Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote: [Sun May 22 2005, 03:49:39AM CDT]
> So I was wondering for a solution for this problem: we have a
> $USERLAND variable which can be used to select the way the chown must
> be done, if chown root:root or chown root:wheel; I think both BSD and
> Darwin userland prefers root:wheel above root:root, so maybe adding a
> function in eutils which fixes the permissions based on the current
> $USERLAND value is enough...

Of course, this issue is precisely what GLEP 27 was created to handle.
The portage devs have let us know that xml is a problem, but otherwise
this GLEP appears sound, and I believe that the portage team has
something along these lines as part of their long-range plans.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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