commit:     50ecc91f9162478c5fcc3f8595a566da758feaf1
Author:     Andrew Savchenko <bircoph <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
AuthorDate: Mon Feb 23 17:55:43 2015 +0000
Commit:     Andrew Savchenko <bircoph <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Mon Feb 23 17:55:43 2015 +0000

sci-physics/root/: remove old

 sci-physics/root/ChangeLog                         |   6 +
 .../root/files/root-5.32.00-prop-flags.patch       |  15 -
 .../root/files/root-5.34.18-tutorials-path.patch   |  94 -----
 sci-physics/root/files/root-6.00.01-cling.patch    |  19 -
 sci-physics/root/metadata.xml                      |   1 -
 sci-physics/root/root-5.34.18-r2.ebuild            | 389 ------------------
 sci-physics/root/root-6.00.01-r1.ebuild            | 442 ---------------------
 7 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 960 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sci-physics/root/ChangeLog b/sci-physics/root/ChangeLog
index 6bf87cf..a01cdc1 100644
--- a/sci-physics/root/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-physics/root/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-physics/root/ChangeLog,v 1.96 
2012/03/29 18:21:49 bicatali Exp $
+  23 Feb 2015; Andrew Savchenko <> -root-5.34.18-r2.ebuild,
+  -root-6.00.01-r1.ebuild, -files/root-5.32.00-prop-flags.patch,
+  -files/root-5.34.18-tutorials-path.patch, -files/root-6.00.01-cling.patch,
+  metadata.xml:
+  Remove old versions and unused patches.
 *root-5.34.26 (23 Feb 2015)
   23 Feb 2015; Andrew Savchenko <> +root-5.34.26.ebuild,

diff --git a/sci-physics/root/files/root-5.32.00-prop-flags.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dfeb1c..0000000
--- a/sci-physics/root/files/root-5.32.00-prop-flags.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- root/config/       2013-01-21 22:04:43.011452938 +0400
-+++ root/config/    2013-01-21 22:04:18.027352209 +0400
-@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
- USECONFIG      := @useconfig@
- MKLIBOPTIONS   := @mkliboption@
--EXTRA_CFLAGS   := -Iinclude @cflags@
--EXTRA_CXXFLAGS := -Iinclude @cflags@
--EXTRA_LDFLAGS  := @ldflags@
-+EXTRA_CFLAGS   := -Iinclude @cflags@ $(CFLAGS)
-+EXTRA_CXXFLAGS := -Iinclude @cflags@ $(CXXFLAGS)
-+EXTRA_LDFLAGS  := @ldflags@ $(LDFLAGS)
- WINRTDEBUG     := @winrtdebug@
- GLBPATCHFLAGS  := @glbpatchcflags@

diff --git a/sci-physics/root/files/root-5.34.18-tutorials-path.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf8859..0000000
--- a/sci-physics/root/files/root-5.34.18-tutorials-path.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/config/ b/config/
-index 5950401..e4fbfbf 100644
---- a/config/
-+++ b/config/
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- #define ROOTDATADIR   "@datadir@"
- #define ROOTDOCDIR    "@docdir@"
- #define ROOTMACRODIR  "@macrodir@"
-+#define ROOTTUTDIR    "@tutdir@"
- #define ROOTSRCDIR    "@srcdir@"
- #define ROOTICONPATH  "@iconpath@"
- #define EXTRAICONPATH "@extraiconpath@"
-diff --git a/configure b/configure
-index 131df92..2c8ea95 100755
---- a/configure
-+++ b/configure
-@@ -7537,6 +7537,7 @@ sed \
-     -e "s|@prefix@|$prefix|"               \
-     -e "s|@srcdir@|$srcdir|"               \
-     -e "s|@ttffontdir@|$fontdir|"          \
-+    -e "s|@tutdir@|$tutdir|"               \
-     -e "s|@setresuid@|$setresuid|"         \
-     -e "s|@hasmathmore@|$hasmathmore|"     \
-     -e "s|@haspthread@|$haspthread|"       \
-diff --git a/core/base/src/TApplication.cxx b/core/base/src/TApplication.cxx
-index 95fb1e5..3830955 100644
---- a/core/base/src/TApplication.cxx
-+++ b/core/base/src/TApplication.cxx
-@@ -794,6 +794,22 @@ Long_t TApplication::ProcessRemote(const char *line, 
Int_t *)
-    return 1;
- }
-+namespace {
-+   static int PrintFile(const char* filename) {
-+      TString sFileName(filename);
-+      gSystem->ExpandPathName(sFileName);
-+      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(sFileName)) {
-+         Error("ProcessLine()", "Cannot find file %s", filename);
-+         return 1;
-+      }
-+      std::ifstream instr(sFileName);
-+      TString content;
-+      content.ReadFile(instr);
-+      Printf("%s", content.Data());
-+      return 0;
-+   }
- Long_t TApplication::ProcessLine(const char *line, Bool_t sync, Int_t *err)
- {
-@@ -827,11 +843,41 @@ Long_t TApplication::ProcessLine(const char *line, 
Bool_t sync, Int_t *err)
-       return 0;
-    }
--   if (!strncmp(line, "?", 1)) {
-+   if (!strncmp(line, "?", 1) || !strncmp(line, ".help", 5)) {
-       Help(line);
-       return 1;
-    }
-+   if (!strncmp(line, ".demo", 5)) {
-+      if (gROOT->IsBatch()) {
-+         Error("ProcessLine", "Cannot show demos in batch mode!");
-+         return 1;
-+      }
-+      ProcessLine(".x " ROOTTUTDIR "/demos.C");
-+      ProcessLine(".x $(ROOTSYS)/tutorials/demos.C");
-+      return 0;
-+   }
-+   if (!strncmp(line, ".license", 8)) {
