commit:     f9f46770cb19a4d24ac02b9d49768976c13124a2
Author:     Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat May  5 14:57:52 2018 +0000
Commit:     Andreas Hüttel <dilfridge <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat May  5 14:58:49 2018 +0000

mail-mta/exim: Add revbump building with libtirpc, bug 637546

This still needs stabilization, preferably in sync with glibc-2.26.

Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.33, Repoman-2.3.9

 mail-mta/exim/exim-4.91-r2.ebuild | 554 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 554 insertions(+)

diff --git a/mail-mta/exim/exim-4.91-r2.ebuild 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e542b3cba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-mta/exim/exim-4.91-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit db-use eutils toolchain-funcs multilib pam systemd
+IUSE="arc dane dcc +dkim dlfunc dmarc +dnsdb doc dovecot-sasl dsn elibc_glibc 
exiscan-acl gnutls idn ipv6 ldap libressl lmtp maildir mbx mysql nis pam perl 
pkcs11 postgres +prdr proxy radius redis sasl selinux spf sqlite srs ssl syslog 
tcpd +tpda X"
+       arc? ( dkim spf )
+       dane? ( ssl )
+       dmarc? ( dkim spf )
+       gnutls? ( ssl )
+       pkcs11? ( ssl )
+       spf? ( exiscan-acl )
+       srs? ( exiscan-acl )
+COMM_URI="$([[ ${PV} == *_rc* ]] && echo 
+DESCRIPTION="A highly configurable, drop-in replacement for sendmail"
+       mirror://gentoo/system_filter.exim.gz
+       doc? ( ${COMM_URI}/${PN}-pdf-${PV//rc/RC}.tar.xz )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd 
+       ( >=sys-libs/db-3.2:= <sys-libs/db-6:= )
+       dev-libs/libpcre
+       idn? ( net-dns/libidn net-dns/libidn2 )
+       perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= )
+       pam? ( virtual/pam )
+       tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
+       ssl? (
+               !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+               libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
+       )
+       gnutls? (
+               net-libs/gnutls[pkcs11?]
+               dev-libs/libtasn1
+       )
+       ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-2.0.7 )
+       nis? (
+               elibc_glibc? (
+                       net-libs/libtirpc
+                       >=net-libs/libnsl-1:=
+               )
+       )
+       mysql? ( virtual/libmysqlclient )
+       postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )
+       sasl? ( >=dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-r2 )
+       redis? ( dev-libs/hiredis )
+       spf? ( >=mail-filter/libspf2-1.2.5-r1 )
+       dmarc? ( mail-filter/opendmarc )
+       srs? ( mail-filter/libsrs_alt )
+       X? (
+               x11-libs/libX11
+               x11-libs/libXmu
+               x11-libs/libXt
+               x11-libs/libXaw
+       )
+       sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite )
+       radius? ( net-dialup/freeradius-client )
+       virtual/libiconv
+       elibc_glibc? ( net-libs/libnsl )
+       "
+       # added X check for #57206
+       virtual/pkgconfig"
+       !mail-mta/courier
+       !mail-mta/esmtp
+       !mail-mta/mini-qmail
+       !<mail-mta/msmtp-1.4.19-r1
+       !>=mail-mta/msmtp-1.4.19-r1[mta]
+       !mail-mta/netqmail
+       !mail-mta/nullmailer
+       !mail-mta/postfix
+       !mail-mta/qmail-ldap
+       !mail-mta/sendmail
+       !mail-mta/opensmtpd
+       !<mail-mta/ssmtp-2.64-r2
+       !>=mail-mta/ssmtp-2.64-r2[mta]
+       !net-mail/mailwrapper
+       >=net-mail/mailbase-0.00-r5
+       virtual/logger
+       dcc? ( mail-filter/dcc )
+       selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-exim )
+       "
+src_prepare() {
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}"/exim-4.14-tail.patch
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}"/exim-4.74-localscan_dlopen.patch
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}"/exim-4.69-r1.27021.patch
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}"/exim-4.74-radius-db-ENV-clash.patch # 287426
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}"/exim-4.82-makefile-freebsd.patch # 235785
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}"/exim-4.89-as-needed-ldflags.patch # 352265, 391279
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}"/exim-4.76-crosscompile.patch # 266591
+       if use maildir ; then
+               epatch "${FILESDIR}"/exim-4.20-maildir.patch
+       else
+               epatch "${FILESDIR}"/exim-4.80-spool-mail-group.patch # 438606
+       fi
+       eapply_user
