Brian Harring wrote:
> On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 03:13:56PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>>Why did you post this without addressing the problems I pointed out to
>>you previously? Writing something up as a GLEP doesn't magically fix all
>>the holes in it.
> State said problem for the general community.  Guessing you're 
> referencing the issue/request that being able to manage home, and 
> 'global' installations?
> I'd still posit that the issue of installing to a user's home when 
> portage's base prefix is /usr/local (fex) is a seperate issue.  What 
> you were requesting for vim plugins goes beyond haubi's initial 
> goals...

Exactly that, and according to glep 1 a glep should address just *one*
problem at once...

IMO a secondary package manager just has to manage the files/packages
installed into the same prefix the pkgm is installed to, nothing else.
If you want to use a pkgm for ~, then set up a pkgm with prefix=~,
and use an ebuild-tree or profile containing packages dedicated to
be installed into ~.

And once portage is able to act as a secondary pkgm, this does not imply
that the whole ebuild-tree makes sence to install with a 2nd pkg mgr,
fex baselayout, which is already virtualized for baselayout-lite
(eh, what is Linux VServer ?).

Michael Haubenwallner                    SALOMON Automation GmbH
Forschung & Entwicklung                  A-8114 Friesach bei Graz
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