commit:     622f59e420f92062cc093b6ba540a15f03e56358
Author:     Brian Dolbec <dolsen <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan  9 05:57:34 2015 +0000
Commit:     Brian Dolbec <dolsen <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Jan  9 06:07:44 2015 +0000

gkeys/ Partially update removekey()

The removal code is completely wrong if there are multiple keys installed in 
one keyring.
Everything below my comments needs a complete re-do.
Disabling the remove-key action until refactored.

 gkeys/gkeys/ |  2 +-
 gkeys/gkeys/    | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gkeys/gkeys/ b/gkeys/gkeys/
index fc5bfb0..b9224ea 100644
--- a/gkeys/gkeys/
+++ b/gkeys/gkeys/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Seed_Actions = ['----seeds----', 'add-seed', 'fetch-seed',
     'list-seed', 'list-seedfiles', 'remove-seed']
 Key_Actions = ['----keys-----', 'check-key', 'installed',
-    'install-key', 'list-key', 'refresh-key', 'remove-key',
+    'install-key', 'list-key', 'refresh-key',
     'search-key', 'spec-check']
 General_Actions = ['---general---', 'list-cats', 'sign','verify']

diff --git a/gkeys/gkeys/ b/gkeys/gkeys/
index 59929cd..23c71fc 100644
--- a/gkeys/gkeys/
+++ b/gkeys/gkeys/
@@ -491,21 +491,40 @@ class Actions(object):
         handler = SeedHandler(self.logger, self.config)
         kwargs = handler.build_gkeydict(args)
         self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: removekey; kwargs: %s" % str(kwargs))
-        success, installed_keys = self.installed(args)[1]
-        for gkey in installed_keys:
-            if kwargs['nick'] not in gkey.nick:
-                messages = ["%s does not seem to be a valid key." % 
+        seeds = handler.load_category(args.category)
+        messages = []
+        if args.nick == '*':
+            self.output([''],'Remove All keys in category: %s' % args.category)
+            ans = py_input ("Do you really want to remove ALL of keys?[y/n]: ")
+            while ans not in ["yes", "y", "no", "n"]:
+                ans = py_input ("Do you really want to remove ALL keys?[y/n]: 
+            if ans in ["no", "n"]:
+                messages.append("Key removal aborted... Nothing to be done.")
+                return (True, messages)
+            keyresults = seeds.seeds
+        else:
+            keyresults = seeds.list(**kwargs)
+        self.output('', '\n Removing keys...')
+        success = True
+        print(keyresults)
+        for gkey in sorted(keyresults):
+            if kwargs['nick'] != '*' and  kwargs['nick'] not in gkey.nick:
+                messages.append("%s does not seem to be a valid key." % 
                 success = False
                 self.output(['', [gkey]], '\n Found GKEY seed:')
                 ans = py_input ("Do you really want to remove %s?[y/n]: "
-                                % kwargs['nick']).lower()
+                                % kwargs['nick'].lower())
                 while ans not in ["yes", "y", "no", "n"]:
                     ans = py_input ("Do you really want to remove %s?[y/n]: "
-                                    % kwargs['nick']).lower()
+                                    % kwargs['nick'].lower())
                 if ans in ["no", "n"]:
-                    messages = ["Key removal aborted... Nothing to be done."]
+                    messages.append("Key removal aborted... Nothing to be 
+                    ## This next code is total crap  now
+                    ## re-write it from scratch
+                    ## there could be multiple keys installed in one keyring
+                    ## this code just rm's everything.
                     keyring = self.config.get_key('keyring')
                     catdir = os.path.join(keyring, args.category)
                     rm_candidate = os.path.join(catdir, gkey.nick)
@@ -513,9 +532,9 @@ class Actions(object):
                     if args.category:
-                            messages = ["Done removing %s key." % 
+                            messages.append("Done removing %s key." % 
                         except OSError:
-                            messages = ["%s directory does not exist." % 
+                            messages.append("%s directory does not exist." % 
                             success = False
         return (success, messages)

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