commit:     b02edae84b979b6a303de9a9410a57bfa33386d3
Author:     Aaron W. Swenson <titanofold <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Mon Aug 15 16:52:47 2022 +0000
Commit:     Aaron W. Swenson <titanofold <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Mon Aug 15 16:52:47 2022 +0000
dev-db/postgresql: Security bump

Vulnerability CVE-2022-2625 addressed by bump to:
- 10.22
- 11.17
- 12.12
- 13.8
- 14.5
- 15_beta3

Also, pgbench is installed with -server again.

Removed unused eclasses multilib and prefix.


Signed-off-by: Aaron W. Swenson <titanofold <AT>>

 dev-db/postgresql/Manifest                         |   6 +
 .../files/postgresql-13.8-no-server.patch          | 144 ++++++++++
 .../files/postgresql-14.5-no-server.patch          | 146 +++++++++++
 .../files/postgresql-15_beta3-no-server.patch      | 146 +++++++++++
 ...tgresql-9999.ebuild => postgresql-10.22.ebuild} | 285 ++++++++++----------
 ...tgresql-9999.ebuild => postgresql-11.17.ebuild} | 289 ++++++++++-----------
 ...tgresql-9999.ebuild => postgresql-12.12.ebuild} | 289 ++++++++++-----------
 ...stgresql-9999.ebuild => postgresql-13.8.ebuild} | 273 ++++++++++---------
 ...stgresql-9999.ebuild => postgresql-14.5.ebuild} | 266 +++++++++----------
 ...esql-9999.ebuild => postgresql-15_beta3.ebuild} | 264 +++++++++----------
 dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild           |   7 +-
 11 files changed, 1225 insertions(+), 890 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/Manifest b/dev-db/postgresql/Manifest
index 30f18e1224c6..9728a27e7cda 100644
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/Manifest
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/Manifest
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
 DIST postgresql-10.19.tar.bz2 19261478 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-10.20.tar.bz2 19371473 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-10.21.tar.bz2 19409454 BLAKE2B 
+DIST postgresql-10.22.tar.bz2 19455874 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-11.14.tar.bz2 20172910 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-11.15.tar.bz2 20245750 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-11.16.tar.bz2 20347100 BLAKE2B 
+DIST postgresql-11.17.tar.bz2 20385599 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-12.10.tar.bz2 20990621 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-12.11.tar.bz2 21086745 BLAKE2B 
+DIST postgresql-12.12.tar.bz2 21089064 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-12.9.tar.bz2 20904260 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-13.5.tar.bz2 21186674 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-13.6.tar.bz2 21257213 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-13.7.tar.bz2 21364433 BLAKE2B 
+DIST postgresql-13.8.tar.bz2 21397381 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-14.1.tar.bz2 21887101 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-14.2.tar.bz2 21964841 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-14.4.tar.bz2 22094218 BLAKE2B 
+DIST postgresql-14.5.tar.bz2 22132996 BLAKE2B 
 DIST postgresql-15beta2.tar.bz2 23511057 BLAKE2B 
+DIST postgresql-15beta3.tar.bz2 23585136 BLAKE2B 

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-13.8-no-server.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..295df7087c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-13.8-no-server.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+--- a/contrib/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/Makefile
+@@ -5,56 +5,9 @@
+ include $(top_builddir)/src/
+-              adminpack       \
+-              amcheck         \
+-              auth_delay      \
+-              auto_explain    \
+-              bloom           \
+-              btree_gin       \
+-              btree_gist      \
+-              citext          \
+-              cube            \
+-              dblink          \
+-              dict_int        \
+-              dict_xsyn       \
+-              earthdistance   \
+-              file_fdw        \
+-              fuzzystrmatch   \
+-              hstore          \
+-              intagg          \
+-              intarray        \
+-              isn             \
+-              lo              \
+-              ltree           \
+               oid2name        \
+-              pageinspect     \
+-              passwordcheck   \
+-              pg_buffercache  \
+-              pg_freespacemap \
+-              pg_prewarm      \
+-              pg_standby      \
+-              pg_stat_statements \
+-              pg_trgm         \
+-              pgcrypto        \
+-              pgrowlocks      \
+-              pgstattuple     \
+-              pg_visibility   \
+-              postgres_fdw    \
+-              seg             \
+-              spi             \
+-              tablefunc       \
+-              tcn             \
+-              test_decoding   \
+-              tsm_system_rows \
+-              tsm_system_time \
+-              unaccent        \
+               vacuumlo
+-ifeq ($(with_openssl),yes)
+-SUBDIRS += sslinfo
+-ALWAYS_SUBDIRS += sslinfo
+ ifneq ($(with_uuid),no)
+ SUBDIRS += uuid-ossp
+--- a/src/backend/Makefile
++++ b/src/backend/Makefile
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ ##########################################################################
+-all: submake-libpgport submake-catalog-headers submake-utils-headers postgres 
++all: generated-headers
+ ifneq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
+ ifneq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
+@@ -195,23 +195,7 @@
+ ##########################################################################
+-install: all installdirs install-bin
+-ifeq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
+-ifeq ($(MAKE_DLL), true)
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) libpostgres.a '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpostgres.a'
+-ifeq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
+-ifeq ($(MAKE_DLL), true)
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) libpostgres.a '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpostgres.a'
+-      $(MAKE) -C catalog install-data
+-      $(MAKE) -C tsearch install-data
+-      $(MAKE) -C utils install-data
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/libpq/pg_hba.conf.sample 
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/libpq/pg_ident.conf.sample 
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample 
+ ifeq ($(with_llvm), yes)
+ install-bin: install-postgres-bitcode
+--- a/src/bin/Makefile
++++ b/src/bin/Makefile
+@@ -14,21 +14,8 @@
+ include $(top_builddir)/src/
+-      initdb \
+-      pg_archivecleanup \
+-      pg_basebackup \
+-      pg_checksums \
+       pg_config \
+-      pg_controldata \
+-      pg_ctl \
+       pg_dump \
+-      pg_resetwal \
+-      pg_rewind \
+-      pg_test_fsync \
+-      pg_test_timing \
+-      pg_upgrade \
+-      pg_verifybackup \
+-      pg_waldump \
+       pgbench \
+       psql \
+       scripts
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -15,21 +15,12 @@
+       common \
+       port \
+-      timezone \
+       backend \
+-      backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs \
+-      backend/snowball \
+       include \
+       interfaces \
+-      backend/replication/libpqwalreceiver \
+-      backend/replication/pgoutput \
+       fe_utils \
+       bin \
+-      pl \
+-      makefiles \
+-      test/regress \
+-      test/isolation \
+-      test/perl
++      makefiles
+ ifeq ($(with_llvm), yes)
+ SUBDIRS += backend/jit/llvm

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-14.5-no-server.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..87bd89b68f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-14.5-no-server.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+--- a/contrib/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/Makefile
+@@ -5,57 +5,9 @@
+ include $(top_builddir)/src/
+-              adminpack       \
+-              amcheck         \
+-              auth_delay      \
+-              auto_explain    \
+-              bloom           \
+-              btree_gin       \
+-              btree_gist      \
+-              citext          \
+-              cube            \
+-              dblink          \
+-              dict_int        \
+-              dict_xsyn       \
+-              earthdistance   \
+-              file_fdw        \
+-              fuzzystrmatch   \
+-              hstore          \
+-              intagg          \
+-              intarray        \
+-              isn             \
+-              lo              \
+-              ltree           \
+               oid2name        \
+-              old_snapshot    \
+-              pageinspect     \
+-              passwordcheck   \
+-              pg_buffercache  \
+-              pg_freespacemap \
+-              pg_prewarm      \
+-              pg_stat_statements \
+-              pg_surgery      \
+-              pg_trgm         \
+-              pgcrypto        \
+-              pgrowlocks      \
+-              pgstattuple     \
+-              pg_visibility   \
+-              postgres_fdw    \
+-              seg             \
+-              spi             \
+-              tablefunc       \
+-              tcn             \
+-              test_decoding   \
+-              tsm_system_rows \
+-              tsm_system_time \
+-              unaccent        \
+               vacuumlo
+-ifeq ($(with_ssl),openssl)
+-SUBDIRS += sslinfo
+-ALWAYS_SUBDIRS += sslinfo
+ ifneq ($(with_uuid),no)
+ SUBDIRS += uuid-ossp
+--- a/src/backend/Makefile
++++ b/src/backend/Makefile
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ ##########################################################################
+-all: submake-libpgport submake-catalog-headers submake-utils-headers postgres 
++all: generated-headers
+ ifneq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
+ ifneq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
+@@ -194,23 +194,7 @@
+ ##########################################################################
+-install: all installdirs install-bin
+-ifeq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
+-ifeq ($(MAKE_DLL), true)
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) libpostgres.a '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpostgres.a'
+-ifeq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
+-ifeq ($(MAKE_DLL), true)
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) libpostgres.a '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpostgres.a'
+-      $(MAKE) -C catalog install-data
+-      $(MAKE) -C tsearch install-data
+-      $(MAKE) -C utils install-data
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/libpq/pg_hba.conf.sample 
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/libpq/pg_ident.conf.sample 
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample 
+ ifeq ($(with_llvm), yes)
+ install-bin: install-postgres-bitcode
+--- a/src/bin/Makefile
++++ b/src/bin/Makefile
+@@ -14,22 +14,8 @@
+ include $(top_builddir)/src/
+-      initdb \
+-      pg_amcheck \
+-      pg_archivecleanup \
+-      pg_basebackup \
+-      pg_checksums \
+       pg_config \
+-      pg_controldata \
+-      pg_ctl \
+       pg_dump \
+-      pg_resetwal \
+-      pg_rewind \
+-      pg_test_fsync \
+-      pg_test_timing \
+-      pg_upgrade \
+-      pg_verifybackup \
+-      pg_waldump \
+       pgbench \
+       psql \
+       scripts
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -15,21 +15,12 @@
+       common \
+       port \
+-      timezone \
+       backend \
+-      backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs \
+-      backend/snowball \
+       include \
+       interfaces \
+-      backend/replication/libpqwalreceiver \
+-      backend/replication/pgoutput \
+       fe_utils \
+       bin \
+-      pl \
+-      makefiles \
+-      test/regress \
+-      test/isolation \
+-      test/perl
++      makefiles
+ ifeq ($(with_llvm), yes)
+ SUBDIRS += backend/jit/llvm