-+      return PrintFile(ROOTDOCDIR "/LICENSE");
-+      return PrintFile("$(ROOTSYS)/LICENSE");
-+   }
-+   if (!strncmp(line, ".credits", 8)) {
-+      return PrintFile(ROOTDOCDIR "/CREDITS");
-+      return PrintFile("$(ROOTSYS)/README/CREDITS");
-+   }
-    if (!strncmp(line, ".pwd", 4)) {
-       if (gDirectory)
-          Printf("Current directory: %s", gDirectory->GetPath());

diff --git a/sci-physics/root/files/root-6.00.01-cling.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index 146e89f..0000000
--- a/sci-physics/root/files/root-6.00.01-cling.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-commit eea9517c17bd86beda895a5a8b3ffe59af18596f
-Author: Axel Naumann <>
-Date:   Tue Jul 1 17:45:20 2014 +0200
-    From Pere: go via TSystem to use prefix if defined (ROOT-6410).
-diff --git a/core/meta/src/TCling.cxx b/core/meta/src/TCling.cxx
-index baec571..4976d4e 100644
---- a/core/meta/src/TCling.cxx
-+++ b/core/meta/src/TCling.cxx
-@@ -4703,7 +4703,7 @@ void* TCling::LazyFunctionCreatorAutoload(const 
std::string& mangled_name) {
-    TString lib;
-    Ssiz_t posLib = 0;
-    while (libs.Tokenize(lib, posLib)) {
--      if (Load(lib, kFALSE /*system*/) < 0) {
-+      if (gSystem->Load(lib, "", kFALSE /*system*/) < 0) {
-          // The library load failed, all done.
-          //fprintf(stderr, "load failed: %s\n", errmsg.c_str());
-          return 0;

diff --git a/sci-physics/root/metadata.xml b/sci-physics/root/metadata.xml
index 25b00d5..579f100 100644
--- a/sci-physics/root/metadata.xml
+++ b/sci-physics/root/metadata.xml
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
   GUI toolkit, and a complete visualization framework.
-    <flag name="c++0x"> Build ROOT using the C++11 standard</flag>
     <flag name="c++11"> Build ROOT using the C++11 standard</flag>
     <flag name="c++14"> Build ROOT using the C++14 standard</flag>
     <flag name="fits">Support for images and data from FITS files with 

diff --git a/sci-physics/root/root-5.34.18-r2.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7108ae3..0000000
--- a/sci-physics/root/root-5.34.18-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-physics/root/root-5.34.18-r1.ebuild,v 
1.3 2014/03/27 18:51:54 bicatali Exp $
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
-       inherit git-r3
-       EGIT_REPO_URI="";
-       SRC_URI=""
-       KEYWORDS=""
-       SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}_v${PV}.source.tar.gz";
-       KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_{6,7} )
-inherit elisp-common eutils fdo-mime fortran-2 multilib python-single-r1 \
-       toolchain-funcs user versionator
-DESCRIPTION="C++ data analysis framework and interpreter from CERN"
-SLOT="0/$(get_version_component_range 1-3 ${PV})"
-LICENSE="LGPL-2.1 freedist MSttfEULA LGPL-3 libpng UoI-NCSA"
-IUSE="+X afs avahi c++0x doc emacs examples fits fftw graphviz
-       kerberos ldap +math minimal mpi mysql odbc +opengl openmp
-       oracle postgres prefix pythia6 pythia8 python qt4 +reflex
-       ruby sqlite     ssl xinetd xml xrootd"
-       !X? ( !opengl !qt4 )
-       mpi? ( math !openmp )
-       openmp? ( math !mpi )
-       python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )"
-       app-arch/xz-utils:0=
-       >=dev-lang/cfortran-4.4-r2
-       dev-libs/libpcre:3=
-       media-fonts/dejavu
-       media-libs/freetype:2=
-       media-libs/giflib:0=
-       media-libs/libpng:0=
-       media-libs/tiff:0=
-       sys-libs/zlib:0=
-       virtual/jpeg:0
-       virtual/shadow
-       X? (
-               media-libs/ftgl:0=
-               media-libs/glew:0=
-               x11-libs/libX11:0=
-               x11-libs/libXext:0=
-               x11-libs/libXpm:0=
-               !minimal? (
-                       || (
-                               media-libs/libafterimage:0=[gif,jpeg,png,tiff]
-                               >=x11-wm/afterstep-2.2.11:0=[gif,jpeg,png,tiff]
-                       )
-                       opengl? ( virtual/opengl virtual/glu x11-libs/gl2ps:0= )
-                       qt4? (
-                               dev-qt/qtgui:4=
-                               dev-qt/qtopengl:4=
-                               dev-qt/qt3support:4=
-                               dev-qt/qtsvg:4=
-                               dev-qt/qtwebkit:4=
-                               dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns:4=
-                       )
-                       x11-libs/libXft:0=
-               )
-       )
-       !minimal? (
-               afs? ( net-fs/openafs )
-               avahi? ( net-dns/avahi:0= )
-               emacs? ( virtual/emacs )
-               fits? ( sci-libs/cfitsio:0= )
-               fftw? ( sci-libs/fftw:3.0= )
-               graphviz? ( media-gfx/graphviz:0= )
-               kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
-               ldap? ( net-nds/openldap:0= )