+       # user Exim believes it should be
+       MAILUSER=mail
+       MAILGROUP=mail
+       if use prefix && [[ ${EUID} != 0 ]] ; then
+               MAILUSER=$(id -un)
+               MAILGROUP=$(id -gn)
+       fi
+src_configure() {
+       # general config and paths
+       sed -i.orig \
+               -e 
+               "${S}"/src/configure.default || die
+       sed -i -e 's/^buildname=.*/buildname=exim-gentoo/g' Makefile || die
+       sed -e "48i\CFLAGS=${CFLAGS}" \
+               -e 
"s:BIN_DIRECTORY=/usr/exim/bin:BIN_DIRECTORY=${EPREFIX}/usr/sbin:" \
+               -e "s:EXIM_USER=:EXIM_USER=${MAILUSER}:" \
+               -e 
+               -e "s:ZCAT_COMMAND=.*$:ZCAT_COMMAND=${EPREFIX}/bin/zcat:" \
+               -e 
+               src/EDITME > Local/Makefile
+       if use elibc_musl; then
+               sed -e 's/^LIBS = -lnsl/LIBS =/g' \
+               -i OS/Makefile-Linux
+       fi
+       cd Local
+       cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+               INFO_DIRECTORY=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/info
+               PID_FILE_PATH=${EPREFIX}/run/
+               SPOOL_DIRECTORY=${EPREFIX}/var/spool/exim
+               HAVE_ICONV=yes
+       EOC
+       # if we use libiconv, now is the time to tell so
+       use !elibc_glibc && use !elibc_musl && \
+               echo "EXTRALIBS_EXIM=-liconv" >> Makefile
+       # support for IPv6
+       if use ipv6; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       HAVE_IPV6=YES
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # support i18n/IDNA
+       if use idn; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       SUPPORT_I18N=yes
+                       SUPPORT_I18N_2008=yes
+                       EXTRALIBS_EXIM += -lidn -lidn2
+               EOC
+       fi
+       #
+       # mail storage formats
+       # mailstore is Exim's traditional storage format
+       cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+               SUPPORT_MAILSTORE=yes
+       EOC
+       # mbox
+       if use mbx; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       SUPPORT_MBX=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # maildir
+       if use maildir; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       SUPPORT_MAILDIR=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       #
+       # lookup methods
+       # use the "native" interfaces to the DBM and CDB libraries, support
+       # passwd and directory lookups by default
+       local DB_VERS="5.3 5.1 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 3.2"
+       cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+               USE_DB=yes
+               CFLAGS+=-I$(db_includedir ${DB_VERS})
+               DBMLIB=-l$(db_libname ${DB_VERS})
+               LOOKUP_CDB=yes
+               LOOKUP_PASSWD=yes
+               LOOKUP_DSEARCH=yes
+       EOC
+       if ! use dnsdb; then
+               # DNSDB lookup is enabled by default
+               sed -i "s:^LOOKUP_DNSDB=yes:# LOOKUP_DNSDB=yes:" Makefile
+       fi
+       if use ldap; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       LOOKUP_LDAP=yes
+                       LDAP_LIB_TYPE=OPENLDAP2
+                       LOOKUP_INCLUDE += -I"${EROOT}"usr/include/ldap
+                       LOOKUP_LIBS += -lldap -llber
+               EOC
+       fi
+       if use mysql; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       LOOKUP_MYSQL=yes
+                       LOOKUP_INCLUDE += $(mysql_config --include)
+                       LOOKUP_LIBS += $(mysql_config --libs)
+               EOC
+       fi
+       if use nis; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       LOOKUP_NIS=yes
+                       LOOKUP_NISPLUS=yes
+               EOC
+               if use elibc_glibc ; then
+                       cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                               CFLAGS += -I/usr/include/tirpc
+                       EOC
+               fi
+       fi
+       if use postgres; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       LOOKUP_PGSQL=yes
+                       LOOKUP_INCLUDE += -I$(pg_config --includedir)
+                       LOOKUP_LIBS += -L$(pg_config --libdir) -lpq
+               EOC
+       fi
+       if use sqlite; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       LOOKUP_SQLITE=yes
+                       LOOKUP_SQLITE_PC=sqlite3
+               EOC
+       fi
+       if use redis; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       LOOKUP_REDIS=yes
