On Saturday 07 May 2005 00:49, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Personally I'd prefer that you waited for the virtuals GLEP.
Well it's not exactly something sooo urgent.. as we are working out of main 
tree we can just say users "install libiconv and gettext if you want to 
compile XXX". But to get the more of our overlay into main tree, I'd like to 
have at least the main packages fixed soon. What is the expected timeframe 
for that GLEP?

> Anyway, whatever you decide upon,
> let me know so that I can get it in The Doc...
How can you get it in something which doesn't exists? :)
* still tricked by Jedis' powers.... *

Diego "Flameeyes" PettenÃ
Gentoo Developer (Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, Gentoo/AMD64)


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