commit:     a783818b136b5a733c6a16c67a7cc5d19e4aecf4
Author:     James Le Cuirot <chewi <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat Apr 29 20:00:31 2017 +0000
Commit:     James Le Cuirot <chewi <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Apr 29 20:00:31 2017 +0000

games-action/descent2-data: Improved version in Gentoo repo, removing

 .../descent2-data/descent2-data-1.0-r2.ebuild      | 209 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 209 deletions(-)

diff --git a/games-action/descent2-data/descent2-data-1.0-r2.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c9e548..0000000
--- a/games-action/descent2-data/descent2-data-1.0-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit cdrom eutils games
-# Not possible to apply official 1.2 patch under Linux, so provide our own
-# Should only be needed for original DOS CD-ROM release
-# For GOG install
-DESCRIPTION="Data files for Descent 2"
-SRC_URI="cdinstall? ( $MY_PATCH )
-       !cdinstall? ( $MY_EXE )"
-# See readme.txt
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86"
-RESTRICT="!cdinstall? ( fetch )"
-IUSE="+cdinstall doc vertigo videos"
-# d2x-0.2.5-r2 may include the CD data itself.
-# d2x-0.2.5-r3 does not include the CD data.
-# d2x-rebirth is favoured because it is stable.
-#RDEPEND="|| (
-#      games-action/d2x-rebirth
-#      >=games-action/d2x-0.2.5-r3 )"
-       vertigo? ( games-action/descent2-vertigo )
-       cdinstall? (
-               dev-util/xdelta:3
-       )
-       !cdinstall? (
-               app-arch/innoextract
-               app-arch/unzip
-       )"
-# Function to handle copying and renaming files from installation directory
-copy_file() {
-       local dest="${2}"
-       local f=$(basename "${1}")
-       if [ "${f:0:1}" == '*' ]; then
-               return 0
-       else
-               echo "Copying '${f}'"
-               local d=$(echo ${f} | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")
-               cp -f "${1}" "${dest}/${d}" || die "copy ${1} failed"
-               return 0
-       fi
-pkg_nofetch() {
-       elog "You must place a copy of, or symlink to, the GOG setup package 
-       elog "${DISTDIR}/${MY_EXE}"
-       echo
-       elog "If you wish to install from CD-ROM instead, please enable the 
cdinstall flag"
-pkg_setup() {
-       games_pkg_setup
-       local m need_cd="n"
-       if use cdinstall; then
-               # Check for supported CD-ROM or local install
-               CDROM_NAME_SET=( "CD-ROM Version" "Installed Version" 
"Installed Version" )
-               cdrom_get_cds d2data/descent2.sow:descent2.hog:DESCENT2.HOG
-               case ${CDROM_SET} in
-                       0) F_SOURCE='cd'
-                               F_ROOT="${CDROM_ROOT}/d2data"
-                               einfo 'Found Descent II CD' ;;
-                       [12]) F_SOURCE='install'
-                               F_ROOT="${CDROM_ROOT}"
-                               einfo 'Found Descent II Installation' ;;
-                       *) die 'Descent II CD or installation files not found' 
-               esac
-       else
-               # Check for GOG installer
-               if [ ! -e "${DISTDIR}/${MY_EXE}" ]; then
-                       ewarn "You must copy or symlink '${MY_EXE}' to your 
distfiles directory"
-                       die "GOG installer not found"
-                       F_SOURCE='gog'
-               fi
-               F_ROOT="${WORKDIR}/gog/app/descent 2"
-       fi
-src_unpack() {
-       mkdir "${WORKDIR}"/{demos,missions} || die "mkdir {demos,missions} 
-       use cdinstall && unpack ${MY_PATCH}
-       # Extract level data if installing from CD
-       if [ "${F_SOURCE}" == "cd" ]; then
-               unarj e "${F_ROOT}/descent2.sow" || die "unarj 
'${F_ROOT}/descent2.sow' failed"
-               # Remove files not needed by any Linux native client
-               rm -f *.{bat,dll,exe,ini,lst} endnote.txt # ignore fail
-               # Move missions to appropriate directory
-               mv d2-2plyr.{hog,mn2} d2chaos.{hog,mn2} missions/ || \
-                       die "move missions failed"
-               # Move demos to appropriate directory
-               mv *.dem demos/ || die "move demos failed"
-       # Othwerwise, copy files if pulling from install source
-       else
-               # Extract files from GOG package if necessary
-               if ! use cdinstall; then
-                       einfo "Unpacking ${MY_EXE}. This will take a while..."
-                       mkdir gog && cd gog || die "mkdir gog failed"
-                       innoextract -e -s -p1 -L "${DISTDIR}/${MY_EXE}" || die 
"innoextract failed"
-                       cd .. || die "cd .. failed"
-               fi
-               for i in 
"${F_ROOT}"/*.{ham,HAM,hog,HOG,pig,PIG,s11,S11,s22,S22,txt,TXT,pdf,PDF}; do
-                       copy_file "$i" "${WORKDIR}"
-               done
-               # Also copy optional missions and demos if available
-               for i in "${F_ROOT}"/{missions,MISSIONS}/*; do
-                       copy_file "$i" "${WORKDIR}/missions"
-               done
-               for i in "${F_ROOT}"/{demos,DEMOS}/*; do
-                       copy_file "$i" "${WORKDIR}/demos"
-               done
-       fi
-       # Also copy video files if desired
-       if use videos; then
-               # Require high resolution movie files
-               for i in "${F_ROOT}"/*-{h.mvl,H.MVL}; do
-                       copy_file "$i" "${WORKDIR}"
-               done
-               if [ ! -f "${WORKDIR}/intro-h.mvl" \
-                       -o ! -f "${WORKDIR}/other-h.mvl" \
-                       -o ! -f "${WORKDIR}/robots-h.mvl" ] ; then
-                       die "videos not found"
-               fi
-               # Also copy low resolution movie files (not available from GOG)
-               # Would anyone really want low-res videos at this point? 
Probably not.
-               #for i in "${F_ROOT}"/*-{l.mvl,L.MVL}; do
-               #       copy_file "$i" "${WORKDIR}"
-               #done
-       fi
-src_prepare() {
-       # Patch to 1.2 if necessary
-       if use cdinstall; then
-               if [ "$(md5sum descent2.ham)" != 
"7f30c3d7d4087b8584b49012a53ce022" ]; then
-                       for i in *.xdelta; do
-                               xdelta3 -d -s ${i%.*} ${i} ${i%.*}.new \
-                                       || die "patch ${i%.*} failed"
-                               mv ${i%.*}.new ${i%.*} || die "patch ${i%.*} 
-                       done
-               fi
-               rm *.xdelta || die "rm *.xdelta"
-       fi
-       mkdir doc || die "mkdir doc failed"
-       mv *.{txt,pdf} doc/ # ignore fail
-src_install() {
-       insinto "${dir}"
-       doins *
-       if [ "$(ls -A missions/)" ]; then
-               insinto "${dir}/missions"
-               doins missions/*
-       fi
-       if [ "$(ls -A demos/)" ]; then
-               insinto "${dir}/demos"
-               doins demos/*
-       fi
-       if use doc; then
-               dodoc doc/*.txt
-               if [ $(ls doc/*.pdf 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
-                       insinto "/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
-                       doins doc/*.pdf
-               fi
-       fi
-       prepgamesdirs
-pkg_postinst() {
-       games_pkg_postinst
-       elog "A client is needed to run the game, e.g. 
-       echo

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