On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 08:10:03PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 12 May 2005 04:01:17 +0900 Georgi Georgiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | How do we prevent a current category/package combination like
> | net-wireless/gnome-phone-manager from becoming something else like
> | app-cellphone/gnome-phone-manager?
> Two options:
> * Smarter updates handling by portage. For example, maybe it could
> realise that the package in question has been moved, and automatically
> do the update (along with a QA notice: assumed package move blah). This
> would also help for those unfortunate times when we don't manage to do a
> huge package move in under the required half an hour.
That requires _active_ translation of deps.  The current 
search/replace type hackery is binpkg/vdb based, doesn't do jack for 
ebuilds that still point at the old location.

> * Unique ID strings for packages, zynot style. Messy as hell though,
> DEPEND="foo/bar {12379812AD7382164BD87678652438FC65E43A2}" doesn't have
> the same kind of ring to it...
Actually... iirc, at least internally the unique 'key' for a cpv 
that's being kicked around collapses cat/pkg/slot/use.  Not much for 
tacking on more metadata, since the unique key/id bit above still 
requires active translation of deps as they're encountered.

No really easy way to dodge that, nor does it sound like stable 
material. (my opinion mind you).
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