congratulations :)

El lun, 06-06-2005 a las 17:03 +0100, Tom Martin escribi�:
> Hi list,
> Shyam Mani, or fox2mike as some of you know him, has just joined up to
> help out with documentation. He lives in Bangalore, India, having been
> born in Dubai. Having just finished his Bachelor of Engineering in
> Computer Science, he now works for a technology consutancy firm called
> Exocore. Outside of Linux, photography is one of his main hobbies, and
> he owns a Nikon Coolpix 5200 to this end. He also writes that aircraft
> have long interested him, and he would be a pilot if it wasn't for his
> glasses. He also posts a picture of himself: 
> http://xinetd.accosted.net/personal/dscn1794.jpg
> So. with that, say hello to fox2mike if you see him around and about and
> welcome him to the team.
> Regards,
> Tom

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