You know about the local mirror type in /etc/portage/mirrors right?
Well, that file could probably be used by you in many ways. Check it out.

Carlos Silva wrote:

>Hi guys,
>since the change of the eclass kernel-2 to make it use the subversion
>kernel patches that we no longer keep the kernel sources on our mirrors
>and they are downloaded from the mirrors. What happends is
>that alot of people, including me, have traffic limits imposed by the
>IPS's. In my case, i have 4GB international traffic limit. In the most
>cases, the PT mirror isn't "selected" as the mirror to
>download the kernel when we try to download a new kernel version so i
>end up making international traffic, thing that didn't happend when we
>had the sources on the mirrors. Besides that, in the case the of PT
> mirror, it is very slow compared to some good distfiles
>mirrors we have here. 
>So what i want to know is what you guys think if we get the kernel
>sources back in the mirrors.

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