-               math? (
-                       sci-libs/gsl:0=
-                       sci-mathematics/unuran:0=
-                       mpi? ( virtual/mpi )
-               )
-               mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
-               odbc? ( || ( dev-db/libiodbc:0= dev-db/unixODBC:0= ) )
-               oracle? ( dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic:0= )
-               postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )
-               pythia6? ( sci-physics/pythia:6= )
-               pythia8? ( >=sci-physics/pythia-8.1.80:8= )
-               python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
-               ruby? (
-                       dev-lang/ruby
-                       dev-ruby/rubygems
-               )
-               sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3= )
-               ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
-               xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2:2= )
-               xrootd? ( >=net-libs/xrootd-3.3.5:0= )
-       )"
-       virtual/pkgconfig"
-       reflex? ( dev-cpp/gccxml )
-       xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd )"
-PDEPEND="doc? ( ~app-doc/root-docs-${PV}[math=] )"
-# install stuff in ${P} and not ${PF} for easier tracking in root-docs
-pkg_setup() {
-       fortran-2_pkg_setup
-       use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-       echo
-       elog "There are extra options on packages not yet in Gentoo:"
-       elog "Afdsmgrd, AliEn, castor, Chirp, dCache, gfal, Globus, gLite,"
-       elog "HDFS, Monalisa, MaxDB/SapDB, SRP."
-       elog "You can use the env variable EXTRA_ECONF variable for this."
-       elog "For example, for SRP, you would set: "
-       elog "EXTRA_ECONF=\"--enable-srp 
-       echo
-       enewgroup rootd
-       enewuser rootd -1 -1 /var/spool/rootd rootd
-       use minimal && return
-       if use math; then
-               if use openmp; then
-                       if [[ $(tc-getCXX)$ == *g++* ]] && ! tc-has-openmp; then
-                               ewarn "You are using a g++ without OpenMP 
-                               die "Need an OpenMP capable compiler"
-                       else
-                               export USE_OPENMP=1 USE_PARALLEL_MINUIT2=1
-                       fi
-               elif use mpi; then
-                       export USE_MPI=1 USE_PARALLEL_MINUIT2=1
-               fi
-       fi
-       if use c++0x && [[ $(tc-getCXX) == *g++* ]] && \
-               ! version_is_at_least "4.7" "$(gcc-version)"; then
-               eerror "You are using a g++ without C++0x capabilities"
-               die "Need an C++0x capable compiler"
-       fi
-src_prepare() {
-       epatch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.28.00b-glibc212.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.32.00-prop-flags.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.32.00-afs.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.32.00-cfitsio.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.32.00-chklib64.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.32.00-dotfont.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.34.05-nobyte-compile.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.34.13-unuran.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.34.13-desktop.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.34.18-tutorials-path.patch
-       # make sure we use system libs and headers
-       rm montecarlo/eg/inc/cfortran.h README/cfortran.doc || die
-       rm -r graf2d/asimage/src/libAfterImage || die
-       rm -r graf3d/ftgl/{inc,src} || die
-       rm -r graf2d/freetype/src || die
-       rm -r graf3d/glew/{inc,src} || die
-       rm -r core/pcre/src || die
-       rm -r math/unuran/src/unuran-*.tar.gz || die
-       LANG=C LC_ALL=C find core/zip -type f -name "[a-z]*" -print0 | \
-               xargs -0 rm || die
-       rm -r core/lzma/src/*.tar.gz || die
-       rm graf3d/gl/{inc,src}/gl2ps.* || die
-       sed -i -e 's/^GLLIBS *:= .* $(OPENGLLIB)/& -lgl2ps/' \
-               graf3d/gl/ || die
-       # In Gentoo, libPythia6 is called libpythia6
-       # iodbc is in /usr/include/iodbc
-       # pg_config.h is checked instead of libpq-fe.h
-       sed -i \
-               -e 's:libPythia6:libpythia6:g' \
-               -e 's:$ODBCINCDIR:$ODBCINCDIR /usr/include/iodbc:' \
-               -e 's:libpq-fe.h:pg_config.h:' \
-               configure || die "adjusting configure for Gentoo failed"
-       # prefixify the configure script
-       sed -i \
-               -e 's:/usr:${EPREFIX}/usr:g' \
-               configure || die "prefixify configure failed"
-       # fix reflex path (bug #497280)
-       sed -i -e 's|${ROOTSYS}/lib|@libdir@|' config/ || die
-       # QTDIR only used for qt3 in gentoo, and configure looks for it.
