commit:     69766214d7f4999413ad250e946d52565e785447
Author:     Brian Evans <grknight <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Feb 12 21:39:50 2019 +0000
Commit:     Brian Evans <grknight <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Feb 12 21:39:50 2019 +0000

mail-filter/dspam: Revbump to fix dependency

Non-maintainer commit

Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.59, Repoman-2.3.12
Signed-off-by: Brian Evans <grknight <AT>>

 mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.10.2-r2.ebuild | 221 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 221 insertions(+)

diff --git a/mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.10.2-r2.ebuild 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..427586b4be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.10.2-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit user
+DESCRIPTION="A statistical-algorithmic hybrid anti-spam filter"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~ppc ~x86"
+DRIVERS_IUSE="+hash mysql postgres sqlite"
+SCALES_IUSE="small-scale +domain-scale large-scale"
+IUSE="clamav daemon debug ldap static-libs syslog virtual-users user-homedirs 
+       net-mail/mailbase
+       ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+       mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c:0= )
+       postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql )
+       sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
+       ${DEPEND}
+       clamav? ( app-antivirus/clamav )
+       syslog? ( virtual/logger )
+# Demands on sane USE flags:
+# - find out what driver to use: select at least one
+# - if static-libs is set, only one driver may be selected
+# - find out what scale to use: select exactly one
+# - user-homedirs does not work with virtual-users
+       || ( ${DRIVERS_IUSE//+} )
+       static-libs? ( ^^ ( ${DRIVERS_IUSE//+} ) )
+       ^^ ( ${SCALES_IUSE//+} )
+       virtual-users? ( !user-homedirs )
+# dspam setup defaults
+pkg_setup() {
+       # setup storage, this sets DSPAM_DRIVERS
+       dspam_setup_storage_drivers
+       # create dspam user and group
+       dspam_setup_user
+src_configure() {
+       econf \
+               --sysconfdir=${DSPAM_CONF} \
+               --with-dspam-home=${DSPAM_HOME} \
+               --with-dspam-home-group=dspam \
+               --with-dspam-mode=${DSPAM_MODE} \
+               --with-dspam-group=dspam \
+               --with-logdir=${DSPAM_LOG} \
+               --enable-external-lookup \
+               --enable-long-usernames \
+               --enable-split-configuration \
+               $(use_enable clamav) \
+               $(use_enable daemon) \
+               $(use_enable debug) \
+               $(use_enable debug bnr-debug) \
+               $(use_enable debug verbose-debug) \
+               $(use_enable domain-scale) \
+               $(use_enable large-scale) \
+               $(use_enable static-libs static) \
+               $(use_enable syslog) \
+               $(use_enable user-homedirs homedir) \
+               $(use_enable virtual-users) \
+               --with-storage-driver=${DSPAM_DRIVERS} ${DSPAM_DRIVERS_EXTRAS} \
+               $(use mysql || use postgres && echo 
"--enable-preferences-extension") \
+               $(use syslog || echo "--with-logfile=${DSPAM_LOG}/dspam.log")
+dspam_setup_user() {
+       # DSPAM CGI web gui (www-apps/dspam-web) needs to run as a regular user
+       # under suexec in apache, so DSPAM user/group need to be regular users 
+       local euid egid
+       for euid in {1000..5000} ; do
+               [ -z "$(egetent passwd ${euid})" ] && break
+       done
+       for egid in {1000..5000} ; do
+               [ -z "$(egetent group ${egid})" ] && break
+       done
+       enewgroup dspam ${egid}
+       enewuser dspam ${euid} -1 "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" dspam,mail
+dspam_setup_storage_drivers() {
