Donnie Berkholz wrote: [Thu Apr 28 2005, 03:21:50PM CDT]
> Yes. Or don't install it at all, and let people create their own. This
> is a dumb USE flag.

I'd say that "dumb USE flag" is rather harsh.  It seems clear that (a)
many users would like a logrotate script installed for them, and since
it's not all that difficult we should probably oblige, and that (b) some
users won't want any logrotate scripts installed.  Most optional things
of this sort or handled by USE flags, although I'll grant that sometimes
we decide by fiat that things should be done a certain way because
making something optional is just too much work for too little gain.

As an aside, my preference would be to install them by default, but
allow a nologrotate equivalent to "nodoc", "noinfo", or "noman".  That
would require hacking portage, though, which seems silly for something
so trivial.  Does anybody remember why we chose "nodoc", "noinfo", and
"noman" instead of a generic INSTALL_MASK="/usr/share/doc
/usr/share/man ..." flag which could be more general?

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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