+                       LOOKUP_LIBS += -lhiredis
+               EOC
+       fi
+       #
+       # Exim monitor, enabled by default, controlled via X USE-flag,
+       # disable if not requested, bug #46778
+       if use X; then
+               cp ../exim_monitor/EDITME eximon.conf || die
+       else
+               sed -i -e '/^EXIM_MONITOR=/s/^/# /' Makefile
+       fi
+       #
+       # features
+       # content scanning support
+       if use exiscan-acl; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       WITH_CONTENT_SCAN=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # DomainKeys Identified Mail, RFC4871
+       if ! use dkim; then
+               # DKIM is enabled by default
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       DISABLE_DKIM=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # Per-Recipient-Data-Response
+       if ! use prdr; then
+               # PRDR is enabled by default
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       DISABLE_PRDR=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # Transport post-delivery actions
+       if ! use tpda; then
+               # EVENT is enabled by default
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       DISABLE_EVENT=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # log to syslog
+       if use syslog; then
+               sed -i 
"s:LOG_FILE_PATH=/var/log/exim/exim_%s.log:LOG_FILE_PATH=syslog:" Makefile
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       LOG_FILE_PATH=syslog
+               EOC
+       else
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       LOG_FILE_PATH=${EPREFIX}/var/log/exim/exim_%s.log
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # starttls support (ssl)
+       if use ssl; then
+               echo "SUPPORT_TLS=yes" >> Makefile
+               if use gnutls; then
+                       echo "USE_GNUTLS=yes" >> Makefile
+                       echo "USE_GNUTLS_PC=gnutls" >> Makefile
+                       use pkcs11 || echo "AVOID_GNUTLS_PKCS11=yes" >> Makefile
+               else
+                       echo "USE_OPENSSL_PC=openssl" >> Makefile
+               fi
+       fi
+       # TCP wrappers
+       if use tcpd; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       USE_TCP_WRAPPERS=yes
+                       EXTRALIBS_EXIM += -lwrap
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # Light Mail Transport Protocol
+       if use lmtp; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       TRANSPORT_LMTP=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # embedded Perl
+       if use perl; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       EXIM_PERL=perl.o
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # dlfunc
+       if use dlfunc; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       EXPAND_DLFUNC=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # Proxy Protocol
+       if use proxy; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       SUPPORT_PROXY=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # DANE
+       if use dane; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       SUPPORT_DANE=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # Sender Policy Framework
+       if use spf; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       SUPPORT_SPF=yes
+                       EXTRALIBS_EXIM += -lspf2
+               EOC
+       fi
+       #
+       # experimental features
+       # Authenticated Receive Chain
+       if use arc; then
+               echo "EXPERIMENTAL_ARC=yes">> Makefile
+       fi
+       # Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse
+       if use dcc; then
+               echo "EXPERIMENTAL_DCC=yes">> Makefile
+       fi
+       # Sender Rewriting Scheme
+       if use srs; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       EXPERIMENTAL_SRS=yes
+                       EXTRALIBS_EXIM += -lsrs_alt
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # DMARC
+       if use dmarc; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       EXPERIMENTAL_DMARC=yes
+                       EXTRALIBS_EXIM += -lopendmarc
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # Delivery Sender Notifications extra information in fail message
+       if use dsn; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       EXPERIMENTAL_DSN_INFO=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       #
+       # authentication (SMTP AUTH)
+       # standard bits
+       cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+               AUTH_SPA=yes