+       # Find out which storage drivers need to be enabled, and set some
+       # variables so that src_configure can pick them up
+       if use hash; then
+               DSPAM_DRIVERS+=",hash_drv"
+       fi
+       if use mysql; then
+               DSPAM_DRIVERS+=",mysql_drv"
+               DSPAM_DRIVERS_EXTRAS+="--with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql 
+       fi
+       if use postgres; then
+               DSPAM_DRIVERS+=",pgsql_drv"
+       fi
+       if use sqlite; then
+               DSPAM_DRIVERS+=",sqlite3_drv"
+       fi
+       if ! use static-libs; then
+               # set the driver name twice to avoid a static build
+       fi
+       # remove first comma separator
+       einfo "Building with drivers: ${DSPAM_DRIVERS}"
+src_install() {
+       default
+       if use daemon; then
+               newinitd "${FILESDIR}/dspam.initd" dspam
+               newconfd "${FILESDIR}/dspam.confd" dspam
+       fi
+       if use mysql; then
+               insinto "/usr/share/${PN}/mysql"
+               local files="mysql_objects-4.1.sql mysql_objects-space.sql 
mysql_objects-speed.sql purge-4.1.sql purge.sql"
+               if use virtual-users; then
+                       files+=" virtual_user_aliases.sql virtual_users.sql"
+               fi
+               for file in $files; do
+                       doins src/tools.mysql_drv/${file}
+               done
+       fi
+       if use postgres; then
+               insinto "/usr/share/${PN}/pgsql"
+               local files="pgsql_objects.sql purge-pe.sql purge.sql"
+               if use virtual-users; then
+                       files+=" virtual_users.sql"
+               fi
+               for file in $files; do
+                       doins src/tools.pgsql_drv/${file}
+               done
+       fi
+       if use sqlite; then
+               insinto "/usr/share/${PN}/sqlite"
+               newins src/tools.sqlite_drv/purge-3.sql purge.sql
+       fi
+       insinto "${DSPAM_HOME}/txt"
+       doins txt/*.txt
+       local i
+       for i in spam nonspam; do
+               echo "Scanned and tagged with DSPAM ${PV} on Gentoo Linux as 
${i} by ISP" > "${T}/msgtag.${i}"
+               doins "${T}/msgtag.${i}"
+       done
+       newbin contrib/dspam_maintenance/ dspam_maintenance
+       exeinto /etc/cron.daily
+       newexe "${FILESDIR}/dspam.cron-r4" dspam
+       insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+       newins "${FILESDIR}/dspam.logrotate" dspam
+       # stop logrotate-3.8 from complaining
+       dodir /var/log/dspam
+       fowners dspam:dspam /var/log/dspam
+       fperms 0750 /var/log/dspam
+       # Install dspamc setgid
+       fowners root:dspam /usr/bin/dspamc
+       fperms g+s /usr/bin/dspamc
+pkg_preinst() {
+       # dspam-3.10.0: config dir change, should be removed at some later point
+       if [ -d "${ROOT}/etc/mail/dspam" ]; then
+               ewarn "The configuration directory of DSPAM has been relocated 
from /etc/mail/dspam to ${DSPAM_CONF}."
+               if [ -h "${ROOT}${DSPAM_CONF}" ]; then
+                       # symlink, this is the setup in older ebuilds
+                       ewarn "Moving contents of /etc/mail/dspam to 
${DSPAM_CONF} ..."
+                       rm "${ROOT}${DSPAM_CONF}" && mv 
"${ROOT}/etc/mail/dspam" "${DSPAM_CONF}"
+                       eend $?
+               elif [ -d "${ROOT}${DSPAM_CONF}" ]; then
+                       # directory and no symlink, do it manually since we 
cannot decide.
+                       ewarn "You have both /etc/mail/dspam and ${DSPAM_CONF} 
directories, please delete the former."
+               else
+                       # nothing interesting in /etc/dspam
+                       ewarn "Moving contents of /etc/mail/dspam to 
${DSPAM_CONF} ..."
+                       mv "${ROOT}/etc/mail/dspam" "${DSPAM_CONF}"
+                       eend $?
+               fi
+       fi

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