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-15_beta3-no-server.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9ada0a71d5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-15_beta3-no-server.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+--- a/contrib/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/Makefile
+@@ -5,59 +5,9 @@
+ include $(top_builddir)/src/
+-              adminpack       \
+-              amcheck         \
+-              auth_delay      \
+-              auto_explain    \
+-              basic_archive   \
+-              basebackup_to_shell     \
+-              bloom           \
+-              btree_gin       \
+-              btree_gist      \
+-              citext          \
+-              cube            \
+-              dblink          \
+-              dict_int        \
+-              dict_xsyn       \
+-              earthdistance   \
+-              file_fdw        \
+-              fuzzystrmatch   \
+-              hstore          \
+-              intagg          \
+-              intarray        \
+-              isn             \
+-              lo              \
+-              ltree           \
+               oid2name        \
+-              old_snapshot    \
+-              pageinspect     \
+-              passwordcheck   \
+-              pg_buffercache  \
+-              pg_freespacemap \
+-              pg_prewarm      \
+-              pg_stat_statements \
+-              pg_surgery      \
+-              pg_trgm         \
+-              pgrowlocks      \
+-              pgstattuple     \
+-              pg_visibility   \
+-              pg_walinspect   \
+-              postgres_fdw    \
+-              seg             \
+-              spi             \
+-              tablefunc       \
+-              tcn             \
+-              test_decoding   \
+-              tsm_system_rows \
+-              tsm_system_time \
+-              unaccent        \
+               vacuumlo
+-ifeq ($(with_ssl),openssl)
+-SUBDIRS += pgcrypto sslinfo
+-ALWAYS_SUBDIRS += pgcrypto sslinfo
+ ifneq ($(with_uuid),no)
+ SUBDIRS += uuid-ossp
+--- a/src/backend/Makefile
++++ b/src/backend/Makefile
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ ##########################################################################
+-all: submake-libpgport submake-catalog-headers submake-utils-headers postgres 
++all: generated-headers
+ ifneq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
+ ifneq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
+@@ -194,23 +194,7 @@
+ ##########################################################################
+-install: all installdirs install-bin
+-ifeq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
+-ifeq ($(MAKE_DLL), true)
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) libpostgres.a '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpostgres.a'
+-ifeq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
+-ifeq ($(MAKE_DLL), true)
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) libpostgres.a '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpostgres.a'
+-      $(MAKE) -C catalog install-data
+-      $(MAKE) -C tsearch install-data
+-      $(MAKE) -C utils install-data
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/libpq/pg_hba.conf.sample 
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/libpq/pg_ident.conf.sample 
+-      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample 
+ ifeq ($(with_llvm), yes)
+ install-bin: install-postgres-bitcode
+--- a/src/bin/Makefile
++++ b/src/bin/Makefile
+@@ -14,22 +14,8 @@
+ include $(top_builddir)/src/
+-      initdb \
+-      pg_amcheck \
+-      pg_archivecleanup \
+-      pg_basebackup \
+-      pg_checksums \
+       pg_config \
+-      pg_controldata \
+-      pg_ctl \
+       pg_dump \
+-      pg_resetwal \
+-      pg_rewind \
+-      pg_test_fsync \
+-      pg_test_timing \
+-      pg_upgrade \
+-      pg_verifybackup \
+-      pg_waldump \
+       pgbench \
+       psql \
+       scripts
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -17,19 +17,11 @@
+       port \
+       timezone \
+       backend \
+-      backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs \
+-      backend/snowball \
+       include \
+       interfaces \
+-      backend/replication/libpqwalreceiver \
+-      backend/replication/pgoutput \
+       fe_utils \
+       bin \
+-      pl \
+-      makefiles \
+-      test/regress \
+-      test/isolation \
+-      test/perl
++      makefiles
+ ifeq ($(with_llvm), yes)
+ SUBDIRS += backend/jit/llvm

