On Thursday 02 June 2005 00:21, Georgi Georgiev wrote:
> maillog: 01/06/2005-23:25:00(+0900): Jason Stubbs types
> >...
> > Perhaps, further down the track we'd be able to work out something with
> > the build farm thingy; check for linkage and warn if things specified in
> > RDEPEND aren't linked against and build up a whitelist from it... Perhaps
> > repoman will become smart enough to detect exactly which RDEPENDs are
> > being defaulted to what and where and then provide a warning and a
> > resolution...
> I don't get it. Linking is not the only reason for a package to RDEPEND
> on another one.
> Or were you talking about something completely different?

Nope. That's why I mentioned a whitelist.

Jason Stubbs

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