On Sun, 2005-05-15 at 22:24 +0100, Carlos Silva wrote:
> > i dont think it'd be too hard to integrate this 'rescue set' into a 
> > catalyst 
> > target so that it'll become part of our normal release schedule of stage 
> > tarballs

Weren't we just talking about people proposing work for other projects
without consulting them... ;]

Anyway, catalyst 2.0, which is what the current HEAD version of catalyst
will become once it is released, has a "stage4" target, which is capable
of adding or subtracting packages from a stage3, or rebuilding them with
new USE flags.

Added with the recently added portage, which does proper USE
flag checking when using both --usepkg and --newuse, we can easily
create a rescue tarball.  I don't think that catalyst2 will be ready in
time for the next release, however, as we were not planning on rocking
the boat quite that much for the release.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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