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild 
similarity index 65%
copy from dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
copy to dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-10.22.ebuild
index cce0a2f8499a..bf8414a03338 100644
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-10.22.ebuild
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10,11} )
-inherit flag-o-matic git-r3 linux-info multilib pam prefix python-single-r1 \
-               systemd tmpfiles
+inherit flag-o-matic linux-info pam python-single-r1 systemd tmpfiles
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc 
~x86 ~ppc-macos ~x86-solaris"
+SLOT=$(ver_cut 1)
-IUSE="debug icu kerberos ldap llvm +lz4
-       nls pam perl python +readline selinux server systemd
-       ssl static-libs tcl threads uuid xml zlib zstd"
+IUSE="debug doc icu kerberos ldap nls pam perl
+         python +readline selinux +server systemd ssl static-libs tcl
+         threads uuid xml zlib"
@@ -29,26 +31,20 @@ CDEPEND="
 icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
 kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
 ldap? ( net-nds/openldap:= )
-llvm? (
-       sys-devel/llvm:=
-       sys-devel/clang:=
-lz4? ( app-arch/lz4 )
 pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
 perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8:= )
 python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
 readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
+server? ( systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd ) )
 ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1:0= )
-systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
 tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8:0= )
-uuid? ( dev-libs/ossp-uuid )
 xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
 zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
-zstd? ( app-arch/zstd )
 # uuid flags -- depend on sys-apps/util-linux for Linux libcs, or if no
@@ -73,44 +69,25 @@ uuid? (
 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
 xml? ( virtual/pkgconfig )
 selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
-pkg_pretend() {
-       if ! use server; then
-               elog "You are using a live ebuild that uses the current source 
code as it is"
-               elog "available from PostgreSQL's Git repository at emerge 
time. Given such,"
-               elog "the GNU Makefiles may be altered by upstream without 
notice and the"
-               elog "documentation for this live version is not readily 
-               elog "online. Ergo, the ebuild maintainers will not support 
building a"
-               elog "client-only and/or document-free version."
-               ewarn "Building server anyway."
-       fi
 pkg_setup() {
-       CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
+       use server && CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
        use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
 src_prepare() {
-       # still needed as of 2021-08-13
-       eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-13.3-riscv-spinlocks.patch
+       # Work around PPC{,64} compilation bug where bool is already defined
+       sed '/#ifndef __cplusplus/a #undef bool' -i src/include/c.h || die
        # Set proper run directory
        sed "s|\(PGSOCKET_DIR\s\+\)\"/tmp\"|\1\"${EPREFIX}/run/postgresql\"|" \
@@ -121,12 +98,18 @@ src_prepare() {
        # hardened and non-hardened environments. (Bug #528786)
        sed 's/@install_bin@/install -c/' -i src/ || die
+       use server || eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-10.2-no-server.patch"
        if use pam ; then
                sed -e "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE 
\"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
                        -i src/backend/libpq/auth.c || \
                        die 'PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE rename failed.'
+       #
+       #
+       eapply "${FILESDIR}"/postgresql-10.0-icu68.patch
@@ -150,88 +133,63 @@ src_configure() {
                [[ -z $uuid_config ]] && uuid_config="--with-uuid=ossp"
-       local myconf="\
+       econf \
                --prefix="${PO}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --datadir="${PO}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --includedir="${PO}/usr/include/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --mandir="${PO}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man" \
                --sysconfdir="${PO}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --with-system-tzdata="${PO}/usr/share/zoneinfo" \
+               $(use_enable !alpha spinlocks) \
                $(use_enable debug) \
-               $(use_enable nls) \
                $(use_enable threads thread-safety) \
                $(use_with icu) \
                $(use_with kerberos gssapi) \
                $(use_with ldap) \
-               $(use_with llvm) \
-               $(use_with lz4) \
                $(use_with pam) \
                $(use_with perl) \
                $(use_with python) \
                $(use_with readline) \
                $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+               $(usex server "$(use_with systemd)" '--without-systemd') \
                $(use_with tcl) \
+               ${uuid_config} \
                $(use_with xml libxml) \
                $(use_with xml libxslt) \
                $(use_with zlib) \
-               $(use_with zstd ) \
-               $(use_with systemd) \
-               ${uuid_config}"
-       if use alpha; then
-               myconf+=" --disable-spinlocks"
-       else
-               # Should be the default but just in case
-               myconf+=" --enable-spinlocks"
-       fi
-       econf ${myconf}
+               $(use_enable nls)
 src_compile() {
-       emake world
+       emake
+       emake -C contrib
 src_install() {
-       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-world
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install -C contrib
-       dodoc README HISTORY doc/TODO
-       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
-       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
+       dodoc README HISTORY doc/{TODO,bug.template}
-       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
-       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
-       use static-libs || \
-               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
-                        -delete
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
-       if use systemd; then
-               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
-                       systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
-               newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       # man pages are already built, but if we have the target make them,
+       # they'll be generated from source before being installed so we
+       # manually install man pages.
+       # We use ${SLOT} instead of doman for postgresql.eselect
+       insinto /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/
+       doins -r doc/src/sgml/man{1,3,7}
+       if ! use server; then
+               # Remove man pages for non-existent binaries
+               serverman=(
+                       initdb
+                       pg_{test_{fsync,timing},upgrade,waldump}
+                       post{gres,master}
+               )
+               for m in ${serverman[@]} ; do
+                       rm "${ED}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man1/${m}.1"
+               done
-       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir ${PN}-${SLOT}-check-db-dir
-       use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account session
-       local f bn
-       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
-                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
-       do
-               bn=$(basename "${f}")
-               # Temporarily tack on tmp to workaround a file collision
-               # issue. This is only necessary for 9.7 and earlier. 10 never
-               # had this issue.
-               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
-                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}tmp"
-       done
+       docompress /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man{1,3,7}
        # Create slot specific man pages
        local bn f mansec slotted_name
@@ -257,74 +215,92 @@ src_install() {
                popd > /dev/null
-       if use prefix ; then
-               keepdir /run/postgresql
-               fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
-       fi
+       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
+       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-pkg_preinst() {
-       # Find all of the slot-specific symlinks, if any, in /usr/bin (e.g.,
-       # /usr/bin/psql97). They may have been created by the
-       # postgresql.eselect module, but they're handled within this ebuild
-       # now. It's alright if we momentarily delete /usr/bin/psql as it
-       # will be recreated by the eselect module in pkg_ppostinst().  We
-       # only worry about the 9.7 slot as that's the last slot that had its
-       # slot-specific links generated by eselect.
-       #
-       # This can be removed when 10 is the lowest slot in the tree.
-       local canonicalise
-       if type -p realpath > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise=realpath
-       elif type -p readlink > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise='readlink -f'
-       else
-               # can't die, subshell
-               die "No readlink nor realpath found, cannot canonicalise"
-       fi
+       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
+       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
+       use static-libs || \
+               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
+                        -delete
-       local l
-       # First remove any symlinks in /usr/bin that may have been created
-       # by the old eselect
-       for l in $(find "${ROOT}/usr/bin" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l) ; do
-               [[ $(${canonicalise} "${l}") == *postgresql-9.7* ]] && rm "${l}"
+       # Make slot specific links to programs
+       local f bn
+       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
+                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
+       do
+               bn=$(basename "${f}")
+               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
+                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}"
-       # Then move the symlinks created by the ebuild to their proper place.
-       for l in "${ED}"/usr/bin/*tmp ; do
-               mv "${l}" "${l%tmp}" \
-                       || ewarn "Couldn't rename $(basename ${l}) to 
$(basename ${l%tmp})"
-       done
+       if use doc ; then
+               docinto html
+               dodoc doc/src/sgml/html/*
+       fi
+       if use server; then
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - 
+               if use systemd; then
+                       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e 
"s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
+                               systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
+                       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir 
+                       newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles 
+               fi
+               use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account 
+               if use prefix ; then
+                       keepdir /run/postgresql
+                       fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_postinst() {
-       use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       use server && use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
        postgresql-config update
        elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in:"
        elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
-       elog
-       elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
-       elog "";
-       elog
-       elog "Official documentation:"
-       elog "${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
-       elog
-       elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
-       elog
-       elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
-       elog "so that it contains your preferred locale, and other options, in:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
-       elog
-       elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial database"
-       elog "environment:"
-       elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+       if use server ; then
+               elog
+               elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
+               elog "";
+               elog
+               elog "Official documentation:"
+               elog "${SLOT}/static/index.html";
+               elog
+               elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
+               elog
+               elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
+               elog "so that it contains your preferred locale in:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
+               elog
+               elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial 
+               elog "environment:"
+               elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+               if [[ -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]] ; then
+                       ewarn "If your system is using 'pg_stat_statements' and 
you are running a"
+                       ewarn "version of PostgreSQL ${SLOT}, we advise that 
you execute"
+                       ewarn "the following command after upgrading:"
+                       ewarn
+                       ewarn "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE;"
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_prerm() {
-       if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
+       if use server && [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
                ewarn "Have you dumped and/or migrated the ${SLOT} database 
@@ -339,6 +315,8 @@ pkg_postrm() {
 pkg_config() {
+       use server || die "USE flag 'server' not enabled. Nothing to configure."
        [[ -f "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" ]] \
                && source "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
        [[ -z "${PGDATA}" ]] && PGDATA="${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
@@ -459,18 +437,17 @@ pkg_config() {
 src_test() {
-       if [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
-               # Some ICU tests fail if LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE aren't the 
same. We set
-               # LC_CTYPE to be equal to LC_COLLATE since LC_COLLATE is set by 
-               local old_ctype=${LC_CTYPE}
-               export LC_CTYPE=${LC_COLLATE}
+       if use server && [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
                emake check
-               export LC_CTYPE=${old_ctype}
                einfo "If you think other tests besides the regression tests 
are necessary, please"
                einfo "submit a bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable 
-               ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" in 
+               use server || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run without the "server" use 
flag enabled.'
+               [[ ${UID} -eq 0 ]] || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" 
                ewarn 'Skipping.'

