On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 12:10:25PM -0400, Daniel Ostrow wrote:
> Take a look at dev-libs/glib/files/glib-2.6.3-testglib-ssp.patch to see
> how solar and I dealt with a similar issue with tests and ssp. See if
> you can adapt it, we just forced -fno-stack-protector after the CFLAGS
> pulled in from the system.

Ok, so I thought it was all well and good, but now a bug report made me
realise that gcc < 3.4 doesn't have -fpie/-fno-pie.

Here's the problem:
1) valgrind has some features that only work with -fpie
2) valgrind's tests fail to build with -fpie
3) because of the hardened gcc profile, valgrind's tests need -fno-pie
4) simply patching some makefiles to add -fno-pie for tests is not
   possible because gcc < 3.4 doesn't support -fno-pie
5) having the valgrind developers modify their configure/makefiles to
   add -fno-pie for tests in case gcc supports it is not enough, because
   user CFLAGS are appended and CFLAGS in make.conf may contain -fpie
6) using filter-flags to get rid of -fpie in user's CFLAGS actually
   adds -fno-pie and disables features referred to in 1)

What do I do now? 

Why is -fno-pie being added by filter-flags anyway? 


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.gentoo.org
Creator of BiteMe!       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.kfk4ever.com

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