commit:     db94e5a20cd0a9bd458a3a3df515f5e47985dab5
Author:     Thomas Deutschmann <whissi <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Jul 14 09:51:25 2019 +0000
Commit:     Thomas Deutschmann <whissi <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Jul 14 11:58:17 2019 +0000
URL: Refactor append_splash

Signed-off-by: Thomas Deutschmann <whissi <AT>> | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 56c84c7..aace8c9 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -682,35 +682,49 @@ append_linker() {
                || gen_die "Failed to append linker to cpio!"
-       splash_geninitramfs=`which splash_geninitramfs 2>/dev/null`
-       if [ -x "${splash_geninitramfs}" ] && grep -q -E 
+append_splash() {
+       local TDIR="${TEMP}/initramfs-splash-temp"
+       if [ -d "${TDIR}" ]
-               [ -z "${SPLASH_THEME}" ] && [ -e /etc/conf.d/splash ] && source 
-               [ -z "${SPLASH_THEME}" ] && SPLASH_THEME=default
-               print_info 1 "$(getIndent 1)>> Installing splash [ using the 
${SPLASH_THEME} theme ]..."
-               if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-splash-temp" ]
-               then
-                       rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-splash-temp/"
-               fi
-               mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-splash-temp"
-               cd /
-               local tmp=""
-               [ -n "${SPLASH_RES}" ] && tmp="-r ${SPLASH_RES}"
-               splash_geninitramfs -c "${TEMP}/initramfs-splash-temp" ${tmp} 
${SPLASH_THEME} || gen_die "Could not build splash cpio archive"
-               if [ -e "/usr/share/splashutils/initrd.splash" ]; then
-                       mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-splash-temp/etc"
-                       cp -f "/usr/share/splashutils/initrd.splash" 
-               fi
-               cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-splash-temp/"
-               log_future_cpio_content
-               find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" \
-                       || gen_die "compressing splash cpio"
-               cd "${TEMP}"
-               rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-splash-temp/"
-       else
-               print_warning 1 "$(getIndent 1)>> No splash detected; skipping!"
+               rm -r "${TDIR}" || gen_die "Failed to clean out existing 
+       fi
+       if ! hash splash_geninitramfs &>/dev/null
+       then
+               gen_die "Unable to generate splash, 'splash_geninitramfs' was 
not found!"
+       fi
+       mkdir "${TDIR}" || gen_die "Failed to create '${TDIR}'!"
+       cd "${TDIR}" || gen_die "Failed to chdir to '${TDIR}'!"
+       if [ -z "${SPLASH_THEME}" -a -e /etc/conf.d/splash ]
+       then
+               source /etc/conf.d/splash &>/dev/null || gen_die "Failed to 
source '/etc/conf.d/splash'!"
+       fi
+       if [ -z "${SPLASH_THEME}" ]
+       then
+               SPLASH_THEME=default
+       fi
+       print_info 1 "$(get_indent 1)>> Installing splash [ using the 
${SPLASH_THEME} theme ] ..."
+       local res_param=""
+       [ -n "${SPLASH_RES}" ] && res_param="-r ${SPLASH_RES}"
+       splash_geninitramfs -c "${TDIR}" ${res_param} ${SPLASH_THEME} \
+               | gen_die "Failed to build splash cpio archive"
+       if [ -e "/usr/share/splashutils/initrd.splash" ]
+       then
+               mkdir -p "${TDIR}"/etc || gen_die "Failed to create 
+               cp -f /usr/share/splashutils/initrd.splash "${TDIR}"/etc/ 
2>/dev/null \
+                       gen_die "Failed to copy 
+       cd "${TDIR}" || gen_die "Failed to chdir to '${TDIR}'!"
+       log_future_cpio_content
+       find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" \
+               || gen_die "Failed to append splash to cpio!"
 append_overlay() {

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