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild 
similarity index 64%
copy from dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
copy to dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-11.17.ebuild
index cce0a2f8499a..f806fd11b70d 100644
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-11.17.ebuild
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10,11} )
-inherit flag-o-matic git-r3 linux-info multilib pam prefix python-single-r1 \
-               systemd tmpfiles
+inherit flag-o-matic linux-info llvm pam python-single-r1 systemd tmpfiles
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc 
~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~sparc-solaris 
~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+SLOT=$(ver_cut 1)
-IUSE="debug icu kerberos ldap llvm +lz4
-       nls pam perl python +readline selinux server systemd
-       ssl static-libs tcl threads uuid xml zlib zstd"
+IUSE="debug doc icu kerberos ldap llvm nls pam
+         perl python +readline selinux +server systemd ssl static-libs tcl
+         threads uuid xml zlib"
@@ -34,21 +37,18 @@ icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
 kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
 ldap? ( net-nds/openldap:= )
 llvm? (
-       sys-devel/llvm:=
-       sys-devel/clang:=
+       <sys-devel/llvm-14:=
+       <sys-devel/clang-14:=
-lz4? ( app-arch/lz4 )
 pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
 perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8:= )
 python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
 readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
+server? ( systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd ) )
 ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1:0= )
-systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
 tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8:0= )
-uuid? ( dev-libs/ossp-uuid )
 xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
 zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
-zstd? ( app-arch/zstd )
 # uuid flags -- depend on sys-apps/util-linux for Linux libcs, or if no
@@ -73,45 +73,25 @@ uuid? (
 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
 xml? ( virtual/pkgconfig )
 selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
-pkg_pretend() {
-       if ! use server; then
-               elog "You are using a live ebuild that uses the current source 
code as it is"
-               elog "available from PostgreSQL's Git repository at emerge 
time. Given such,"
-               elog "the GNU Makefiles may be altered by upstream without 
notice and the"
-               elog "documentation for this live version is not readily 
-               elog "online. Ergo, the ebuild maintainers will not support 
building a"
-               elog "client-only and/or document-free version."
-               ewarn "Building server anyway."
-       fi
 pkg_setup() {
-       CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
+       use llvm && llvm_pkg_setup
+       use server && CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
        use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
 src_prepare() {
-       # still needed as of 2021-08-13
-       eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-13.3-riscv-spinlocks.patch
        # Set proper run directory
        sed "s|\(PGSOCKET_DIR\s\+\)\"/tmp\"|\1\"${EPREFIX}/run/postgresql\"|" \
                -i src/include/pg_config_manual.h || die
@@ -121,8 +101,10 @@ src_prepare() {
        # hardened and non-hardened environments. (Bug #528786)
        sed 's/@install_bin@/install -c/' -i src/ || die
+       use server || eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-11_beta1-no-server.patch"
        if use pam ; then
-               sed -e "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE 
\"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
+               sed "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE \"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
                        -i src/backend/libpq/auth.c || \
                        die 'PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE rename failed.'
@@ -150,88 +132,64 @@ src_configure() {
                [[ -z $uuid_config ]] && uuid_config="--with-uuid=ossp"
-       local myconf="\
+       econf \
                --prefix="${PO}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --datadir="${PO}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --includedir="${PO}/usr/include/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --mandir="${PO}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man" \
                --sysconfdir="${PO}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --with-system-tzdata="${PO}/usr/share/zoneinfo" \
+               $(use_enable !alpha spinlocks) \
                $(use_enable debug) \
-               $(use_enable nls) \
                $(use_enable threads thread-safety) \
                $(use_with icu) \
                $(use_with kerberos gssapi) \
                $(use_with ldap) \
                $(use_with llvm) \
-               $(use_with lz4) \
                $(use_with pam) \
                $(use_with perl) \
                $(use_with python) \
                $(use_with readline) \
                $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+               $(usex server "$(use_with systemd)" '--without-systemd') \
                $(use_with tcl) \
+               ${uuid_config} \
                $(use_with xml libxml) \
                $(use_with xml libxslt) \
                $(use_with zlib) \
-               $(use_with zstd ) \
-               $(use_with systemd) \
-               ${uuid_config}"
-       if use alpha; then
-               myconf+=" --disable-spinlocks"
-       else
-               # Should be the default but just in case
-               myconf+=" --enable-spinlocks"
-       fi
-       econf ${myconf}
+               $(use_enable nls)
 src_compile() {
-       emake world
+       emake
+       emake -C contrib
 src_install() {
-       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-world
-       dodoc README HISTORY doc/TODO
-       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
-       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
-       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
-       use static-libs || \
-               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
-                        -delete
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install -C contrib
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+       dodoc README HISTORY doc/{TODO,bug.template}
-       if use systemd; then
-               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
-                       systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
-               newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       # man pages are already built, but if we have the target make them,
+       # they'll be generated from source before being installed so we
+       # manually install man pages.
+       # We use ${SLOT} instead of doman for postgresql.eselect
+       insinto /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/
+       doins -r doc/src/sgml/man{1,3,7}
+       if ! use server; then
+               # Remove man pages for non-existent binaries
+               serverman=(
+                       initdb
+                       pg_{test_{fsync,timing},upgrade,waldump}
+                       post{gres,master}
+               )
+               for m in ${serverman[@]} ; do
+                       rm "${ED}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man1/${m}.1"
+               done
-       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir ${PN}-${SLOT}-check-db-dir
-       use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account session
-       local f bn
-       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
-                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
-       do
-               bn=$(basename "${f}")
-               # Temporarily tack on tmp to workaround a file collision
-               # issue. This is only necessary for 9.7 and earlier. 10 never
-               # had this issue.
-               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
-                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}tmp"
-       done
+       docompress /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man{1,3,7}
        # Create slot specific man pages
        local bn f mansec slotted_name
@@ -257,74 +215,92 @@ src_install() {
                popd > /dev/null
-       if use prefix ; then
-               keepdir /run/postgresql
-               fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
-       fi
+       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
+       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-pkg_preinst() {
-       # Find all of the slot-specific symlinks, if any, in /usr/bin (e.g.,
-       # /usr/bin/psql97). They may have been created by the
-       # postgresql.eselect module, but they're handled within this ebuild
-       # now. It's alright if we momentarily delete /usr/bin/psql as it
-       # will be recreated by the eselect module in pkg_ppostinst().  We
-       # only worry about the 9.7 slot as that's the last slot that had its
-       # slot-specific links generated by eselect.
-       #
-       # This can be removed when 10 is the lowest slot in the tree.
-       local canonicalise
-       if type -p realpath > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise=realpath
-       elif type -p readlink > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise='readlink -f'
-       else
-               # can't die, subshell
-               die "No readlink nor realpath found, cannot canonicalise"
-       fi
+       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
+       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
+       use static-libs || \
+               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
+                        -delete
-       local l
-       # First remove any symlinks in /usr/bin that may have been created
-       # by the old eselect
-       for l in $(find "${ROOT}/usr/bin" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l) ; do
-               [[ $(${canonicalise} "${l}") == *postgresql-9.7* ]] && rm "${l}"
+       # Make slot specific links to programs
+       local f bn
+       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
+                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
+       do
+               bn=$(basename "${f}")
+               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
+                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}"
-       # Then move the symlinks created by the ebuild to their proper place.
-       for l in "${ED}"/usr/bin/*tmp ; do
-               mv "${l}" "${l%tmp}" \
-                       || ewarn "Couldn't rename $(basename ${l}) to 
$(basename ${l%tmp})"
-       done
+       if use doc ; then
+               docinto html
+               dodoc doc/src/sgml/html/*
+       fi
+       if use server; then
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - 
+               if use systemd; then
+                       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e 
"s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
+                               systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
+                       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir 
+                       newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles 
+               fi
+               use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account 
+               if use prefix ; then
+                       keepdir /run/postgresql
+                       fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_postinst() {
-       use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       use server && use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
        postgresql-config update
        elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in:"
        elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
-       elog
-       elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
-       elog "";
-       elog
-       elog "Official documentation:"
-       elog "${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
-       elog
-       elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
-       elog
-       elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
-       elog "so that it contains your preferred locale, and other options, in:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
-       elog
-       elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial database"
-       elog "environment:"
-       elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+       if use server ; then
+               elog
+               elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
+               elog "";
+               elog
+               elog "Official documentation:"
+               elog "${SLOT}/static/index.html";
+               elog
+               elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
+               elog
+               elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
+               elog "so that it contains your preferred locale in:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
+               elog
+               elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial 
+               elog "environment:"
+               elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+               if [[ -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]] ; then
+                       ewarn "If your system is using 'pg_stat_statements' and 
you are running a"
+                       ewarn "version of PostgreSQL ${SLOT}, we advise that 
you execute"
+                       ewarn "the following command after upgrading:"
+                       ewarn
+                       ewarn "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE;"
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_prerm() {
-       if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
+       if use server && [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
                ewarn "Have you dumped and/or migrated the ${SLOT} database 
@@ -339,6 +315,8 @@ pkg_postrm() {
 pkg_config() {
+       use server || die "USE flag 'server' not enabled. Nothing to configure."
        [[ -f "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" ]] \
                && source "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
        [[ -z "${PGDATA}" ]] && PGDATA="${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
@@ -400,9 +378,9 @@ pkg_config() {
        einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
        if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
-               mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chmod 0700 "${DATA_DIR}"
+               mkdir -p "$(dirname ${DATA_DIR%/})" || die "Couldn't parent 
+               mkdir -m 0700 "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't make DATA_DIR"
+               chown -h postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't 
        einfo "Initializing the database ..."
@@ -459,18 +437,17 @@ pkg_config() {
 src_test() {
-       if [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
-               # Some ICU tests fail if LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE aren't the 
same. We set
-               # LC_CTYPE to be equal to LC_COLLATE since LC_COLLATE is set by 
-               local old_ctype=${LC_CTYPE}
-               export LC_CTYPE=${LC_COLLATE}
+       if use server && [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
                emake check
-               export LC_CTYPE=${old_ctype}
                einfo "If you think other tests besides the regression tests 
are necessary, please"
                einfo "submit a bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable 
-               ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" in 
+               use server || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run without the "server" use 
flag enabled.'
+               [[ ${UID} -eq 0 ]] || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" 
                ewarn 'Skipping.'

