On Sat, 7 May 2005 10:31:49 -0500 Kito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Isn't going to work. A lot of these changes need package-specific
| > knowledge that most people just don't have.
| If a dev doesn't have adequate knowledge for a particular package he 
| shouldn't be fscking with it in the first place. So there said package
| can sit, having only the ability to install to / just like it always 
| has until someone with interest/need/knowledge comes along and takes 
| care of it.

You and I know that. Brian seems to be assuming that the people that do
the work will know how to handle every single package in the tree.

| All the points you are making sound like the result of too much crisis
| management, progress shouldn't be impeded by fear of work or change.

Eh? No. It's about getting a major change done cleanly and without
causing another disaster of OSX-sized proportions.

| > No, they're a demonstration of why the GLEP in its current form is
| > inadequate. I'll carry on pulling up further examples until you
| > realise that it's not just a minor issue, it's a huge problem that
| > needs a big change to the GLEP.
| How about suggesting what that big change would be?

I've done that already several times in this thread.

| > The reason that this thing was written up as a GLEP was because the
| > author was trying to bypass the discussion and get around having to
| > fix various flaws that had been pointed out previously.
| >
| > | Could you break it down to "if I'm going into home, I need xyz at
| > | the home level rather then global/usr" ?
| >
| > Hrm. Being able to say "I need xyz installed globally, and abc 
| > installed
| > either globally or at home level" would work if and only if there
| > was a way of finding out where abc and xyz had been installed.
| Hmmm, what about a possible extension to the world file or a create a 
| new file to store metadata such as the package installation prefix.

Needs to be easily accessible from the ebuild. Parsing things in bash is
a nuisance.

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Vim, Shell tools, Fluxbox, Cron)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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