as a reminder, NEVER utilize USE=pic in your package unless you know exactly what it's for and you're sure you need it ... a quick `grep -Rl ^IUSE=.*pic` of the tree shows a bunch of ebuilds which appear to be misusing it: app-admin/amanda app-text/djvu media-libs/guilib media-libs/libvisual media-tv/tvtime media-video/avidemux net-im/silc-plugin
packages which just straight up suck at life wrt PIC handling: net-mail/uw-imap net-mail/checkpassword (anyone who just has 'append-flags -fPIC' because it 'worked') fix your packages people or i'll fix you ! to prevent this in the future, perhaps i'll move USE=pic into use.local.desc so that people stop thinking it's OK to use normally ... or maybe i'll revise the description with 'dont touch this flag unless you know what you are doing' ... thoughts ? -mike -- mailing list