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild 
similarity index 64%
copy from dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
copy to dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-12.12.ebuild
index cce0a2f8499a..389cb9f39c9d 100644
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-12.12.ebuild
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10,11} )
-inherit flag-o-matic git-r3 linux-info multilib pam prefix python-single-r1 \
-               systemd tmpfiles
+inherit flag-o-matic linux-info llvm pam python-single-r1 systemd tmpfiles
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc 
~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~sparc-solaris 
~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+SLOT=$(ver_cut 1)
-IUSE="debug icu kerberos ldap llvm +lz4
-       nls pam perl python +readline selinux server systemd
-       ssl static-libs tcl threads uuid xml zlib zstd"
+IUSE="debug doc icu kerberos ldap llvm nls pam
+         perl python +readline selinux +server systemd ssl static-libs tcl
+         threads uuid xml zlib"
@@ -34,21 +37,18 @@ icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
 kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
 ldap? ( net-nds/openldap:= )
 llvm? (
-       sys-devel/llvm:=
-       sys-devel/clang:=
+       <sys-devel/llvm-15:=
+       <sys-devel/clang-15:=
-lz4? ( app-arch/lz4 )
 pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
 perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8:= )
 python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
 readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
+server? ( systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd ) )
 ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1:0= )
-systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
 tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8:0= )
-uuid? ( dev-libs/ossp-uuid )
 xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
 zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
-zstd? ( app-arch/zstd )
 # uuid flags -- depend on sys-apps/util-linux for Linux libcs, or if no
@@ -73,45 +73,25 @@ uuid? (
 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
 xml? ( virtual/pkgconfig )
 selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
-pkg_pretend() {
-       if ! use server; then
-               elog "You are using a live ebuild that uses the current source 
code as it is"
-               elog "available from PostgreSQL's Git repository at emerge 
time. Given such,"
-               elog "the GNU Makefiles may be altered by upstream without 
notice and the"
-               elog "documentation for this live version is not readily 
-               elog "online. Ergo, the ebuild maintainers will not support 
building a"
-               elog "client-only and/or document-free version."
-               ewarn "Building server anyway."
-       fi
 pkg_setup() {
-       CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
+       use llvm && llvm_pkg_setup
+       use server && CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
        use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
 src_prepare() {
-       # still needed as of 2021-08-13
-       eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-13.3-riscv-spinlocks.patch
        # Set proper run directory
        sed "s|\(PGSOCKET_DIR\s\+\)\"/tmp\"|\1\"${EPREFIX}/run/postgresql\"|" \
                -i src/include/pg_config_manual.h || die
@@ -121,8 +101,10 @@ src_prepare() {
        # hardened and non-hardened environments. (Bug #528786)
        sed 's/@install_bin@/install -c/' -i src/ || die
+       use server || eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-12.1-no-server.patch"
        if use pam ; then
-               sed -e "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE 
\"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
+               sed "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE \"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
                        -i src/backend/libpq/auth.c || \
                        die 'PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE rename failed.'
@@ -150,88 +132,64 @@ src_configure() {
                [[ -z $uuid_config ]] && uuid_config="--with-uuid=ossp"
-       local myconf="\
+       econf \
                --prefix="${PO}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --datadir="${PO}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --includedir="${PO}/usr/include/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --mandir="${PO}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man" \
                --sysconfdir="${PO}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --with-system-tzdata="${PO}/usr/share/zoneinfo" \
+               $(use_enable !alpha spinlocks) \
                $(use_enable debug) \
-               $(use_enable nls) \
                $(use_enable threads thread-safety) \
                $(use_with icu) \
                $(use_with kerberos gssapi) \
                $(use_with ldap) \
                $(use_with llvm) \
-               $(use_with lz4) \
                $(use_with pam) \
                $(use_with perl) \
                $(use_with python) \
                $(use_with readline) \
                $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+               $(usex server "$(use_with systemd)" '--without-systemd') \
                $(use_with tcl) \
+               ${uuid_config} \
                $(use_with xml libxml) \
                $(use_with xml libxslt) \
                $(use_with zlib) \
-               $(use_with zstd ) \
-               $(use_with systemd) \
-               ${uuid_config}"
-       if use alpha; then
-               myconf+=" --disable-spinlocks"
-       else
-               # Should be the default but just in case
-               myconf+=" --enable-spinlocks"
-       fi
-       econf ${myconf}
+               $(use_enable nls)
 src_compile() {
-       emake world
+       emake
+       emake -C contrib
 src_install() {
-       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-world
-       dodoc README HISTORY doc/TODO
-       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
-       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
-       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
-       use static-libs || \
-               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
-                        -delete
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install -C contrib
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+       dodoc README HISTORY
-       if use systemd; then
-               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
-                       systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
-               newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       # man pages are already built, but if we have the target make them,
+       # they'll be generated from source before being installed so we
+       # manually install man pages.
+       # We use ${SLOT} instead of doman for postgresql.eselect
+       insinto /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/
+       doins -r doc/src/sgml/man{1,3,7}
+       if ! use server; then
+               # Remove man pages for non-existent binaries
+               serverman=(
+                       initdb
+                       pg_{test_{fsync,timing},upgrade,waldump}
+                       post{gres,master}
+               )
+               for m in ${serverman[@]} ; do
+                       rm "${ED}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man1/${m}.1"
+               done
-       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir ${PN}-${SLOT}-check-db-dir
-       use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account session
-       local f bn
-       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
-                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
-       do
-               bn=$(basename "${f}")
-               # Temporarily tack on tmp to workaround a file collision
-               # issue. This is only necessary for 9.7 and earlier. 10 never
-               # had this issue.
-               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
-                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}tmp"
-       done
+       docompress /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man{1,3,7}
        # Create slot specific man pages
        local bn f mansec slotted_name
@@ -257,74 +215,92 @@ src_install() {
                popd > /dev/null
-       if use prefix ; then
-               keepdir /run/postgresql
-               fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
-       fi
+       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
+       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-pkg_preinst() {
-       # Find all of the slot-specific symlinks, if any, in /usr/bin (e.g.,
-       # /usr/bin/psql97). They may have been created by the
-       # postgresql.eselect module, but they're handled within this ebuild
-       # now. It's alright if we momentarily delete /usr/bin/psql as it
-       # will be recreated by the eselect module in pkg_ppostinst().  We
-       # only worry about the 9.7 slot as that's the last slot that had its
-       # slot-specific links generated by eselect.
-       #
-       # This can be removed when 10 is the lowest slot in the tree.
-       local canonicalise
-       if type -p realpath > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise=realpath
-       elif type -p readlink > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise='readlink -f'
-       else
-               # can't die, subshell
-               die "No readlink nor realpath found, cannot canonicalise"
-       fi
+       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
+       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
+       use static-libs || \
+               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
+                        -delete
-       local l
-       # First remove any symlinks in /usr/bin that may have been created
-       # by the old eselect
-       for l in $(find "${ROOT}/usr/bin" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l) ; do
-               [[ $(${canonicalise} "${l}") == *postgresql-9.7* ]] && rm "${l}"
+       # Make slot specific links to programs
+       local f bn
+       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
+                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
+       do
+               bn=$(basename "${f}")
+               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
+                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}"
-       # Then move the symlinks created by the ebuild to their proper place.
-       for l in "${ED}"/usr/bin/*tmp ; do
-               mv "${l}" "${l%tmp}" \
-                       || ewarn "Couldn't rename $(basename ${l}) to 
$(basename ${l%tmp})"
-       done
+       if use doc ; then
+               docinto html
+               dodoc doc/src/sgml/html/*
+       fi
+       if use server; then
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - 
+               if use systemd; then
+                       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e 
"s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
+                               systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
+                       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir 
+                       newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles 
+               fi
+               use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account 
+               if use prefix ; then
+                       keepdir /run/postgresql
+                       fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_postinst() {
-       use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       use server && use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
        postgresql-config update
        elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in:"
        elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
-       elog
-       elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
-       elog "";
-       elog
-       elog "Official documentation:"
-       elog "${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
-       elog
-       elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
-       elog
-       elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
-       elog "so that it contains your preferred locale, and other options, in:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
-       elog
-       elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial database"
-       elog "environment:"
-       elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+       if use server ; then
+               elog
+               elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
+               elog "";
+               elog
+               elog "Official documentation:"
+               elog "${SLOT}/static/index.html";
+               elog
+               elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
+               elog
+               elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
+               elog "so that it contains your preferred locale in:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
+               elog
+               elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial 
+               elog "environment:"
+               elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+               if [[ -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]] ; then
+                       ewarn "If your system is using 'pg_stat_statements' and 
you are running a"
+                       ewarn "version of PostgreSQL ${SLOT}, we advise that 
you execute"
+                       ewarn "the following command after upgrading:"
+                       ewarn
+                       ewarn "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE;"
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_prerm() {
-       if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
+       if use server && [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
                ewarn "Have you dumped and/or migrated the ${SLOT} database 
@@ -339,6 +315,8 @@ pkg_postrm() {
 pkg_config() {
+       use server || die "USE flag 'server' not enabled. Nothing to configure."
        [[ -f "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" ]] \
                && source "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
        [[ -z "${PGDATA}" ]] && PGDATA="${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
@@ -400,9 +378,9 @@ pkg_config() {
        einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
        if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
-               mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chmod 0700 "${DATA_DIR}"
+               mkdir -p "$(dirname ${DATA_DIR%/})" || die "Couldn't parent 
+               mkdir -m 0700 "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't make DATA_DIR"
+               chown -h postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't 
        einfo "Initializing the database ..."
@@ -459,18 +437,17 @@ pkg_config() {
 src_test() {
-       if [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
-               # Some ICU tests fail if LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE aren't the 
same. We set
-               # LC_CTYPE to be equal to LC_COLLATE since LC_COLLATE is set by 
-               local old_ctype=${LC_CTYPE}
-               export LC_CTYPE=${LC_COLLATE}
+       if use server && [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
                emake check
-               export LC_CTYPE=${old_ctype}
                einfo "If you think other tests besides the regression tests 
are necessary, please"
                einfo "submit a bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable 
-               ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" in 
+               use server || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run without the "server" use 
flag enabled.'
+               [[ ${UID} -eq 0 ]] || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" 
                ewarn 'Skipping.'

