commit:     29305bb4fa710c2a65b8fdba5cadcb85dab32363
Author:     Brian Dolbec <dolsen <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Jan 20 19:22:27 2013 +0000
Commit:     Brian Dolbec <brian.dolbec <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Tue Sep  2 02:13:43 2014 +0000

some spacing and comment and indent cleanup, etc.


 catalyst/ | 405 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 213 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

diff --git a/catalyst/ b/catalyst/
index feaa645..6f66d3c 100644
--- a/catalyst/
+++ b/catalyst/
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
-import sys,string,os,types,re,signal,traceback,time
-#import md5,sha
+import sys
+import string
+import os
+import types
+import re
+import signal
+import traceback
+import time
 from catalyst.defaults import verbosity, valid_config_file_values
 selinux_capable = False
 #userpriv_capable = (os.getuid() == 0)
 #fakeroot_capable = False
 BASH_BINARY             = "/bin/bash"
 # set it to 0 for the soft limit, 1 for the hard limit
@@ -25,35 +32,35 @@ spawned_pids = []
 def cleanup(pids,block_exceptions=True):
-        """function to go through and reap the list of pids passed to it"""
-        global spawned_pids
-        if type(pids) == int:
-                pids = [pids]
-        for x in pids:
-                try:
-                        os.kill(x,signal.SIGTERM)
-                        if os.waitpid(x,os.WNOHANG)[1] == 0:
-                                # feisty bugger, still alive.
-                                os.kill(x,signal.SIGKILL)
-                                os.waitpid(x,0)
-                except OSError, oe:
-                        if block_exceptions:
-                                pass
-                        if oe.errno not in (10,3):
-                                raise oe
-                except SystemExit:
-                        raise
-                except Exception:
-                        if block_exceptions:
-                                pass
-                try:                    spawned_pids.remove(x)
-                except IndexError:      pass
-# a function to turn a string of non-printable characters into a string of
-# hex characters
+       """function to go through and reap the list of pids passed to it"""
+       global spawned_pids
+       if type(pids) == int:
+               pids = [pids]
+       for x in pids:
+               try:
+                       os.kill(x,signal.SIGTERM)
+                       if os.waitpid(x,os.WNOHANG)[1] == 0:
+                               # feisty bugger, still alive.
+                               os.kill(x,signal.SIGKILL)
+                               os.waitpid(x,0)
+               except OSError, oe:
+                       if block_exceptions:
+                               pass
+                       if oe.errno not in (10,3):
+                               raise oe
+               except SystemExit:
+                                       raise
+               except Exception:
+                       if block_exceptions:
+                               pass
+               try:
+                       spawned_pids.remove(x)
+               except IndexError:
+                       pass
+# a function to turn a string of non-printable characters
+# into a string of hex characters
 def hexify(str):
        hexStr = string.hexdigits
        r = ''
@@ -61,7 +68,6 @@ def hexify(str):
                i = ord(ch)
                r = r + hexStr[(i >> 4) & 0xF] + hexStr[i & 0xF]
        return r
-# hexify()
 def read_from_clst(file):
@@ -77,7 +83,6 @@ def read_from_clst(file):
            myline = myline + line
        return myline
-# read_from_clst
 def list_bashify(mylist):
@@ -92,6 +97,7 @@ def list_bashify(mylist):
        return mypack
 def list_to_string(mylist):
        if type(mylist)==types.StringType:
@@ -104,6 +110,7 @@ def list_to_string(mylist):
        return mypack
 class CatalystError(Exception):
        def __init__(self, message):
                if message:
@@ -115,84 +122,83 @@ class CatalystError(Exception):
                        print "!!! catalyst: "+message
 def die(msg=None):
 def warn(msg):
        print "!!! catalyst: "+msg
 def find_binary(myc):
        """look through the environmental path for an executable file named 
whatever myc is"""
-        # this sucks. badly.
-        p=os.getenv("PATH")
-        if p == None:
-                return None
-        for x in p.split(":"):
-                #if it exists, and is executable
-                if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (x,myc)) and os.stat("%s/%s" % 
(x,myc))[0] & 0x0248:
-                        return "%s/%s" % (x,myc)
-        return None
+       # this sucks. badly.
