commit:     1df477fd4b9939a18dfc6eb5ee6d651a84418c76
Author:     orbea <orbea <AT> riseup <DOT> net>
AuthorDate: Fri Sep 27 15:17:33 2024 +0000
Commit:     orbea <orbea <AT> riseup <DOT> net>
CommitDate: Fri Sep 27 15:17:33 2024 +0000

dev-qt/qtbase: add 6.7.3

Signed-off-by: orbea <orbea <AT>>

 dev-qt/qtbase/Manifest            |   1 +
 dev-qt/qtbase/qtbase-6.7.3.ebuild | 366 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 367 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dev-qt/qtbase/Manifest b/dev-qt/qtbase/Manifest
index 24deb29..fc60f6c 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtbase/Manifest
+++ b/dev-qt/qtbase/Manifest
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 DIST qtbase-everywhere-src-6.7.2.tar.xz 49364504 BLAKE2B 
+DIST qtbase-everywhere-src-6.7.3.tar.xz 49426156 BLAKE2B 

diff --git a/dev-qt/qtbase/qtbase-6.7.3.ebuild 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c67ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtbase/qtbase-6.7.3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# Copyright 2021-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit flag-o-matic qt6-build toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Cross-platform application development framework"
+if [[ ${QT6_BUILD_TYPE} == release ]]; then
+       KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc 
+declare -A QT6_IUSE=(
+       [global]="+ssl +udev zstd"
+       [core]="icu journald syslog"
+       [modules]="+concurrent +dbus +gui +network +sql +xml"
+       [gui]="
+               +X accessibility eglfs evdev gles2-only +libinput
+               opengl renderdoc tslib vulkan wayland +widgets
+       "
+       [network]="brotli gssapi libproxy sctp"
+       [sql]="mysql oci8 odbc postgres +sqlite"
+       [widgets]="cups gtk"
+       [optfeature]="nls" #810802
+       ?? ( journald syslog )
+       $(
+               printf '%s? ( gui ) ' ${QT6_IUSE[gui]//+/}
+               printf '%s? ( network ) ' ${QT6_IUSE[network]//+/}
+               printf '%s? ( sql ) ' ${QT6_IUSE[sql]//+/}
+               printf '%s? ( gui widgets ) ' ${QT6_IUSE[widgets]//+/}
+       )
+       accessibility? ( dbus )
+       eglfs? ( opengl )
+       gles2-only? ( opengl )
+       gui? ( || ( X eglfs wayland ) )
+       libinput? ( udev )
+       sql? ( || ( ${QT6_IUSE[sql]//+/} ) )
+       test? ( icu sql? ( sqlite ) )
+# groups:
+# - global (configure.cmake)
+# - qtcore (src/corelib/configure.cmake)
+# - qtgui (src/gui/configure.cmake)
+# - qtnetwork (src/network/configure.cmake)
+# - qtprintsupport (src/printsupport/configure.cmake) [gui+widgets]
+# - qtsql (src/plugins/sqldrivers/configure.cmake)
+# nolink: renderdoc, systemd
+       sys-libs/zlib:=
+       ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:= )
+       udev? ( virtual/libudev:= )
+       zstd? ( app-arch/zstd:= )
+       app-crypt/libb2
+       dev-libs/double-conversion:=
+       dev-libs/glib:2
+       dev-libs/libpcre2:=[pcre16,unicode(+)]
+       icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
+       journald? ( sys-apps/systemd )
+       dbus? ( sys-apps/dbus )
+       gui? (
+               media-libs/fontconfig
+               media-libs/freetype:2
+               media-libs/harfbuzz:=
+               media-libs/libjpeg-turbo:=
+               media-libs/libpng:=
+               x11-libs/libdrm
+               x11-libs/libxkbcommon[X?]
+               X? (
+                       x11-libs/libICE
+                       x11-libs/libSM
+                       x11-libs/libX11
+                       x11-libs/libxcb:=
+                       x11-libs/xcb-util-cursor
+                       x11-libs/xcb-util-image
+                       x11-libs/xcb-util-keysyms
+                       x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
+                       x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
+               )
+               accessibility? ( app-accessibility/at-spi2-core:2 )
+               eglfs? ( media-libs/mesa[gbm(+)] )
+               evdev? ( sys-libs/mtdev )
+               libinput? ( dev-libs/libinput:= )
+               opengl? (
+                       gles2-only? ( media-libs/libglvnd )
+                       !gles2-only? ( media-libs/libglvnd[X?] )
+               )
+               renderdoc? ( media-gfx/renderdoc )
+               tslib? ( x11-libs/tslib )
+               widgets? (
+                       cups? ( net-print/cups )
+                       gtk? (
+                               x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf:2
+                               >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.41-r1:3[X?,wayland?]
+                               x11-libs/pango
+                       )
+               )
+       )
+       network? (
+               brotli? ( app-arch/brotli:= )
+               gssapi? ( virtual/krb5 )
+               libproxy? ( net-libs/libproxy )