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild 
similarity index 68%
copy from dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
copy to dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-13.8.ebuild
index cce0a2f8499a..875acbe52592 100644
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-13.8.ebuild
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10,11} )
-inherit flag-o-matic git-r3 linux-info multilib pam prefix python-single-r1 \
-               systemd tmpfiles
+inherit flag-o-matic linux-info llvm pam python-single-r1 systemd tmpfiles
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 
~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~sparc-solaris 
~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+SLOT=$(ver_cut 1)
-IUSE="debug icu kerberos ldap llvm +lz4
-       nls pam perl python +readline selinux server systemd
-       ssl static-libs tcl threads uuid xml zlib zstd"
+IUSE="debug doc icu kerberos ldap llvm nls pam
+         perl python +readline selinux +server systemd ssl static-libs tcl
+         threads uuid xml zlib"
@@ -34,21 +37,18 @@ icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
 kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
 ldap? ( net-nds/openldap:= )
 llvm? (
-       sys-devel/llvm:=
-       sys-devel/clang:=
+       <sys-devel/llvm-15:=
+       <sys-devel/clang-15:=
-lz4? ( app-arch/lz4 )
 pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
 perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8:= )
 python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
 readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
+server? ( systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd ) )
 ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1:0= )
-systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
 tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8:0= )
-uuid? ( dev-libs/ossp-uuid )
 xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
 zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
-zstd? ( app-arch/zstd )
 # uuid flags -- depend on sys-apps/util-linux for Linux libcs, or if no
@@ -73,43 +73,25 @@ uuid? (
 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
 xml? ( virtual/pkgconfig )
 selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
-pkg_pretend() {
-       if ! use server; then
-               elog "You are using a live ebuild that uses the current source 
code as it is"
-               elog "available from PostgreSQL's Git repository at emerge 
time. Given such,"
-               elog "the GNU Makefiles may be altered by upstream without 
notice and the"
-               elog "documentation for this live version is not readily 
-               elog "online. Ergo, the ebuild maintainers will not support 
building a"
-               elog "client-only and/or document-free version."
-               ewarn "Building server anyway."
-       fi
 pkg_setup() {
-       CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
+       use llvm && llvm_pkg_setup
+       use server && CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
        use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
 src_prepare() {
-       # still needed as of 2021-08-13
        eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-13.3-riscv-spinlocks.patch
        # Set proper run directory
@@ -121,8 +103,10 @@ src_prepare() {
        # hardened and non-hardened environments. (Bug #528786)
        sed 's/@install_bin@/install -c/' -i src/ || die
+       use server || eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-13.8-no-server.patch"
        if use pam ; then
-               sed -e "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE 
\"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
+               sed "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE \"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
                        -i src/backend/libpq/auth.c || \
                        die 'PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE rename failed.'
@@ -158,25 +142,23 @@ src_configure() {
                --sysconfdir="${PO}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --with-system-tzdata="${PO}/usr/share/zoneinfo" \
                $(use_enable debug) \
-               $(use_enable nls) \
                $(use_enable threads thread-safety) \
                $(use_with icu) \
                $(use_with kerberos gssapi) \
                $(use_with ldap) \
                $(use_with llvm) \
-               $(use_with lz4) \
                $(use_with pam) \
                $(use_with perl) \
                $(use_with python) \
                $(use_with readline) \
                $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+               $(usex server "$(use_with systemd)" '--without-systemd') \
                $(use_with tcl) \
+               ${uuid_config} \
                $(use_with xml libxml) \
                $(use_with xml libxslt) \
                $(use_with zlib) \
-               $(use_with zstd ) \
-               $(use_with systemd) \
-               ${uuid_config}"
+               $(use_enable nls)"
        if use alpha; then
                myconf+=" --disable-spinlocks"
@@ -187,51 +169,35 @@ src_configure() {
 src_compile() {
-       emake world
+       emake
+       emake -C contrib
 src_install() {
-       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-world
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install -C contrib
-       dodoc README HISTORY doc/TODO
+       dodoc README HISTORY
-       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
-       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
-       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
-       use static-libs || \
-               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
-                        -delete
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
-       if use systemd; then
-               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
-                       systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
-               newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       # man pages are already built, but if we have the target make them,
+       # they'll be generated from source before being installed so we
+       # manually install man pages.
+       # We use ${SLOT} instead of doman for postgresql.eselect
+       insinto /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/
+       doins -r doc/src/sgml/man{1,3,7}
+       if ! use server; then
+               # Remove man pages for non-existent binaries
+               serverman=(
+                       initdb
+                       pg_{test_{fsync,timing},upgrade,waldump}
+                       post{gres,master}
+               )
+               for m in ${serverman[@]} ; do
+                       rm "${ED}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man1/${m}.1"
+               done
-       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir ${PN}-${SLOT}-check-db-dir
-       use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account session
-       local f bn
-       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
-                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
-       do
-               bn=$(basename "${f}")
-               # Temporarily tack on tmp to workaround a file collision
-               # issue. This is only necessary for 9.7 and earlier. 10 never
-               # had this issue.
-               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
-                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}tmp"
-       done
+       docompress /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man{1,3,7}
        # Create slot specific man pages
        local bn f mansec slotted_name
@@ -257,74 +223,92 @@ src_install() {
                popd > /dev/null
-       if use prefix ; then
-               keepdir /run/postgresql
-               fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
-       fi
+       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
+       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-pkg_preinst() {
-       # Find all of the slot-specific symlinks, if any, in /usr/bin (e.g.,
-       # /usr/bin/psql97). They may have been created by the
-       # postgresql.eselect module, but they're handled within this ebuild
-       # now. It's alright if we momentarily delete /usr/bin/psql as it
-       # will be recreated by the eselect module in pkg_ppostinst().  We
-       # only worry about the 9.7 slot as that's the last slot that had its
-       # slot-specific links generated by eselect.
-       #
-       # This can be removed when 10 is the lowest slot in the tree.
-       local canonicalise
-       if type -p realpath > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise=realpath
-       elif type -p readlink > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise='readlink -f'
-       else
-               # can't die, subshell
-               die "No readlink nor realpath found, cannot canonicalise"
-       fi
+       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
+       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
+       use static-libs || \
+               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
+                        -delete
-       local l
-       # First remove any symlinks in /usr/bin that may have been created
-       # by the old eselect
-       for l in $(find "${ROOT}/usr/bin" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l) ; do
-               [[ $(${canonicalise} "${l}") == *postgresql-9.7* ]] && rm "${l}"
+       # Make slot specific links to programs
+       local f bn
+       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
+                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
+       do
+               bn=$(basename "${f}")
+               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
+                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}"
-       # Then move the symlinks created by the ebuild to their proper place.
-       for l in "${ED}"/usr/bin/*tmp ; do
-               mv "${l}" "${l%tmp}" \
-                       || ewarn "Couldn't rename $(basename ${l}) to 
$(basename ${l%tmp})"
-       done
+       if use doc ; then
+               docinto html
+               dodoc doc/src/sgml/html/*
+       fi
+       if use server; then
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - 
+               if use systemd; then
+                       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e 
"s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
+                               systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
+                       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir 
+                       newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles 
+               fi
+               use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account 
+               if use prefix ; then
+                       keepdir /run/postgresql
+                       fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_postinst() {
-       use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       use server && use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
        postgresql-config update
        elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in:"
        elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
-       elog
-       elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
-       elog "";
-       elog
-       elog "Official documentation:"
-       elog "${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
-       elog
-       elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
-       elog
-       elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
-       elog "so that it contains your preferred locale, and other options, in:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
-       elog
-       elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial database"
-       elog "environment:"
-       elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+       if use server ; then
+               elog
+               elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
+               elog "";
+               elog
+               elog "Official documentation:"
+               elog "${SLOT}/static/index.html";
+               elog
+               elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
+               elog
+               elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
+               elog "so that it contains your preferred locale in:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
+               elog
+               elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial 
+               elog "environment:"
+               elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+               if [[ -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]] ; then
+                       ewarn "If your system is using 'pg_stat_statements' and 
you are running a"
+                       ewarn "version of PostgreSQL ${SLOT}, we advise that 
you execute"
+                       ewarn "the following command after upgrading:"
+                       ewarn
+                       ewarn "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE;"
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_prerm() {
-       if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
+       if use server && [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
                ewarn "Have you dumped and/or migrated the ${SLOT} database 
@@ -339,6 +323,8 @@ pkg_postrm() {
 pkg_config() {
+       use server || die "USE flag 'server' not enabled. Nothing to configure."
        [[ -f "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" ]] \
                && source "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
        [[ -z "${PGDATA}" ]] && PGDATA="${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
@@ -400,9 +386,9 @@ pkg_config() {
        einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
        if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
-               mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chmod 0700 "${DATA_DIR}"
+               mkdir -p "$(dirname ${DATA_DIR%/})" || die "Couldn't parent 
+               mkdir -m 0700 "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't make DATA_DIR"
+               chown -h postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't 
        einfo "Initializing the database ..."
@@ -459,18 +445,21 @@ pkg_config() {
 src_test() {
-       if [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
+       if use server && [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
                # Some ICU tests fail if LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE aren't the 
same. We set
                # LC_CTYPE to be equal to LC_COLLATE since LC_COLLATE is set by 
                local old_ctype=${LC_CTYPE}
                export LC_CTYPE=${LC_COLLATE}
                emake check
                export LC_CTYPE=${old_ctype}
                einfo "If you think other tests besides the regression tests 
are necessary, please"
                einfo "submit a bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable 
-               ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" in 
+               use server || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run without the "server" use 
flag enabled.'
+               [[ ${UID} -eq 0 ]] || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" 
                ewarn 'Skipping.'