+       p=os.getenv("PATH")
+       if p == None:
+               return None
+       for x in p.split(":"):
+               #if it exists, and is executable
+               if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (x,myc)) and os.stat("%s/%s" % 
(x,myc))[0] & 0x0248:
+                       return "%s/%s" % (x,myc)
+       return None
 def spawn_bash(mycommand,env={},debug=False,opt_name=None,**keywords):
        """spawn mycommand as an arguement to bash"""
        if not opt_name:
-           opt_name=mycommand.split()[0]
+               opt_name=mycommand.split()[0]
        if "BASH_ENV" not in env:
-           env["BASH_ENV"] = "/etc/spork/is/not/valid/profile.env"
+               env["BASH_ENV"] = "/etc/spork/is/not/valid/profile.env"
        if debug:
-           args.append("-x")
+               args.append("-x")
        return spawn(args,env=env,opt_name=opt_name,**keywords)
-#        collect_fds=[1],fd_pipes=None,**keywords):
 def spawn_get_output(mycommand,raw_exit_code=False,emulate_gso=True, \
-        collect_fds=[1],fd_pipes=None,**keywords):
-        """call spawn, collecting the output to fd's specified in collect_fds 
-        emulate_gso is a compatability hack to emulate 
commands.getstatusoutput's return, minus the
-        requirement it always be a bash call (spawn_type controls the actual 
spawn call), and minus the
-        'lets let log only stdin and let stderr slide by'.
-        emulate_gso was deprecated from the day it was added, so convert your 
code over.
-        spawn_type is the passed in function to call- typically spawn_bash, 
spawn, spawn_sandbox, or spawn_fakeroot"""
-        global selinux_capable
-        pr,pw=os.pipe()
-        #if type(spawn_type) not in [types.FunctionType, types.MethodType]:
-        #        s="spawn_type must be passed a function, 
-        #        raise Exception,s
-        if fd_pipes==None:
-                fd_pipes={}
-                fd_pipes[0] = 0
-        for x in collect_fds:
-                fd_pipes[x] = pw
-        keywords["returnpid"]=True
-        mypid=spawn_bash(mycommand,fd_pipes=fd_pipes,**keywords)
-        os.close(pw)
-        if type(mypid) != types.ListType:
-                os.close(pr)
-                return [mypid, "%s: No such file or directory" % 
-        fd=os.fdopen(pr,"r")
-        mydata=fd.readlines()
-        fd.close()
-        if emulate_gso:
-                mydata=string.join(mydata)
-                if len(mydata) and mydata[-1] == "\n":
-                        mydata=mydata[:-1]
-        retval=os.waitpid(mypid[0],0)[1]
-        cleanup(mypid)
-        if raw_exit_code:
-                return [retval,mydata]
-        retval=process_exit_code(retval)
-        return [retval, mydata]
+       collect_fds=[1],fd_pipes=None,**keywords):
+       """call spawn, collecting the output to fd's specified in collect_fds 
+       emulate_gso is a compatability hack to emulate 
commands.getstatusoutput's return, minus the
+       requirement it always be a bash call (spawn_type controls the actual 
spawn call), and minus the
+       'lets let log only stdin and let stderr slide by'.
+       emulate_gso was deprecated from the day it was added, so convert your 
code over.
+       spawn_type is the passed in function to call- typically spawn_bash, 
spawn, spawn_sandbox, or spawn_fakeroot"""
+       global selinux_capable
+       pr,pw=os.pipe()
+       if fd_pipes==None:
+                       fd_pipes={}
+                       fd_pipes[0] = 0
+       for x in collect_fds:
+                       fd_pipes[x] = pw
+       keywords["returnpid"]=True
+       mypid=spawn_bash(mycommand,fd_pipes=fd_pipes,**keywords)
+       os.close(pw)
+       if type(mypid) != types.ListType:
+                       os.close(pr)
+                       return [mypid, "%s: No such file or directory" % 
+       fd=os.fdopen(pr,"r")
+       mydata=fd.readlines()
+       fd.close()
+       if emulate_gso:
+                       mydata=string.join(mydata)
+                       if len(mydata) and mydata[-1] == "\n":
+                                       mydata=mydata[:-1]
+       retval=os.waitpid(mypid[0],0)[1]
+       cleanup(mypid)
+       if raw_exit_code:
+                       return [retval,mydata]
+       retval=process_exit_code(retval)
+       return [retval, mydata]
 # base spawn function
@@ -230,8 +236,8 @@ def 
                                return None
                        myc = find_binary(myc)
                        if myc == None:
-                           return None
-        mypid=[]
+                               return None
+       mypid=[]
        if logfile:
@@ -295,77 +301,77 @@ def 
                        if x not in trg_fd:
-                                except SystemExit, e:
-                                        raise
-                                except:
-                                        pass
-                # note this order must be preserved- can't change gid/groups 
if you change uid first.