+       )
+       sql? (
+               mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c:= )
+               oci8? ( dev-db/oracle-instantclient:=[sdk] )
+               odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
+               postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:* )
+               sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
+       )
+       ${COMMON_DEPEND}
+       syslog? ( virtual/logger )
+       ${COMMON_DEPEND}
+       X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )
+       gui? (
+               vulkan? ( dev-util/vulkan-headers )
+       )
+       network? (
+               sctp? ( net-misc/lksctp-tools )
+       )
+       test? (
+               elibc_musl? ( sys-libs/timezone-data )
+       )
+BDEPEND="zstd? ( app-arch/libarchive[zstd] )" #910392
+       nls? ( ~dev-qt/qttranslations-${PV}:6 )
+       wayland? ( ~dev-qt/qtwayland-${PV}:6 )
+       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.6.0-libressl.patch
+       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.5.2-hppa-forkfd-grow-stack.patch
+       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.5.2-no-symlink-check.patch
+       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.6.1-forkfd-childstack-size.patch
+       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.6.3-gcc14-avx512fp16.patch
+       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.7.2-qcontiguouscache.patch
+       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.7.2-haswell-no-rdrnd.patch
+src_prepare() {
+       qt6-build_src_prepare
+       if use test; then
+               # test itself has -Werror=strict-aliasing issues, drop for 
+               sed -e '/add_subdirectory(qsharedpointer)/d' \
+                       -i tests/auto/corelib/tools/CMakeLists.txt || die
+               # workaround for __extendhfxf2 being used for tst_qfloat16.cpp
+               # which is unavailable with compiler-rt (assume used if clang)
+               if tc-is-clang; then
+                       sed -e '/add_subdirectory(qfloat16)/d' \
+                               -i tests/auto/corelib/global/CMakeLists.txt || 
+               fi
+       fi
+src_configure() {
+       if use gtk; then
+               # defang automagic dependencies (bug #624960)
+               use X || append-cxxflags -DGENTOO_GTK_HIDE_X11
+               use wayland || append-cxxflags -DGENTOO_GTK_HIDE_WAYLAND
+       fi
+       local mycmakeargs=(
+               -DBUILD_WITH_PCH=OFF
+               -DINSTALL_BINDIR="${QT6_BINDIR}"
+               -DINSTALL_DATADIR="${QT6_DATADIR}"
+               -DINSTALL_DOCDIR="${QT6_DOCDIR}"
+               -DINSTALL_LIBDIR="${QT6_LIBDIR}"
+               -DINSTALL_QMLDIR="${QT6_QMLDIR}"
+               -DQT_UNITY_BUILD=ON # ~30% faster build, affects other dev-qt/* 
+               -DQT_FEATURE_relocatable=OFF #927691
+               $(qt_feature ssl openssl)
+               $(qt_feature ssl openssl_linked)
+               $(qt_feature udev libudev)
+               $(qt_feature zstd)
+               # qtcore
+               $(qt_feature icu)
+               $(qt_feature journald)
+               $(qt_feature syslog)
+               # tools
+               -DQT_FEATURE_androiddeployqt=OFF
+               # modules
+               $(qt_feature concurrent)
+               $(qt_feature dbus)
+               $(qt_feature gui)
+               $(qt_feature network)
+               $(qt_feature sql)
+               # trivial, and is often needed (sometimes even when not 
building tests)
+               -DQT_FEATURE_testlib=ON
+               $(qt_feature xml)
+       )
+       use gui && mycmakeargs+=(
+               $(qt_feature X xcb)
+               $(qt_feature X system_xcb_xinput)
+               $(qt_feature X xkbcommon_x11)
+               $(cmake_use_find_package X X11) # needed for truly no automagic
+               $(qt_feature accessibility accessibility_atspi_bridge)
+               $(qt_feature eglfs)
+               $(qt_feature evdev)
+               $(qt_feature evdev mtdev)
+               $(qt_feature libinput)
+               $(qt_feature renderdoc graphicsframecapture)
+               $(qt_feature tslib)
+               $(qt_feature vulkan)
+               $(qt_feature wayland)
+               $(qt_feature widgets)
+               -DINPUT_opengl=$(usex opengl $(usex gles2-only es2 desktop) no)
+               -DQT_FEATURE_system_textmarkdownreader=OFF # TODO?: package md4c
+       ) && use widgets && mycmakeargs+=(
+               # note: qtprintsupport is enabled w/ gui+widgets regardless of 
+               $(qt_feature cups)
+               $(qt_feature gtk gtk3)
+       )
+       use network && mycmakeargs+=(
+               $(qt_feature brotli)
+               $(qt_feature gssapi)
+               $(qt_feature libproxy)
+               $(qt_feature sctp)