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild 
similarity index 68%
copy from dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
copy to dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-14.5.ebuild
index cce0a2f8499a..6c2b0fe290d3 100644
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-14.5.ebuild
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10,11} )
-inherit flag-o-matic git-r3 linux-info multilib pam prefix python-single-r1 \
-               systemd tmpfiles
+inherit flag-o-matic linux-info pam python-single-r1 systemd tmpfiles
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 
~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~sparc-solaris 
~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+SLOT=$(ver_cut 1)
-IUSE="debug icu kerberos ldap llvm +lz4
-       nls pam perl python +readline selinux server systemd
-       ssl static-libs tcl threads uuid xml zlib zstd"
+IUSE="debug doc icu kerberos ldap llvm lz4 nls pam
+         perl python +readline selinux +server systemd ssl static-libs tcl
+         threads uuid xml zlib"
@@ -42,13 +44,11 @@ pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
 perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8:= )
 python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
 readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
+server? ( systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd ) )
 ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1:0= )
-systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
 tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8:0= )
-uuid? ( dev-libs/ossp-uuid )
 xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
 zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
-zstd? ( app-arch/zstd )
 # uuid flags -- depend on sys-apps/util-linux for Linux libcs, or if no
@@ -73,45 +73,23 @@ uuid? (
 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
 xml? ( virtual/pkgconfig )
 selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
-pkg_pretend() {
-       if ! use server; then
-               elog "You are using a live ebuild that uses the current source 
code as it is"
-               elog "available from PostgreSQL's Git repository at emerge 
time. Given such,"
-               elog "the GNU Makefiles may be altered by upstream without 
notice and the"
-               elog "documentation for this live version is not readily 
-               elog "online. Ergo, the ebuild maintainers will not support 
building a"
-               elog "client-only and/or document-free version."
-               ewarn "Building server anyway."
-       fi
 pkg_setup() {
-       CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
+       use server && CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
        use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
 src_prepare() {
-       # still needed as of 2021-08-13
-       eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-13.3-riscv-spinlocks.patch
        # Set proper run directory
        sed "s|\(PGSOCKET_DIR\s\+\)\"/tmp\"|\1\"${EPREFIX}/run/postgresql\"|" \
                -i src/include/pg_config_manual.h || die
@@ -121,8 +99,10 @@ src_prepare() {
        # hardened and non-hardened environments. (Bug #528786)
        sed 's/@install_bin@/install -c/' -i src/ || die
+       use server || eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-14.5-no-server.patch"
        if use pam ; then
-               sed -e "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE 
\"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
+               sed "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE \"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
                        -i src/backend/libpq/auth.c || \
                        die 'PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE rename failed.'
@@ -158,7 +138,6 @@ src_configure() {
                --sysconfdir="${PO}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --with-system-tzdata="${PO}/usr/share/zoneinfo" \
                $(use_enable debug) \
-               $(use_enable nls) \
                $(use_enable threads thread-safety) \
                $(use_with icu) \
                $(use_with kerberos gssapi) \
@@ -170,13 +149,13 @@ src_configure() {
                $(use_with python) \
                $(use_with readline) \
                $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+               $(usex server "$(use_with systemd)" '--without-systemd') \
                $(use_with tcl) \
+               ${uuid_config} \
                $(use_with xml libxml) \
                $(use_with xml libxslt) \
                $(use_with zlib) \
-               $(use_with zstd ) \
-               $(use_with systemd) \
-               ${uuid_config}"
+               $(use_enable nls)"
        if use alpha; then
                myconf+=" --disable-spinlocks"
@@ -187,51 +166,35 @@ src_configure() {
 src_compile() {
-       emake world
+       emake
+       emake -C contrib
 src_install() {
-       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-world
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install -C contrib
-       dodoc README HISTORY doc/TODO
+       dodoc README HISTORY
-       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
-       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
-       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
-       use static-libs || \
-               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
-                        -delete
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
-       if use systemd; then
-               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
-                       systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
-               newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       # man pages are already built, but if we have the target make them,
+       # they'll be generated from source before being installed so we
+       # manually install man pages.
+       # We use ${SLOT} instead of doman for postgresql.eselect
+       insinto /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/
+       doins -r doc/src/sgml/man{1,3,7}
+       if ! use server; then
+               # Remove man pages for non-existent binaries
+               serverman=(
+                       initdb
+                       pg_{test_{fsync,timing},upgrade,waldump}
+                       post{gres,master}
+               )
+               for m in ${serverman[@]} ; do
+                       rm "${ED}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man1/${m}.1"
+               done
-       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir ${PN}-${SLOT}-check-db-dir
-       use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account session
-       local f bn
-       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
-                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
-       do
-               bn=$(basename "${f}")
-               # Temporarily tack on tmp to workaround a file collision
-               # issue. This is only necessary for 9.7 and earlier. 10 never
-               # had this issue.
-               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
-                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}tmp"
-       done
+       docompress /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man{1,3,7}
        # Create slot specific man pages
        local bn f mansec slotted_name
@@ -257,74 +220,92 @@ src_install() {
                popd > /dev/null
-       if use prefix ; then
-               keepdir /run/postgresql
-               fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
-       fi
+       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
+       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-pkg_preinst() {
-       # Find all of the slot-specific symlinks, if any, in /usr/bin (e.g.,
-       # /usr/bin/psql97). They may have been created by the
-       # postgresql.eselect module, but they're handled within this ebuild
-       # now. It's alright if we momentarily delete /usr/bin/psql as it
-       # will be recreated by the eselect module in pkg_ppostinst().  We
-       # only worry about the 9.7 slot as that's the last slot that had its
-       # slot-specific links generated by eselect.
-       #
-       # This can be removed when 10 is the lowest slot in the tree.
-       local canonicalise
-       if type -p realpath > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise=realpath
-       elif type -p readlink > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise='readlink -f'
-       else
-               # can't die, subshell
-               die "No readlink nor realpath found, cannot canonicalise"
-       fi
+       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
+       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
+       use static-libs || \
+               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
+                        -delete
-       local l
-       # First remove any symlinks in /usr/bin that may have been created
-       # by the old eselect
-       for l in $(find "${ROOT}/usr/bin" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l) ; do
-               [[ $(${canonicalise} "${l}") == *postgresql-9.7* ]] && rm "${l}"
+       # Make slot specific links to programs
+       local f bn
+       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
+                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
+       do
+               bn=$(basename "${f}")
+               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
+                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}"
-       # Then move the symlinks created by the ebuild to their proper place.
-       for l in "${ED}"/usr/bin/*tmp ; do
-               mv "${l}" "${l%tmp}" \
-                       || ewarn "Couldn't rename $(basename ${l}) to 
$(basename ${l%tmp})"
-       done
+       if use doc ; then
+               docinto html
+               dodoc doc/src/sgml/html/*
+       fi
+       if use server; then
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - 
+               if use systemd; then
+                       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e 
"s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
+                               systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
+                       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir 
+                       newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles 
+               fi
+               use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account 
+               if use prefix ; then
+                       keepdir /run/postgresql
+                       fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_postinst() {
-       use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       use server && use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
        postgresql-config update
        elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in:"
        elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
-       elog
-       elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
-       elog "";
-       elog
-       elog "Official documentation:"
-       elog "${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
-       elog
-       elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
-       elog
-       elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
-       elog "so that it contains your preferred locale, and other options, in:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
-       elog
-       elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial database"
-       elog "environment:"
-       elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+       if use server ; then
+               elog
+               elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
+               elog "";
+               elog
+               elog "Official documentation:"
+               elog "${SLOT}/static/index.html";
+               elog
+               elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
+               elog
+               elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
+               elog "so that it contains your preferred locale in:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
+               elog
+               elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial 
+               elog "environment:"
+               elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+               if [[ -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]] ; then
+                       ewarn "If your system is using 'pg_stat_statements' and 
you are running a"
+                       ewarn "version of PostgreSQL ${SLOT}, we advise that 
you execute"
+                       ewarn "the following command after upgrading:"
+                       ewarn
+                       ewarn "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE;"
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_prerm() {
-       if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
+       if use server && [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
                ewarn "Have you dumped and/or migrated the ${SLOT} database 
@@ -339,6 +320,8 @@ pkg_postrm() {
 pkg_config() {
+       use server || die "USE flag 'server' not enabled. Nothing to configure."
        [[ -f "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" ]] \
                && source "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
        [[ -z "${PGDATA}" ]] && PGDATA="${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
@@ -400,9 +383,9 @@ pkg_config() {
        einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
        if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
-               mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chmod 0700 "${DATA_DIR}"
+               mkdir -p "$(dirname ${DATA_DIR%/})" || die "Couldn't parent 
+               mkdir -m 0700 "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't make DATA_DIR"
+               chown -h postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't 
        einfo "Initializing the database ..."
@@ -459,18 +442,21 @@ pkg_config() {
 src_test() {
-       if [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
+       if use server && [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
                # Some ICU tests fail if LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE aren't the 
same. We set
                # LC_CTYPE to be equal to LC_COLLATE since LC_COLLATE is set by 
                local old_ctype=${LC_CTYPE}
                export LC_CTYPE=${LC_COLLATE}
                emake check
                export LC_CTYPE=${old_ctype}
                einfo "If you think other tests besides the regression tests 
are necessary, please"
                einfo "submit a bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable 
-               ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" in 
+               use server || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run without the "server" use 
flag enabled.'
+               [[ ${UID} -eq 0 ]] || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" 
                ewarn 'Skipping.'