-                if selinux_capable and selinux_context:
-                        import selinux
-                        selinux.setexec(selinux_context)
-                if gid:
-                        os.setgid(gid)
-                if groups:
-                        os.setgroups(groups)
-                if uid:
-                        os.setuid(uid)
-                if umask:
-                        os.umask(umask)
-                else:
-                        os.umask(022)
-                try:
-                        #print "execing", myc, myargs
-                        if func_call:
-                                # either use a passed in func for 
interpretting the results, or return if no exception.
-                                # note the passed in list, and dict are 
-                                if len(mycommand) == 4:
-                                try:
-                                except Exception,e:
-                                        print "caught exception",e," in forked 
-                                sys.exit(0)
-                       #os.execvp(myc,myargs)
-                        os.execve(myc,myargs,env)
-                except SystemExit, e:
-                        raise
-                except Exception, e:
-                        if not func_call:
-                                raise str(e)+":\n   "+myc+" 
-                        print "func call failed"
-                # If the execve fails, we need to report it, and exit
-                # *carefully* --- report error here
-                os._exit(1)
-                sys.exit(1)
-                return # should never get reached
-        # if we were logging, kill the pipes.
-        if logfile:
-                os.close(pr)
-                os.close(pw)
-        if returnpid:
-                return mypid
-        # loop through pids (typically one, unless logging), either waiting on 
their death, or waxing them
-        # if the main pid (mycommand) returned badly.
-        while len(mypid):
-                retval=os.waitpid(mypid[-1],0)[1]
-                if retval != 0:
-                        cleanup(mypid[0:-1],block_exceptions=False)
-                        # at this point we've killed all other kid pids 
generated via this call.
-                        # return now.
-                        if raw_exit_code:
-                                return retval
-                        return 
-                else:
-                        mypid.pop(-1)
-        cleanup(mypid)
-        return 0
+                               except SystemExit, e:
+                                       raise
+                               except:
+                                       pass
+               # note this order must be preserved- can't change gid/groups if 
you change uid first.
+               if selinux_capable and selinux_context:
+                       import selinux
+                       selinux.setexec(selinux_context)
+               if gid:
+                       os.setgid(gid)
+               if groups:
+                       os.setgroups(groups)
+               if uid:
+                       os.setuid(uid)
+               if umask:
+                       os.umask(umask)
+               else:
+                       os.umask(022)
+               try:
+                       #print "execing", myc, myargs
+                       if func_call:
+                               # either use a passed in func for interpretting 
the results, or return if no exception.
+                               # note the passed in list, and dict are 
+                               if len(mycommand) == 4:
+                               try:
+                               except Exception,e:
+                                       print "caught exception",e," in forked 
+                               sys.exit(0)
+                       os.execve(myc,myargs,env)
+               except SystemExit, e:
+                       raise
+               except Exception, e:
+                       if not func_call:
+                               raise str(e)+":\n   "+myc+" 
+                       print "func call failed"
+               # If the execve fails, we need to report it, and exit
+               # *carefully* --- report error here
+               os._exit(1)
+               sys.exit(1)
+               return # should never get reached
+       # if we were logging, kill the pipes.
+       if logfile:
+                       os.close(pr)
+                       os.close(pw)
+       if returnpid:
+                       return mypid
+       # loop through pids (typically one, unless logging), either waiting on 
their death, or waxing them
+       # if the main pid (mycommand) returned badly.
+       while len(mypid):
+               retval=os.waitpid(mypid[-1],0)[1]
+               if retval != 0:
+                       cleanup(mypid[0:-1],block_exceptions=False)
+                       # at this point we've killed all other kid pids 
generated via this call.
+                       # return now.
+                       if raw_exit_code:
+                               return retval
+                       return 
+               else:
+                       mypid.pop(-1)
+       cleanup(mypid)
+       return 0
 def cmd(mycmd,myexc="",env={}):
@@ -376,19 +382,21 @@ def cmd(mycmd,myexc="",env={}):
 def process_exit_code(retval,throw_signals=False):
-        """process a waitpid returned exit code, returning exit code if it 
exit'd, or the
-        signal if it died from signalling
-        if throw_signals is on, it raises a SystemExit if the process was 
-        This is intended for usage with threads, although at the moment you 
can't signal individual
-        threads in python, only the master thread, so it's a questionable 
-        if (retval & 0xff)==0:
-                return retval >> 8 # return exit code
-        else:
-                if throw_signals:
-                        #use systemexit, since portage is stupid about 
exception catching.
