On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 02:08 -0700, Duncan wrote:
> Hmm..  I /did/ have issues with parallel startup a couple revisions back. 
> I had disabled that and haven't reenabled it yet.  I suppose I should do
> that and bug it now, if it still fails.  It /was/ working at one point.

There may still be issues with parallel startup. It doesn't really
startup in parallel and it's not much faster, so if any bugs do come up
then we'll probably recommend turning it off.

baselayout-1.12.0-alpha3 will have much improved parallel startup thanks
to Paul Pacheco patch (bug #69854) which is essentially a re-write of
the code so we're not that interested in fixing parallel startup in
baselayout-1.11.x at this time.

Gentoo Linux Developer

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