Daniel Drake wrote:

> New contributors will be added to both sites. All existing contributors feeds
> have been copied over. If you are an existing contributor and you'd like to
> truly become part of the universe by having your feed 'de-restricted' on the
> universe site, please send me an email or catch me on IRC. The only
> restriction is that all articles should be written in English.

This sounds great.  And yes, I'd like to participate.  I have but one
question though...

My question is this:  Which web-blog script would you recommend for the
p.g.o site?

Here, I have a server, sitting on the web 24/7[1], which has Apache,
PHP, Perl, MySQL, Tomcat, all up and running, and I can easily install
just about anything I wish.  So installing stuff on my host isn't a
problem.  However, I've never gone to the trouble of setting up a
web-blog before...

If there's one that works particularly well with p.g.o, that would be ideal.

 ____                   _             Stuart Longland (a.k.a Redhatter)
/  _ \   ___    ___  __| |__  __   __ Gentoo Linux/MIPS Cobalt and Docs
- (_) \ /   \  ;   \(__   __)/  \ /  \                        Developer
 \    //  O _| / /\ \  | |  | /\ | /\ |
 /   / \   /__| /  \ \ | |  | \/ | \/ |
(___/   \____/|_;  |_| \_/   \__/ \__/ http://dev.gentoo.org/~redhatter

1. except when the local power authority play with our power switch --
as was the case this evening

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