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild 
similarity index 68%
copy from dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
copy to dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-15_beta3.ebuild
index cce0a2f8499a..a805f1d90ea9 100644
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-15_beta3.ebuild
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10,11} )
-inherit flag-o-matic git-r3 linux-info multilib pam prefix python-single-r1 \
-               systemd tmpfiles
+inherit flag-o-matic linux-info pam python-single-r1 systemd tmpfiles
+SLOT=$(ver_cut 1)
-IUSE="debug icu kerberos ldap llvm +lz4
-       nls pam perl python +readline selinux server systemd
-       ssl static-libs tcl threads uuid xml zlib zstd"
+IUSE="debug doc icu kerberos ldap llvm lz4 nls pam
+         perl python +readline selinux +server systemd ssl static-libs tcl
+         threads uuid xml zlib zstd"
@@ -42,10 +44,9 @@ pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
 perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8:= )
 python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
 readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
+server? ( systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd ) )
 ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1:0= )
-systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
 tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8:0= )
-uuid? ( dev-libs/ossp-uuid )
 xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
 zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
 zstd? ( app-arch/zstd )
@@ -73,45 +74,23 @@ uuid? (
 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
 xml? ( virtual/pkgconfig )
 selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
-pkg_pretend() {
-       if ! use server; then
-               elog "You are using a live ebuild that uses the current source 
code as it is"
-               elog "available from PostgreSQL's Git repository at emerge 
time. Given such,"
-               elog "the GNU Makefiles may be altered by upstream without 
notice and the"
-               elog "documentation for this live version is not readily 
-               elog "online. Ergo, the ebuild maintainers will not support 
building a"
-               elog "client-only and/or document-free version."
-               ewarn "Building server anyway."
-       fi
 pkg_setup() {
-       CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
+       use server && CONFIG_CHECK="~SYSVIPC" linux-info_pkg_setup
        use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
 src_prepare() {
-       # still needed as of 2021-08-13
-       eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-13.3-riscv-spinlocks.patch
        # Set proper run directory
        sed "s|\(PGSOCKET_DIR\s\+\)\"/tmp\"|\1\"${EPREFIX}/run/postgresql\"|" \
                -i src/include/pg_config_manual.h || die
@@ -121,8 +100,10 @@ src_prepare() {
        # hardened and non-hardened environments. (Bug #528786)
        sed 's/@install_bin@/install -c/' -i src/ || die
+       use server || eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-15_beta3-no-server.patch"
        if use pam ; then
-               sed -e "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE 
\"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
+               sed "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE \"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \
                        -i src/backend/libpq/auth.c || \
                        die 'PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE rename failed.'
@@ -158,7 +139,6 @@ src_configure() {
                --sysconfdir="${PO}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}" \
                --with-system-tzdata="${PO}/usr/share/zoneinfo" \
                $(use_enable debug) \
-               $(use_enable nls) \
                $(use_enable threads thread-safety) \
                $(use_with icu) \
                $(use_with kerberos gssapi) \
@@ -170,13 +150,14 @@ src_configure() {
                $(use_with python) \
                $(use_with readline) \
                $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+               $(usex server "$(use_with systemd)" '--without-systemd') \
                $(use_with tcl) \
+               ${uuid_config} \
                $(use_with xml libxml) \
                $(use_with xml libxslt) \
                $(use_with zlib) \
-               $(use_with zstd ) \
-               $(use_with systemd) \
-               ${uuid_config}"
+               $(use_with zstd) \
+               $(use_enable nls)"
        if use alpha; then
                myconf+=" --disable-spinlocks"
@@ -187,51 +168,35 @@ src_configure() {
 src_compile() {
-       emake world
+       emake
+       emake -C contrib
 src_install() {
-       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-world
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+       emake DESTDIR="${D}" install -C contrib
-       dodoc README HISTORY doc/TODO
+       dodoc README HISTORY
-       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
-       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
-       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
-       use static-libs || \
-               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
-                        -delete
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
-       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
-       if use systemd; then
-               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
-                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
-                       systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
-               newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       # man pages are already built, but if we have the target make them,
+       # they'll be generated from source before being installed so we
+       # manually install man pages.
+       # We use ${SLOT} instead of doman for postgresql.eselect
+       insinto /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/
+       doins -r doc/src/sgml/man{1,3,7}
+       if ! use server; then
+               # Remove man pages for non-existent binaries
+               serverman=(
+                       initdb
+                       pg_{test_{fsync,timing},upgrade,waldump}
+                       post{gres,master}
+               )
+               for m in ${serverman[@]} ; do
+                       rm "${ED}/usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man1/${m}.1"
+               done
-       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir ${PN}-${SLOT}-check-db-dir
-       use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account session
-       local f bn
-       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
-                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
-       do
-               bn=$(basename "${f}")
-               # Temporarily tack on tmp to workaround a file collision
-               # issue. This is only necessary for 9.7 and earlier. 10 never
-               # had this issue.
-               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
-                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}tmp"
-       done
+       docompress /usr/share/postgresql-${SLOT}/man/man{1,3,7}
        # Create slot specific man pages
        local bn f mansec slotted_name
@@ -257,74 +222,92 @@ src_install() {
                popd > /dev/null
-       if use prefix ; then
-               keepdir /run/postgresql
-               fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
-       fi
+       insinto /etc/postgresql-${SLOT}
+       newins src/bin/psql/psqlrc.sample psqlrc
-pkg_preinst() {
-       # Find all of the slot-specific symlinks, if any, in /usr/bin (e.g.,
-       # /usr/bin/psql97). They may have been created by the
-       # postgresql.eselect module, but they're handled within this ebuild
-       # now. It's alright if we momentarily delete /usr/bin/psql as it
-       # will be recreated by the eselect module in pkg_ppostinst().  We
-       # only worry about the 9.7 slot as that's the last slot that had its
-       # slot-specific links generated by eselect.
-       #
-       # This can be removed when 10 is the lowest slot in the tree.
-       local canonicalise
-       if type -p realpath > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise=realpath
-       elif type -p readlink > /dev/null; then
-               canonicalise='readlink -f'
-       else
-               # can't die, subshell
-               die "No readlink nor realpath found, cannot canonicalise"
-       fi
+       # Don't delete libpg{port,common}.a (Bug #571046). They're always
+       # needed by extensions utilizing PGXS.
+       use static-libs || \
+               find "${ED}" -name '*.a' ! -name libpgport.a ! -name 
libpgcommon.a \
+                        -delete
-       local l
-       # First remove any symlinks in /usr/bin that may have been created
-       # by the old eselect
-       for l in $(find "${ROOT}/usr/bin" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l) ; do
-               [[ $(${canonicalise} "${l}") == *postgresql-9.7* ]] && rm "${l}"
+       # Make slot specific links to programs
+       local f bn
+       for f in $(find "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin" \
+                                       -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
+       do
+               bn=$(basename "${f}")
+               dosym "../$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/${bn}" \
+                         "/usr/bin/${bn}${SLOT/.}"
-       # Then move the symlinks created by the ebuild to their proper place.
-       for l in "${ED}"/usr/bin/*tmp ; do
-               mv "${l}" "${l%tmp}" \
-                       || ewarn "Couldn't rename $(basename ${l}) to 
$(basename ${l%tmp})"
-       done
+       if use doc ; then
+               docinto html
+               dodoc doc/src/sgml/html/*
+       fi
+       if use server; then
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-9.3" | newconfd - ${PN}-${SLOT}
+               sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-9.3-r1" | newinitd - 
+               if use systemd; then
+                       sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -e 
"s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+                               "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service-9.6-r1" | \
+                               systemd_newunit - ${PN}-${SLOT}.service
+                       newbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-check-db-dir 
+                       newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.tmpfiles 
+               fi
+               use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth ${PN}-${SLOT} auth account 
+               if use prefix ; then
+                       keepdir /run/postgresql
+                       fperms 1775 /run/postgresql
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_postinst() {
-       use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
+       use server && use systemd && tmpfiles_process ${PN}-${SLOT}.conf
        postgresql-config update
        elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in:"
        elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
-       elog
-       elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
-       elog "";
-       elog
-       elog "Official documentation:"
-       elog "${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
-       elog
-       elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
-       elog
-       elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
-       elog "so that it contains your preferred locale, and other options, in:"
-       elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
-       elog
-       elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial database"
-       elog "environment:"
-       elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+       if use server ; then
+               elog
+               elog "Gentoo specific documentation:"
+               elog "";
+               elog
+               elog "Official documentation:"
+               elog "${SLOT}/static/index.html";
+               elog
+               elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/run/postgresql/"
+               elog
+               elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit 
+               elog "so that it contains your preferred locale in:"
+               elog "    ${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
+               elog
+               elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial 
+               elog "environment:"
+               elog "    emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+               if [[ -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]] ; then
+                       ewarn "If your system is using 'pg_stat_statements' and 
you are running a"
+                       ewarn "version of PostgreSQL ${SLOT}, we advise that 
you execute"
+                       ewarn "the following command after upgrading:"
+                       ewarn
+                       ewarn "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE;"
+               fi
+       fi
 pkg_prerm() {
-       if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
+       if use server && [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then
                ewarn "Have you dumped and/or migrated the ${SLOT} database 
@@ -339,6 +322,8 @@ pkg_postrm() {
 pkg_config() {
+       use server || die "USE flag 'server' not enabled. Nothing to configure."
        [[ -f "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" ]] \
                && source "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}"
        [[ -z "${PGDATA}" ]] && PGDATA="${EROOT}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/"
@@ -400,9 +385,9 @@ pkg_config() {
        einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
        if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
-               mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR}"
-               chmod 0700 "${DATA_DIR}"
+               mkdir -p "$(dirname ${DATA_DIR%/})" || die "Couldn't parent 
+               mkdir -m 0700 "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't make DATA_DIR"
+               chown -h postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR%/}" || die "Couldn't 
        einfo "Initializing the database ..."
@@ -459,18 +444,21 @@ pkg_config() {
 src_test() {
-       if [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
+       if use server && [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] ; then
                # Some ICU tests fail if LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE aren't the 
same. We set
                # LC_CTYPE to be equal to LC_COLLATE since LC_COLLATE is set by 
                local old_ctype=${LC_CTYPE}
                export LC_CTYPE=${LC_COLLATE}
                emake check
                export LC_CTYPE=${old_ctype}
                einfo "If you think other tests besides the regression tests 
are necessary, please"
                einfo "submit a bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable 
-               ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" in 
+               use server || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run without the "server" use 
flag enabled.'
+               [[ ${UID} -eq 0 ]] || \
+                       ewarn 'Tests cannot be run as root. Enable "userpriv" 
                ewarn 'Skipping.'

diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild 
index cce0a2f8499a..92b4cf038a8d 100644
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-9999.ebuild
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10,11} )
-inherit flag-o-matic git-r3 linux-info multilib pam prefix python-single-r1 \
-               systemd tmpfiles
+inherit flag-o-matic git-r3 linux-info pam python-single-r1 systemd tmpfiles

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