On Tuesday 19 Apr 2005 20:31, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> On Saturday 16 April 2005 14:38, Paul Varner wrote:
> > On Sat, 2005-04-16 at 06:56 +0100, Elfyn McBratney wrote:
> > > The way I see it, we have three options:
> > >  - package.mask (downgrades for those early adopters)
> > >  - keep the same layout (/etc/apache2/conf, etc.) and wait until 2.2 is
> > > out to change it
> > >  - have the newer apache ebuilds migrate from old-style to new-style
> > > config (very hard to do, but possible)
> >
> > As a user whose apache install is completely hosed at the moment due to
> > these changes, my recommendation is all the above, with it being package
> > masked immediately.
> I disagree. This will actually put you in an inconsistent state as the old
> apache overlaps with apr/apr-util. What I think would be the best solution
> is to undo the config changes, but keep the apr change in a new ebuild set
> that get's updated to (up or downgrading I don't care).

APR and APU are stand-alone and independent of apache, so there is no need to 
p.mask those libs.


Elfyn McBratney                                     http://beu.merseine.nu/
beu/irc.freenode.net                            http://dev.gentoo.org/~beu/
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