-       unset QTDIR
-src_configure() {
-       # the configure script is not the standard autotools
-       local myconf=(
-               --prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr"
-               --etcdir="${EPREFIX}/etc/root"
-               --libdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
-               --docdir="${EPREFIX}${DOC_DIR}"
-               --tutdir="${EPREFIX}${DOC_DIR}/examples/tutorials"
-               --testdir="${EPREFIX}${DOC_DIR}/examples/tests"
-               --with-cc="$(tc-getCC)"
-               --with-cxx="$(tc-getCXX)"
-               --with-f77="$(tc-getFC)"
-               --with-ld="$(tc-getCXX)"
-               --nohowto
-       )
-       if use minimal; then
-               myconf+=( $(usex X --gminimal --minimal) )
-       else
-               myconf+=(
-                       --with-afs-shared=yes
-                       --with-sys-iconpath="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/pixmaps"
-                       --disable-builtin-afterimage
-                       --disable-builtin-ftgl
-                       --disable-builtin-freetype
-                       --disable-builtin-glew
-                       --disable-builtin-pcre
-                       --disable-builtin-zlib
-                       --disable-builtin-lzma
-                       --disable-cling
-                       --enable-astiff
-                       --enable-explicitlink
-                       --enable-gdml
-                       --enable-memstat
-                       --enable-shadowpw
-                       --enable-shared
-                       --enable-soversion
-                       --enable-table
-                       --fail-on-missing
-                       $(use_enable X x11)
-                       $(use_enable X asimage)
-                       $(use_enable X xft)
-                       $(use_enable afs)
-                       $(use_enable avahi bonjour)
-                       $(use_enable c++0x cxx11)
-                       $(use_enable fits fitsio)
-                       $(use_enable fftw fftw3)
-                       $(use_enable graphviz gviz)
-                       $(use_enable kerberos krb5)
-                       $(use_enable ldap)
-                       $(use_enable math gsl-shared)
-                       $(use_enable math genvector)
-                       $(use_enable math mathmore)
-                       $(use_enable math minuit2)
-                       $(use_enable math roofit)
-                       $(use_enable math tmva)
-                       $(use_enable math unuran)
-                       $(use_enable mysql)
-                       $(usex mysql \
"--with-mysql-incdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/include/mysql" "")
-                       $(use_enable odbc)
-                       $(use_enable opengl)
-                       $(use_enable oracle)
-                       $(use_enable postgres pgsql)
-                       $(usex postgres \
-                               "--with-pgsql-incdir=$(pg_config --includedir)" 
-                       $(use_enable prefix rpath)
-                       $(use_enable pythia6)
-                       $(use_enable pythia8)
-                       $(use_enable python)
-                       $(use_enable qt4 qt)
-                       $(use_enable qt4 qtgsi)
-                       $(use_enable reflex cintex)
-                       $(use_enable reflex)
-                       $(use_enable ruby)
-                       $(use_enable sqlite)
-                       $(use_enable ssl)
-                       $(use_enable xml)
-                       $(use_enable xrootd)
-                       ${EXTRA_ECONF}
-               )
-       fi
-       ./configure ${myconf[@]} || die "configure failed"
-src_compile() {
-       emake \
-               OPT="${CXXFLAGS}" \
-               F77OPT="${FFLAGS}" \
-               ROOTSYS="${S}" \
-               LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/lib"
-       use emacs && ! use minimal && elisp-compile build/misc/*.el
-daemon_install() {
-       local daemons="rootd proofd"
-       dodir /var/spool/rootd
-       fowners rootd:rootd /var/spool/rootd
-       dodir /var/spool/rootd/{pub,tmp}
-       fperms 1777 /var/spool/rootd/{pub,tmp}
-       for i in ${daemons}; do
-               newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${i}.initd ${i}
-               newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${i}.confd ${i}
-       done
-       if use xinetd; then
-               insinto /etc/xinetd
-               doins "${S}"/etc/daemons/{rootd,proofd}.xinetd
-       fi
-desktop_install() {
-       cd "${S}"
-       echo "Icon=root-system-bin" >> etc/root.desktop
