Robin H. Johnson wrote: [Sat Apr 30 2005, 06:44:58PM CDT]
> Ok, I've just put the latest OpenLDAP 2.2.26 into the tree, and I don't
> see anything that is now holding back the 2.2 series from ~arch. In 2
> weeks, I plan to move it to ~arch, from it's present p.mask status.
> It shouldn't cause any problems for anybody that has OpenLDAP installed
> as a client only, but it's a bit bumpy for those that are running
> OpenLDAP servers.
> The ebuild will exit if it detects the server data files from the
> previous versions of OpenLDAP, and display instructions on how to
> upgrade safely. Bypass them at your own peril, as you will end up with a
> badly corrupted database.
> Also note that the slapd.conf syntax has had some minor but annoying
> changes that will block slapd from starting until they are updated.

Thanks for the note.

My personal opinion is that this sort of news item is the sort of thing
that we need to do a better job of announcing widely.  I'm going to CC
the GWN folks on this e-mail as well as our PR folks, to see if either
of those groups want it.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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