Maurice van der Pot wrote:
>Hey people,
>A lot of ebuilds still fail when "test" is in FEATURES.
>It's understandable that fixing this is a low priority thing, but what
>I would like to propose is to either fix the tests or disable them.
>The latter would be the thing to do for devs who are currently closing
>bugs about tests with WONTFIX or similar.
>By keeping tests that fail enabled in one ebuild, perfectly good tests
>of any other ebuild are rendered useless because it becomes almost
>impossible to upgrade a system with "test" in FEATURES.
>If fixing the tests is not WONTFIX but rather something way down on your
>todo list, I would also recommend disabling the tests in the ebuild.
>A bug report could be used to track these bugs, but at least it would
>not bother so many people while it is still unsolved.
>I'd like to know what you think of this.
Some time ago used 'maketest' (now 'test') in my FEATURES-list, but
after some test-failing packages (not many and BUGS filed on them)
switched it off, as IMHO fixing 'tests' seems to be a task more up to
package-developers (so gentoo-maintainers send it upstream for fixing).
Think (tell your experiences here) that the responses may be very
different (depending on the people). The package usually works OK, so a
test-failing may be due to for example some USE-flags, CFLAGS (using
hardened profile in my former case) or other causes (WONTFIX from upstream).
If the number of fixed packages is too small or it takes too long to fix
it's not very useful feature, i just don't know.
Just sharing my experiences here.
PS: a day or two ago mentioned that i'm using per-package FEATURES in
'/etc/portage/package.features-file' ("-collision-protect") so was
thinking about doing the same for "test" (for half a day "test" is ON in
my 'make.conf'). Think of putting it OFF for failing packages while
still keeping it ON globally. Also will like the get some opinions.
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