-       domenu etc/root.desktop
-       doicon build/package/debian/root-system-bin.png
-       insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/mimetypes
-       doins build/package/debian/application-x-root.png
-       insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
-       doicon build/package/debian/root-system-bin.xpm
-cleanup_install() {
-       # Cleanup of files either already distributed or unused on Gentoo
-       pushd "${ED}" > /dev/null
-       rm usr/share/root/fonts/LICENSE || die
-       rm etc/root/proof/*.sample || die
-       rm -r etc/root/daemons || die
-       # these should be in PATH
-       mv etc/root/proof/utils/pq2/pq2* usr/bin/ || die
-       use examples || rm -r ${DOC_DIR#/}/examples || die
-       cd usr/$(get_libdir)/root/cint/cint
-       rm lib/posix/mktypes lib/dll_stl/setup lib/G__* || die
-       rm lib/dll_stl/G__* lib/dll_stl/rootcint_* lib/posix/exten.o || die
-       rm include/makehpib || die
-       popd > /dev/null
-src_install() {
-       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
-       echo "LDPATH=${EPREFIX%/}/usr/$(get_libdir)/root" > 99root
-       if ! use minimal; then
-               use pythia8 && echo "PYTHIA8=${EPREFIX%/}/usr" >> 99root
-               if use python; then
-                       echo "PYTHONPATH=${EPREFIX%/}/usr/$(get_libdir)/root" 
>> 99root
-                       python_optimize "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/root"
-               fi
-               use ruby && \
-                       echo "RUBYLIB=${EPREFIX%/}/usr/$(get_libdir)/root" >> 
-               use emacs && elisp-install ${PN} build/misc/*.{el,elc}
-               if use examples; then
-                       # these should really be taken care of by the root make 
-                       insinto ${DOC_DIR}/examples/tutorials/tmva
-                       doins -r tmva/test
-               fi
-       fi
-       doenvd 99root
-       # The build system installs Emacs support unconditionally in the wrong
-       # directory. Remove it and call elisp-install in case of USE=emacs.
-       rm -r "${ED}"/usr/share/emacs || die
-       daemon_install
-       desktop_install
-       cleanup_install
-       # do not copress files used by ROOT's CLI (.credit, .demo, .license)
-       docompress -x "${DOC_DIR}"/{CREDITS,LICENSE,examples/tutorials}
-       # needed for .license command to work
-       dosym "${ED}"usr/portage/licenses/LGPL-2.1 "${DOC_DIR}/LICENSE"
-pkg_postinst() {
-       fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
-pkg_postrm() {
-       fdo-mime_desktop_database_update

diff --git a/sci-physics/root/root-6.00.01-r1.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index fae938e..0000000
--- a/sci-physics/root/root-6.00.01-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-physics/root/root-5.34.18-r1.ebuild,v 
1.3 2014/03/27 18:51:54 bicatali Exp $
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
-       inherit git-r3
-       EGIT_REPO_URI="";
-       KEYWORDS=""
-       SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}_v${PV}.source.tar.gz";
-       KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-       S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_{6,7} )
-inherit elisp-common eutils fdo-mime fortran-2 multilib python-single-r1 \
-       toolchain-funcs user versionator
-DESCRIPTION="C++ data analysis framework and interpreter from CERN"
-SLOT="0/$(get_version_component_range 1-3 ${PV})"
-LICENSE="LGPL-2.1 freedist MSttfEULA LGPL-3 libpng UoI-NCSA"
-IUSE="+X afs avahi doc emacs examples fits fftw geocad graphviz
-       http kerberos ldap +math minimal mpi mysql odbc +opengl openmp
-       oracle postgres prefix pythia6 pythia8 python qt4 sqlite ssl
-       xinetd xml xrootd"
-# TODO: add support for: davix
-# TODO: ROOT-6 supports x32 ABI, but half of its dependencies doesn't
-# TODO: unbundle: cling, vdt
-       mpi? ( math !openmp )
-       opengl? ( X )
-       openmp? ( math !mpi )
-       python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
-       qt4? ( X )
-       app-arch/xz-utils:0=
-       >=dev-lang/cfortran-4.4-r2
-       dev-libs/libpcre:3=
-       media-fonts/dejavu
-       media-libs/freetype:2=
-       media-libs/giflib:0=
-       media-libs/libpng:0=
-       media-libs/tiff:0=
-       >=sys-devel/clang-3.4
-       sys-libs/zlib:0=
-       virtual/jpeg:0
-       virtual/shadow
-       X? (
-               media-libs/ftgl:0=
-               media-libs/glew:0=
-               x11-libs/libX11:0=
-               x11-libs/libXext:0=
-               x11-libs/libXpm:0=
-               !minimal? (
-                       opengl? ( virtual/opengl virtual/glu x11-libs/gl2ps:0= )
-                       qt4? (
-                               dev-qt/qtgui:4=