+               AUTH_CRAM_MD5=yes
+               AUTH_PLAINTEXT=yes
+       EOC
+       # Cyrus SASL
+       if use sasl; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       CYRUS_SASLAUTHD_SOCKET=${EPREFIX}/run/saslauthd/mux
+                       AUTH_CYRUS_SASL=yes
+                       AUTH_LIBS += -lsasl2
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # Dovecot
+       if use dovecot-sasl; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       AUTH_DOVECOT=yes
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # Pluggable Authentication Modules
+       if use pam; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       SUPPORT_PAM=yes
+                       AUTH_LIBS += -lpam
+               EOC
+       fi
+       # Radius
+       if use radius; then
+               cat >> Makefile <<- EOC
+                       AUTH_LIBS += -lfreeradius-client
+               EOC
+       fi
+src_compile() {
+       emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" HOSTCC="$(tc-getCC $CBUILD)" \
+               AR="$(tc-getAR) cq" RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" FULLECHO='' \
+               || die "make failed"
+src_install () {
+       cd "${S}"/build-exim-gentoo || die
+       dosbin exim
+       if use X; then
+               dosbin eximon.bin
+               dosbin eximon
+       fi
+       fperms 4755 /usr/sbin/exim
+       dosym exim /usr/sbin/sendmail
+       dosym exim /usr/sbin/rsmtp
+       dosym exim /usr/sbin/rmail
+       dosym ../sbin/exim /usr/bin/mailq
+       dosym ../sbin/exim /usr/bin/newaliases
+       dosym ../sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail
+       for i in exicyclog exim_dbmbuild exim_dumpdb exim_fixdb exim_lock \
+               exim_tidydb exinext exiwhat exigrep eximstats exiqsumm exiqgrep 
+               convert4r3 convert4r4 exipick
+       do
+               dosbin $i
+       done
+       dodoc "${S}"/doc/*
+       doman "${S}"/doc/exim.8
+       use dsn && dodoc "${S}"/README.DSN
+       use doc && dodoc "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-pdf-${PV//rc/RC}/doc/*.pdf
+       # conf files
+       insinto /etc/exim
+       newins "${S}"/src/configure.default exim.conf.dist
+       if use exiscan-acl; then
+               newins "${S}"/src/configure.default exim.conf.exiscan-acl
+       fi
+       doins "${WORKDIR}"/system_filter.exim
+       doins "${FILESDIR}"/auth_conf.sub
+       pamd_mimic system-auth exim auth account
+       # headers, #436406
+       if use dlfunc ; then
+               # fixup includes so they actually can be found when including
+               sed -i \
+                       -e '/#include 
"\(config\|store\|mytypes\).h"/s:"\(.\+\)":<exim/\1>:' \
+                       local_scan.h || die
+               insinto /usr/include/exim
+               doins {config,local_scan}.h ../src/{mytypes,store}.h
+       fi
+       insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+       newins "${FILESDIR}/exim.logrotate" exim
+       newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/exim.rc10 exim
+       newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/exim.confd exim
+       systemd_dounit 
+       systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/exim_at.service 'exim@.service'
+       systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/exim-submission_at.service 
+       diropts -m 0750 -o ${MAILUSER} -g ${MAILGROUP}
+       keepdir /var/log/${PN}
+pkg_postinst() {
+       if [[ ! -f ${EROOT}etc/exim/exim.conf ]] ; then
+               einfo "${EROOT}etc/exim/system_filter.exim is a sample 
+               einfo "${EROOT}etc/exim/auth_conf.sub contains the 
configuration sub for using smtp auth."
+               einfo "Please create ${EROOT}etc/exim/exim.conf from 
+       fi
+       if use dcc ; then
+               einfo "DCC support is experimental, you can find some limited"
+               einfo "documentation at the bottom of this prerelease message:"
+               einfo "";
+       fi
+       use srs && einfo "SRS support is experimental"
+       if use dmarc ; then
+               einfo "DMARC support is experimental.  See global settings to"
+               einfo "configure DMARC, for usage see the documentation at "
+               einfo "experimental-spec.txt."
+       fi
+       use dsn && einfo "extra information in fail DSN message is experimental"
+       elog "The obsolete acl condition 'demime' is removed, the replacements"
+       elog "are the ACLs acl_smtp_mime and acl_not_smtp_mime"

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