Hi All!

I've just put net-misc/dhcpcd-1.3.22_p4-r10 into portage, package.masked
If some kind people would like to test it for me so I don't break our
happy go lucky ~ARCH users I would be grateful :)

dhcpcd now writes a more sane /etc/{resolv,ntp,yp}.conf
It also doesn't clobber those files anymore if there is no need to based
on the DHCP response.
dhcpcd now supports the -e option to change where it stores
{resolv,ntp,yp}.conf - default is /etc.
dhcpcd now inserts the interface name into the .sv files incase dhcpcd
runs on more than one interface.

If no-one reports back with anything wrong with the above then I'll
unmask it in about a week or so.


Gentoo Linux Developer

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