-                               dev-qt/qtopengl:4=
-                               dev-qt/qt3support:4=
-                               dev-qt/qtsvg:4=
-                               dev-qt/qtwebkit:4=
-                               dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns:4=
-                       )
-                       x11-libs/libXft:0=
-               )
-       )
-       !minimal? (
-               afs? ( net-fs/openafs )
-               avahi? ( net-dns/avahi:0= )
-               emacs? ( virtual/emacs )
-               fits? ( sci-libs/cfitsio:0= )
-               fftw? ( sci-libs/fftw:3.0= )
-               geocad? ( sci-libs/opencascade:= )
-               graphviz? ( media-gfx/graphviz:0= )
-               http? ( dev-libs/fcgi:0= )
-               kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
-               ldap? ( net-nds/openldap:0= )
-               math? (
-                       sci-libs/gsl:0=
-                       sci-mathematics/unuran:0=
-                       mpi? ( virtual/mpi )
-               )
-               mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
-               odbc? ( || ( dev-db/libiodbc:0= dev-db/unixODBC:0= ) )
-               oracle? ( dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic:0= )
-               postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )
-               pythia6? ( sci-physics/pythia:6= )
-               pythia8? ( >=sci-physics/pythia-8.1.80:8= )
-               python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
-               sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3= )
-               ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
-               xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2:2= )
-               xrootd? ( >=net-libs/xrootd-3.3.5:0= )
-       )"
-# TODO: ruby is not yet ported to ROOT-6, reenable when (if?) ready
-#              ruby? (
-#                      dev-lang/ruby
-#                      dev-ruby/rubygems
-#              )
-# TODO: root-6.00.01 crashes with system libafterimage
-#                      || (
-#                              media-libs/libafterimage:0=[gif,jpeg,png,tiff]
-#                              >=x11-wm/afterstep-2.2.11:0=[gif,jpeg,png,tiff]
-#                      )
-#                      --disable-builtin-afterimage
-       virtual/pkgconfig"
-       xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd )"
-PDEPEND="doc? ( ~app-doc/root-docs-${PV}[http=,math=] )"
-# install stuff in ${P} and not ${PF} for easier tracking in root-docs
-die_compiler() {
-       die "Need one of the following C++11 capable compilers:"
-       die "    >=sys-devel/gcc[cxx]-4.8"
-       die "    >=sys-devel/clang-3.4"
-       die "    >=dev-lang/icc-13"
-pkg_setup() {
-       fortran-2_pkg_setup
-       use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-       echo
-       elog "There are extra options on packages not yet in Gentoo:"
-       elog "Afdsmgrd, AliEn, castor, Chirp, dCache, gfal, Globus, gLite,"
-       elog "HDFS, Monalisa, MaxDB/SapDB, SRP."
-       elog "You can use the env variable EXTRA_ECONF variable for this."
-       elog "For example, for SRP, you would set: "
-       elog "EXTRA_ECONF=\"--enable-srp 
-       echo
-       enewgroup rootd
-       enewuser rootd -1 -1 /var/spool/rootd rootd
-       use minimal && return
-       if use math; then
-               if use openmp; then
-                       if [[ $(tc-getCXX)$ == *g++* ]] && ! tc-has-openmp; then
-                               ewarn "You are using a g++ without OpenMP 
-                               die "Need an OpenMP capable compiler"
-                       else
-                               export USE_OPENMP=1 USE_PARALLEL_MINUIT2=1
-                       fi
-               elif use mpi; then
-                       export USE_MPI=1 USE_PARALLEL_MINUIT2=1
-               fi
-       fi
-       # check for supported compilers
-       case $(tc-getCXX) in
-               *g++*)
-                       if ! version_is_at_least "4.8" "$(gcc-version)"; then
-                               eerror "You are using a g++ without C++11 
-                               die_compiler
-                       fi
-               ;;
-               *clang++*)
-                       # >=clang-3.4 is already in DEPEND
-               ;;
-               *icc*|*icpc*)
-                       if ! version_is_at_least "13" "$(has_version 
dev-lang/icc)"; then
-                               eerror "You are using an icc without C++11 
-                               die_compiler
-                       fi
-               ;;
-               *)
-                       ewarn "You are using an unsupported compiler."
