marduk wrote:

>On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 06:09:38 -0700, "Imran Sher Rafique"
>>I hope this doesn't come across as too much of a rant.
>>Is it accepted practice to allow for changes in an ebuild without
>>changing the
>>ebuild version number?
>Unfortunately yes ;-).  This also has been a problem for
> code, because I basically have to make a series of
>assumptions as to when an ebuild is considered "new" or "updated". 
>Originally I thought I could just just look at the timestamps on the
>ebuilds, but that turned out to be a very bad determiniation of when an
>ebuild has changed.  Then I thought revision numbers, but that's
>innacurate too.  Basically now it comes down to looking at the current
>ebuild in portage and comparing it to the last time I looked at it. 
>It's much more expensive, because you have to look at *every* ebuild,
>not just "ebuilds changed since x date/time" or "ebuilds newer than
>version y".  Oh no, now I sound like I'm ranting ;-)
Why you could not use ctime/mtime ? Isn't possible to make a check like
you do now but only on a filtered by "mtime" list of ebuild ?
A command like this
# find . -name "*.ebuild" -and -mtime "-7" -or -ctime "-7"
give you a list of ebuilds created/modified in the last seven days.
Isn't this enough to be sure you are looking at all ebuilds modified in
the last 24 hours ? At least to cut down the number of ebuilds to check.
i.e. I'm assuming it's only a problem of precision

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