-                        raise SystemExit()
-                return (retval & 0xff) << 8 # interrupted by signal
+       """process a waitpid returned exit code, returning exit code if it 
exit'd, or the
+       signal if it died from signalling
+       if throw_signals is on, it raises a SystemExit if the process was 
+       This is intended for usage with threads, although at the moment you 
can't signal individual
+       threads in python, only the master thread, so it's a questionable 
+       if (retval & 0xff)==0:
+               return retval >> 8 # return exit code
+       else:
+               if throw_signals:
+                       #use systemexit, since portage is stupid about 
exception catching.
+                       raise SystemExit()
+               return (retval & 0xff) << 8 # interrupted by signal
 def file_locate(settings,filelist,expand=1):
        #if expand=1, non-absolute paths will be accepted and
@@ -398,15 +406,18 @@ def file_locate(settings,filelist,expand=1):
                        #filenames such as cdtar are optional, so we don't 
assume the variable is defined.
-                   if len(settings[myfile])==0:
-                           raise CatalystError, "File variable \""+myfile+"\" 
has a length of zero (not specified.)"
-                   if settings[myfile][0]=="/":
-                           if not os.path.exists(settings[myfile]):
-                                   raise CatalystError, "Cannot locate 
specified "+myfile+": "+settings[myfile]
-                   elif expand and 
-                           settings[myfile]=os.getcwd()+"/"+settings[myfile]
-                   else:
-                           raise CatalystError, "Cannot locate specified 
"+myfile+": "+settings[myfile]+" (2nd try)"
+                       if len(settings[myfile])==0:
+                               raise CatalystError("File variable \"" + myfile 
+                                       "\" has a length of zero (not 
specified.)", print_traceback=True)
+                       if settings[myfile][0]=="/":
+                               if not os.path.exists(settings[myfile]):
+                                       raise CatalystError("Cannot locate 
specified " + myfile +
+                                               ": "+settings[myfile], 
+                       elif expand and 
+                       else:
+                               raise CatalystError("Cannot locate specified " 
+ myfile +
+                                       ": "+settings[myfile]+" (2nd try)" +
 Spec file format:
@@ -427,6 +438,8 @@ that the order of multiple-value items is preserved, but 
the order that the item
 defined are not preserved. In other words, "foo", "bar", "oni" ordering is 
preserved but "item1"
 "item2" "item3" ordering is not, as the item strings are stored in a 
dictionary (hash).
+                                       , print_traceback=True)
 def parse_makeconf(mylines):
@@ -450,6 +463,7 @@ def parse_makeconf(mylines):
        return mymakeconf
 def read_makeconf(mymakeconffile):
        if os.path.exists(mymakeconffile):
@@ -475,10 +489,12 @@ def read_makeconf(mymakeconffile):
                return makeconf
 def msg(mymsg,verblevel=1):
        if verbosity>=verblevel:
                print mymsg
 def pathcompare(path1,path2):
        # Change double slashes to slash
        path1 = re.sub(r"//",r"/",path1)
@@ -491,6 +507,7 @@ def pathcompare(path1,path2):
                return 1
        return 0
 def ismount(path):
        "enhanced to handle bind mounts"
        if os.path.ismount(path):
@@ -504,6 +521,7 @@ def ismount(path):
                        return 1
        return 0
 def addl_arg_parse(myspec,addlargs,requiredspec,validspec):
        "helper function to help targets parse additional arguments"
        global valid_config_file_values
@@ -522,6 +540,7 @@ def addl_arg_parse(myspec,addlargs,requiredspec,validspec):
        if messages:
                raise CatalystError, '\n\tAlso: '.join(messages)
 def touch(myfile):
@@ -529,8 +548,9 @@ def touch(myfile):
        except IOError:
                raise CatalystError, "Could not touch "+myfile+"."
 def countdown(secs=5, doing="Starting"):
-        if secs:
+       if secs:
                print ">>> Waiting",secs,"seconds before starting..."
                print ">>> (Control-C to abort)...\n"+doing+" in: ",
@@ -541,14 +561,15 @@ def countdown(secs=5, doing="Starting"):
 def normpath(mypath):
-        if mypath[-1] == "/":
-           TrailingSlash=True
-        newpath = os.path.normpath(mypath)
-        if len(newpath) > 1:
-                if newpath[:2] == "//":
-                        newpath = newpath[1:]
+       if mypath[-1] == "/":
+               TrailingSlash=True
+       newpath = os.path.normpath(mypath)
+       if len(newpath) > 1:
+               if newpath[:2] == "//":
+                       newpath = newpath[1:]
        if TrailingSlash:
-           newpath=newpath+'/'
-        return newpath
+               newpath=newpath+'/'
+       return newpath

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