-                       ewarn "Please report any issues upstream."
-               ;;
-       esac
-src_prepare() {
-       epatch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.28.00b-glibc212.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.32.00-afs.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.32.00-cfitsio.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.32.00-chklib64.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.34.13-unuran.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.34.13-desktop.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.00.01-dotfont.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.00.01-nobyte-compile.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.00.01-prop-flags.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.00.01-llvm.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.00.01-geocad.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.00.01-cling.patch \
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.00.01-tutorials-path.patch
-       # make sure we use system libs and headers
-       rm montecarlo/eg/inc/cfortran.h README/cfortran.doc || die
-       #rm -r graf2d/asimage/src/libAfterImage || die
-       rm -r graf3d/ftgl/{inc,src} || die
-       rm -r graf2d/freetype/src || die
-       rm -r graf3d/glew/{inc,src} || die
-       rm -r core/pcre/src || die
-       rm -r math/unuran/src/unuran-*.tar.gz || die
-       LANG=C LC_ALL=C find core/zip -type f -name "[a-z]*" -print0 | \
-               xargs -0 rm || die
-       rm -r core/lzma/src/*.tar.gz || die
-       rm graf3d/gl/{inc,src}/gl2ps.* || die
-       sed -i -e 's/^GLLIBS *:= .* $(OPENGLLIB)/& -lgl2ps/' \
-               graf3d/gl/ || die
-       # In Gentoo, libPythia6 is called libpythia6
-       # iodbc is in /usr/include/iodbc
-       # pg_config.h is checked instead of libpq-fe.h
-       sed -i \
-               -e 's:libPythia6:libpythia6:g' \
-               -e 's:$ODBCINCDIR:$ODBCINCDIR /usr/include/iodbc:' \
-               -e 's:libpq-fe.h:pg_config.h:' \
-               configure || die "adjusting configure for Gentoo failed"
-       # prefixify the configure script
-       sed -i \
-               -e 's:/usr:${EPREFIX}/usr:g' \
-               configure || die "prefixify configure failed"
-       # CSS should use local images
-       sed -i -e 's,http://.*/images/,,' etc/html/ROOT.css || die "html sed 
-# NB: ROOT uses bundled LLVM, because it is patched and API-incompatible with
-# system LLVM.
-# NB: As of cmake is not ready as it can't fully replace configure,
-# e.g. for afs and geocad.
-src_configure() {
-       local -a myconf
-       # Some compilers need special care
-       case $(tc-getCXX) in
-               *clang++*)
-                       myconf=(
-                               --with-clang
-                               --with-f77="$(tc-getFC)"
-                       )
-               ;;
-               *icc*|*icpc*)
-                       # For icc we need to provide architecture manually
-                       # and not to tamper with tc-get*
-                       use x86 && myconf=( linuxicc )
-                       use amd64 && myconf=( linuxx8664icc )
-               ;;
-               *)      # gcc goes here too
-                       myconf=(
-                               --with-cc="$(tc-getCC)"
-                               --with-cxx="$(tc-getCXX)"
-                               --with-f77="$(tc-getFC)"
-                               --with-ld="$(tc-getCXX)"
-                       )
-               ;;
-       esac
-       # the configure script is not the standard autotools
-       myconf+=(
-               --prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr"
-               --etcdir="${EPREFIX}/etc/root"
-               --libdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
-               --docdir="${EPREFIX}${DOC_DIR}"
-               --tutdir="${EPREFIX}${DOC_DIR}/examples/tutorials"
-               --testdir="${EPREFIX}${DOC_DIR}/examples/tests"
-               --disable-werror
-               --nohowto
-       )
-       if use minimal; then
-               myconf+=( $(usex X --gminimal --minimal) )
-       else
-               myconf+=(
-                       --with-afs-shared=yes
-                       --with-sys-iconpath="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/pixmaps"
-                       --disable-builtin-ftgl
-                       --disable-builtin-freetype
-                       --disable-builtin-glew
-                       --disable-builtin-pcre
-                       --disable-builtin-zlib
-                       --disable-builtin-lzma
-                       --enable-astiff
-                       --enable-explicitlink
-                       --enable-gdml
-                       --enable-memstat
-                       --enable-shadowpw
-                       --enable-shared
-                       --enable-soversion
-                       --enable-table
-                       --fail-on-missing
-                       $(use_enable X x11)
-                       $(use_enable X asimage)
-                       $(use_enable X xft)
-                       $(use_enable afs)
