commit:     3c62d9ebc31c56c049cbcbe29ad491b9e5454df9
Author:     Nicolas Bock <nicolasbock <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Thu Dec 14 13:47:40 2017 +0000
Commit:     Nicolas Bock <nicolasbock <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Thu Dec 14 13:55:15 2017 +0000

mail-client/neomutt: Update crypto USE flags

During the transition period between the old and the new crypto related
flags, the neomutt package needs to support both sets. Currently the
ebuild emits crypto '--enable' flags twice, with the second flag
overriding the first. This can lead to unwanted settings. This change
adds some logic around those flags to emit the configure option only


Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.13, Repoman-2.3.3

 mail-client/neomutt/neomutt-9999.ebuild | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mail-client/neomutt/neomutt-9999.ebuild 
index 8496d18ad8c..7b36a57de36 100644
--- a/mail-client/neomutt/neomutt-9999.ebuild
+++ b/mail-client/neomutt/neomutt-9999.ebuild
@@ -64,23 +64,29 @@ S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${P}"
 src_configure() {
        local myconf=(
                "$(use_enable doc)"
-               "$(use_enable gpg gpgme)"
-               "$(use_enable gpgme)"
                "$(use_enable nls)"
                "$(use_enable notmuch)"
-               "$(use_enable crypt pgp)"
-               "$(use_enable pgp_classic pgp)"
-               "$(use_enable smime)"
-               "$(use_enable smime_classic smime)"
+               # During the transition of the crypto USE flags we need to 
+               # both sets of flags. We do not want to emit a configuration 
+               # twice, since the second flag overrides the first, potentially
+               # leading to unwanted settings. See for
+               # details.
+               "$(if use gpg || use gpgme; then echo "--enable"; else echo 
"--disable"; fi)-gpgme"
+               "$(if use crypt || use pgp_classic; then echo "--enable"; else 
echo "--disable"; fi)-pgp"
+               "$(if use smime || use smime_classic; then echo "--enable"; 
else echo "--disable"; fi)-smime"
+               # Database backends.
                "$(use_enable berkdb bdb)"
                "$(use_enable gdbm)"
+               "$(use_enable kyotocabinet)"
+               "$(use_enable qdbm)"
+               "$(use_enable tokyocabinet)"
                "$(use_enable idn)"
                "$(use_enable kerberos gss)"
-               "$(use_enable kyotocabinet)"
                "$(use_enable lmdb)"
-               "$(use_enable qdbm)"
                "$(use_enable sasl)"
-               "$(use_enable tokyocabinet)"
                "--with-ui=$(usex slang slang ncurses)"
                "$(use_enable ssl)"
@@ -110,11 +116,19 @@ src_install() {
 pkg_postinst() {
-       ewarn "Pleae note that the crypto related USE flags of neomutt have 
-       ewarn "("
-       ewarn "crypt -> pgp_classic"
-       ewarn "gpg -> gpgme"
-       ewarn "smime -> smime_classic"
-       ewarn "The old USE flags still work but their use is deprecated and 
-       ewarn "be removed in a future release."
+       if use crypt || use gpg || use smime; then
+               ewarn "Pleae note that the crypto related USE flags of neomutt 
have changed."
+               ewarn "("
+               ewarn "crypt -> pgp_classic"
+               ewarn "gpg -> gpgme"
+               ewarn "smime -> smime_classic"
+               ewarn "The old USE flags still work but their use is deprecated 
and will"
+               ewarn "be removed in a future release."
+               if use gpg && ( use crypt || use smime ); then
+                       ewarn "  Note that gpgme (old gpg) includes both pgp 
and smime"
+                       ewarn "  support.  You can probably remove pgp_classic 
(old crypt)"
+                       ewarn "  and smime_classic (old smime) from your 
USE-flags and"
+                       ewarn "  only enable gpgme."
+               fi
+       fi

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