Stephen P. Becker wrote:
> Portage should have been warning such users about using a deprecated
> profile for some time now.  So, they should have updated to a new
> profile by now. Surely most people have synced portage sometime recently
> and done an emerge -uD world.  If somebody is using a portage snapshot
> from two years ago, they have more problems than a deprecated profile.

What is bad about doing *only* `emerge --sync` and security updates?
This is not my case so it's quite possible that no such users exist (so
the gentoo-dev ml isn't probably the best place to ask if they exist,
btw), but if you do something that will prevent *everyone* who is so
"late with upgrades" from continuing, you'll introduce (IMHO dangerous)
precedence about backward compatibility.

So I'm just asking if those users (even if nobody like that exist) have
an ability to upgrade or at least to carry on with their security
upgrades (which could of course require update of sys-apps/portage, this
is perfectly correct).

Good thing is that `emerge --sync` produces warning about using
deprecated profile, so it will probably catch the attention.

> You do realize that for the most part, gentoo versions don't mean very
> much, right?  A gentoo install is as current as the portage tree, no
> matter what installer was used.



cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth

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