-                       $(use_enable avahi bonjour)
-                       $(use_enable fits fitsio)
-                       $(use_enable fftw fftw3)
-                       $(use_enable geocad)
-                       $(use_enable graphviz gviz)
-                       $(use_enable kerberos krb5)
-                       $(use_enable ldap)
-                       $(use_enable math genvector)
-                       $(use_enable math gsl-shared)
-                       $(use_enable math mathmore)
-                       $(use_enable math minuit2)
-                       $(use_enable math roofit)
-                       $(use_enable math tmva)
-                       $(use_enable math vc)
-                       $(use_enable math vdt)
-                       $(use_enable math unuran)
-                       $(use_enable mysql)
-                       $(usex mysql \
"--with-mysql-incdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/include/mysql" "")
-                       $(use_enable odbc)
-                       $(use_enable opengl)
-                       $(use_enable oracle)
-                       $(use_enable postgres pgsql)
-                       $(usex postgres \
-                               "--with-pgsql-incdir=$(pg_config --includedir)" 
-                       $(use_enable prefix rpath)
-                       $(use_enable pythia6)
-                       $(use_enable pythia8)
-                       $(use_enable python)
-                       $(use_enable qt4 qt)
-                       $(use_enable qt4 qtgsi)
-                       $(use_enable sqlite)
-                       $(use_enable ssl)
-                       $(use_enable xml)
-                       $(use_enable xrootd)
-                       ${EXTRA_ECONF}
-               )
-       fi
-       ./configure ${myconf[@]} || die "configure failed"
-src_compile() {
-       emake \
-               OPT="${CXXFLAGS}" \
-               F77OPT="${FFLAGS}" \
-               ROOTSYS="${S}" \
-               LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/lib"
-       use emacs && ! use minimal && elisp-compile build/misc/*.el
-daemon_install() {
-       local daemons="rootd proofd"
-       dodir /var/spool/rootd
-       fowners rootd:rootd /var/spool/rootd
-       dodir /var/spool/rootd/{pub,tmp}
-       fperms 1777 /var/spool/rootd/{pub,tmp}
-       for i in ${daemons}; do
-               newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${i}.initd ${i}
-               newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${i}.confd ${i}
-       done
-       if use xinetd; then
-               insinto /etc/xinetd
-               doins "${S}"/etc/daemons/{rootd,proofd}.xinetd
-       fi
-desktop_install() {
-       cd "${S}"
-       echo "Icon=root-system-bin" >> etc/root.desktop
-       domenu etc/root.desktop
-       doicon build/package/debian/root-system-bin.png
-       insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/mimetypes
-       doins build/package/debian/application-x-root.png
-       insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
-       doicon build/package/debian/root-system-bin.xpm
-cleanup_install() {
-       # Cleanup of files either already distributed or unused on Gentoo
-       pushd "${ED}" > /dev/null
-       rm usr/share/root/fonts/LICENSE || die
-       rm etc/root/proof/*.sample || die
-       rm -r etc/root/daemons || die
-       # these should be in PATH
-       mv etc/root/proof/utils/pq2/pq2* usr/bin/ || die
-       rm ${DOC_DIR#/}/{INSTALL,LICENSE} || die
-       use examples || rm -r ${DOC_DIR#/}/examples || die
-src_install() {
-       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
-       dodoc
-       echo "LDPATH=${EPREFIX%/}/usr/$(get_libdir)/root" > 99root
-       if ! use minimal; then
-               use pythia8 && echo "PYTHIA8=${EPREFIX%/}/usr" >> 99root
-               if use python; then
-                       echo "PYTHONPATH=${EPREFIX%/}/usr/$(get_libdir)/root" 
>> 99root
-                       python_optimize "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/root"
-               fi
-               use emacs && elisp-install ${PN} build/misc/*.{el,elc}
-               if use examples; then
-                       # these should really be taken care of by the root make 
-                       insinto ${DOC_DIR}/examples/tutorials/tmva
-                       doins -r tmva/test
-               fi
-       fi
-       doenvd 99root
-       # The build system installs Emacs support unconditionally in the wrong
-       # directory. Remove it and call elisp-install in case of USE=emacs.
-       rm -r "${ED}"/usr/share/emacs || die
-       daemon_install
-       desktop_install
-       cleanup_install
-       # do not copress files used by ROOT's CLI (.credit, .demo, .license)
-       docompress -x "${DOC_DIR}"/{CREDITS,LICENSE,examples/tutorials}
-       # needed for .license command to work
-       dosym "${ED}"usr/portage/licenses/LGPL-2.1 "${DOC_DIR}/LICENSE"
-pkg_postinst() {
-       fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
-pkg_postrm() {
-       fdo-mime_desktop_database_update

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