+               $(usev test -DQT_SKIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE=ON)
+               -DQT_FEATURE_dtls=OFF # Required for LibreSSL
+       )
+       use sql && mycmakeargs+=(
+               -DQT_FEATURE_sql_db2=OFF # unpackaged
+               -DQT_FEATURE_sql_ibase=OFF # unpackaged
+               -DQT_FEATURE_sql_mimer=OFF # unpackaged
+               $(qt_feature mysql sql_mysql)
+               $(qt_feature oci8 sql_oci)
+               $(usev oci8 
+               $(qt_feature odbc sql_odbc)
+               $(qt_feature postgres sql_psql)
+               $(qt_feature sqlite sql_sqlite)
+               $(qt_feature sqlite system_sqlite)
+       )
+       qt6-build_src_configure
+src_test() {
+       local -x TZ=UTC
+       local -x LC_TIME=C
+       local CMAKE_SKIP_TESTS=(
+               # broken with out-of-source + if qtbase is not already installed
+               tst_moc
+               tst_qmake
+               # similarly broken when relocatable=OFF (bug #927691)
+               tst_qapplication
+               tst_qt_cmake_create
+               tst_uic
+               # needs x11/opengl, we *could* run these but tend to be flaky
+               # when opengl rendering is involved (even if software-only)
+               tst_qopengl{,config,widget,window}
+               tst_qgraphicsview
+               tst_qx11info
+               # fails with network sandbox
+               tst_qdnslookup
+               # fails with sandbox
+               tst_qsharedmemory
+               # typical to lack SCTP support on non-generic kernels
+               tst_qsctpsocket
+               # randomly fails without -j1, and not worth it over this (bug 
+               tst_qfiledialog{,2}
+               # may randomly hang+timeout, perhaps related to -j as well
+               tst_qprocess #936484
+               tst_qtimer
+               # these can be flaky depending on the environment/toolchain
+               tst_qlogging # backtrace log test can easily vary
+               tst_q{,raw}font # affected by available fonts / settings (bug 
+               tst_qprinter # checks system's printers (bug #916216)
+               tst_qhighdpi # may detect users' settings and fail (bug #935364)
+               tst_qstorageinfo # checks mounted filesystems
+               # flaky due to using different test framework and fails with 
+               tst_selftests
+               # known failing when using clang+glibc+stdc++, needs looking 
+               tst_qthread
+               # partially failing on x86 chroots and seemingly(?) harmless 
+               # revdeps tests pass), skip globally to avoid keywording 
+               tst_json
+               tst_qcolorspace
+               tst_qdoublevalidator
+               tst_qglobal
+               tst_qglyphrun
+               tst_qvectornd
+               tst_rcc
+               # similarly, but on armv7 and potentially others (bug #914028)
+               tst_qlineedit
+               tst_qpainter
+               # likewise, known failing on BE arches (bug 
+               tst_qimagereader
+               tst_qimagewriter
+               tst_qpluginloader
+               tst_quuid # >=6.6.2 had related fixes, needs retesting
+               # partially broken on llvm-musl, needs looking into but skip to 
+               # a baseline for regressions (rest of dev-qt still passes with 
+               $(usev elibc_musl '
+                       tst_qicoimageformat
+                       tst_qimagereader
+                       tst_qimage
+               ')
+               # fails due to hppa's NaN handling, needs looking into (bug 
+               $(usev hppa '
+                       tst_qcborvalue
+                       tst_qnumeric
+               ')
+               # bug #914033
+               $(usev sparc '
+                       tst_qbuffer
+                       tst_qtconcurrentiteratekernel
+               ')
+               # note: for linux, upstream only really runs+maintains tests 
for amd64
+               #
+       )
+       qt6-build_src_test
+src_install() {
+       qt6-build_src_install
+       if use test; then
+               local delete_bins=( # need a better way to handle this
+                       clientserver copier crashingServer 
+                       echo fileWriterProcess modal_helper nospace 'one space'
+                       paster qcommandlineparser_test_helper 
+                       socketprocess syslocaleapp tst_qhashseed_helper 'two 
space s'
+                       write-read-write
+               )
+               local delete=( # sigh
+                       "${D}${QT6_BINDIR}"/test*
+                       "${delete_bins[@]/#/${D}${QT6_BINDIR}/}"
+               )
+               # using -f given not tracking which tests may be skipped or not
+               rm -rf -- "${delete[@]}" || die
+       fi

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