commit:     20204fd8c29f3060da9891879721a54486247b0c
Author:     Zac Medico <zmedico <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Mar  7 07:44:49 2021 +0000
Commit:     Zac Medico <zmedico <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Mar  7 07:45:11 2021 +0000

Remove unused _PortageEventLoop and _PortageChildWatcher

Signed-off-by: Zac Medico <zmedico <AT>>

 lib/portage/util/futures/ | 112 --------------------------------
 1 file changed, 112 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/portage/util/futures/ 
index 030070b1b..4feee0a3b 100644
--- a/lib/portage/util/futures/
+++ b/lib/portage/util/futures/
@@ -18,61 +18,6 @@ from portage.util._eventloop.global_event_loop import (
-class _PortageEventLoop(events.AbstractEventLoop):
-       """
-       Implementation of asyncio.AbstractEventLoop which wraps portage's
-       internal event loop.
-       """
-       def __init__(self, loop):
-               """
-               @type loop: EventLoop
-               @param loop: an instance of portage's internal event loop
-               """
-               self._loop = loop
-               self.run_until_complete = loop.run_until_complete
-               self.call_soon = loop.call_soon
-               self.call_soon_threadsafe = loop.call_soon_threadsafe
-               self.call_later = loop.call_later
-               self.call_at = loop.call_at
-               self.is_running = loop.is_running
-               self.is_closed = loop.is_closed
-               self.close = loop.close
-               self.create_future = loop.create_future
-               self.add_reader = loop.add_reader
-               self.remove_reader = loop.remove_reader
-               self.add_writer = loop.add_writer
-               self.remove_writer = loop.remove_writer
-               self.run_in_executor = loop.run_in_executor
-               self.time = loop.time
-               self.default_exception_handler = loop.default_exception_handler
-               self.call_exception_handler = loop.call_exception_handler
-               self.set_debug = loop.set_debug
-               self.get_debug = loop.get_debug
-       @property
-       def _asyncio_child_watcher(self):
-               """
-               In order to avoid accessing the internal _loop attribute, 
-               internals should use this property when possible.
-               @rtype: asyncio.AbstractChildWatcher
-               @return: the internal event loop's AbstractChildWatcher 
-               """
-               return self._loop._asyncio_child_watcher
-       @property
-       def _asyncio_wrapper(self):
-               """
-               In order to avoid accessing the internal _loop attribute, 
-               internals should use this property when possible.
-               @rtype: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop
-               @return: the internal event loop's AbstractEventLoop interface
-               """
-               return self
 if hasattr(os, 'set_blocking'):
        def _set_nonblocking(fd):
                os.set_blocking(fd, False)
@@ -83,63 +28,6 @@ else:
                fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags)
-class _PortageChildWatcher(AbstractChildWatcher):
-       def __init__(self, loop):
-               """
-               @type loop: EventLoop
-               @param loop: an instance of portage's internal event loop
-               """
-               self._loop = loop
-               self._callbacks = {}
-       def close(self):
-               pass
-       def __enter__(self):
-               return self
-       def __exit__(self, a, b, c):
-               pass
-       def _child_exit(self, pid, status, data):
-               self._callbacks.pop(pid)
-               callback, args = data
-               callback(pid, self._compute_returncode(status), *args)
-       def _compute_returncode(self, status):
-               if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
-                       return -os.WTERMSIG(status)
-               if os.WIFEXITED(status):
-                       return os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
-               return status
-       def add_child_handler(self, pid, callback, *args):
-               """
-               Register a new child handler.
-               Arrange for callback(pid, returncode, *args) to be called when
-               process 'pid' terminates. Specifying another callback for the 
-               process replaces the previous handler.
-               """
-               source_id = self._callbacks.get(pid)
-               if source_id is not None:
-                       self._loop.source_remove(source_id)
-               self._callbacks[pid] = self._loop.child_watch_add(
-                       pid, self._child_exit, data=(callback, args))
-       def remove_child_handler(self, pid):
-               """
-               Removes the handler for process 'pid'.
-               The function returns True if the handler was successfully 
-               False if there was nothing to remove.
-               """
-               source_id = self._callbacks.pop(pid, None)
-               if source_id is not None:
-                       return self._loop.source_remove(source_id)
-               return False
 class _PortageEventLoopPolicy(events.AbstractEventLoopPolicy):
        Implementation of asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy based on portage's

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