election so happen to hit in the middle of a large move and
starting of a new job for me. I'm sorry that I 'didn't care' because I
had real life issues to deal with. Personally, I should have spoken up
to suggest we keep the polls open longer than a week considering the
amount of material we needed to go through, but I didn't get a chance
between things. That's my fault for not addressing that concern.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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