commit: d81c9cde165373c704e3e48b7855c75dbcaf3e46 Author: Jory A. Pratt <anarchy <AT> gentoo <DOT> org> AuthorDate: Sun Jan 29 15:16:54 2017 +0000 Commit: Jory Pratt <anarchy <AT> gentoo <DOT> org> CommitDate: Sun Jan 29 15:16:54 2017 +0000 URL:
mail-client/thunderbird : WIP - Ebuild 52.0b1 mail-client/thunderbird/Manifest | 2 + .../files/1000_fix_gentoo_preferences.patch | 25 ++ .../thunderbird/thunderbird-52.0_beta1.ebuild | 330 +++++++++++++++++++++ profiles/package.mask | 4 +- 4 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/mail-client/thunderbird/Manifest b/mail-client/thunderbird/Manifest index ac260b3..857cacf 100644 --- a/mail-client/thunderbird/Manifest +++ b/mail-client/thunderbird/Manifest @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ DIST enigmail-1.9.1.tar.gz 1736876 SHA256 0393119725fa5931d9888a2a1c9796d440ee7975ca3d005eb63142768b10f993 SHA512 5417d7744ff5b8299d9799059f62013e546fb74206782169e5ce6baa0950d96d1c8996c99ec902ca73b241fd1268966e0a7ad30c032a1706a0efbf06fefc311c WHIRLPOOL 80cff68461edc743851de5a83cd04105f6689eb1289f46b72334a96b091dc430399a91b2ab004a39bd7cb04433ab0471dd07b44d39fc2eb3869487b07841fc5a DIST firefox-45.0-patches-10.tar.xz 22416 SHA256 4e765f9c8047aca453809c66a9256165c308b84e5a61ef48a26fa8e7d6593cca SHA512 658a24da434923299208014d5562ec35eaf4ff3a71ccd707541672a3d62ebee1b03a7fccdad52e855227d43a61e353f89e76488b325ea06fedba81eb53fbded0 WHIRLPOOL d51243c5c148fe1415c8bd5203639de22abaadd3d2c121f2793d89a4eab4c353592f0e36a0895a3cfb960880fad5c0a3580e341303c9891f9ef8bc2e8f4d79c1 +DIST firefox-52.0-patches-03.tar.xz 9664 SHA256 be636821859fe86e04f3aebba677a2b55507c03a8916b4d9ba619b5a7dcbee4a SHA512 6300168e45205fb012809e050f8e06b7388e0b63ab1405126550863a3b717da20ce342cbbb3bebbaf55e0d348c2e409410f0739d7e5cceedd3da6ad61dab702a WHIRLPOOL 44fd28c56f921d23a57f04dca2d9ff99bbcfc5f1416d7e8700c025bcf07c21525bfd42343c65f0dc483efa83ccaa44d255d2c464d62169cc2e9aaf94b47df746 DIST gdata-provider-2.6-r1.tar.xz 83836 SHA256 e181d5fe69e66f34719295790301e0d265c855be5f30df516c52dd3708d82158 SHA512 e5fcf60c221590d1d904ce8c6a74da7208b118c2872a26267f4ee6d3e68eea466d44b979b7259a012a21e48eb5b470d52cc9e58584226fe04ce88ff698da495b WHIRLPOOL 0e85fbb321edec0397b42808fd6320e245de35ddd1cf772545c432dbf26d8c28b042ba2c61bbde2abdbf4d5cca076436e6d678d6d636d3bcc562470d485df6c1 DIST lightning-4.7.7.tar.xz 1933692 SHA256 1dd931007ae8ff09601090f7123c793162ff016e0ff494c99d8145e0cce80e0d SHA512 c2c5d4c48a16f8f4286b4a52ba9487e1ae4e9c500708eefdcadb49416e6e687e1f1aa58149839d3e739cb57654c211239f4206a6231c3146e6775ebdf7dd6969 WHIRLPOOL 848ad9a5b2c250f42eca45ca3c019595bbc4ddef953d98f7fab857b0b77170c283dac737943b4dc7ed6e2845bf3f6f19f4ba8c0462b3707e6819f85be71c8798 DIST thunderbird-38.0-patches-0.1.tar.xz 684 SHA256 cd2a347b72a104e72d38e56bb92df3464e8820485119b4114dbd0bbda131a808 SHA512 52c83af301be959e861dfec55b3c4bc60035387c606976bd29232c4cba077230edcadef242491e699fba10027d0408dd4f33fa320bcf96727afe149166ca02de WHIRLPOOL a378a0fa1b152f17681a5e389662fedfacd45a137b224f038d3c98ab4a024bcf9e753fb2fe018cdb7126fb710ee8baabdf7882540450ead2985070d0d1f12eb0 @@ -60,3 +61,4 @@ DIST thunderbird-45.7.0-vi.xpi 540499 SHA256 defc6f3d6f77ba8b46e41c3d9c49d42e738 DIST thunderbird-45.7.0-zh-CN.xpi 489210 SHA256 735f0ad45ac48af7db435be430704b0d108dd7576c488c50e1ef015e2dd39fe2 SHA512 6c7bca994437d9fc3e3186ac1fbd4e7eb7d8a0e9257d54a0dd812ae0cc49e200066f5b4fdecff189e4fc3e1948290a1ace5b6d53df4385094a73c31aa6574e57 WHIRLPOOL 7efca0effb84dbec578980c541dd9594d34f416c7b20c6f97796abd6b563cd686b85966d5cafb8a5342a738a65912f0e6335b12edb6306373c84c20b7f8482f0 DIST thunderbird-45.7.0-zh-TW.xpi 490850 SHA256 f4e9316987462c9367235d75f2d7a765068aa1080bb87fdc62988316b859585a SHA512 a37c073a77a46a16eccdd6536db195bd00eb9973d0307c021dbf89d24e4c79f12b556967bb1a35bc5a5660fd30e2f8682248aab02ddde26700261bb642b5f496 WHIRLPOOL 92d346751f130d0a2fb1c71216cd9bef23602aa90f328ff73a105e1e875a53c8a0704f06732894a0672646d95024e5678e5f0a4101c90d0eb01e6c2cbe75583b DIST thunderbird-45.7.0.source.tar.xz 201088460 SHA256 1366cd7fe246bdf1540203586ebfe8fc3fec1f679bd0b61e7e95288f493775fd SHA512 99cea54b553158c1e08cf19157ac2bb6822fd1fef0501d36f983e6b8d4f2143a2e6124d61297446944033d3fed9326fe0f12ca45db0b5815be71a0777e73ffb0 WHIRLPOOL 3592320fa2183a4c25ead47c3f9e4c23df2f723c6a1ea43d95b37527646d9ae7daf3758a9a1532ddc1e3241875482554d28e9c667826d24aab376cb43b8467bf +DIST thunderbird-52.0b1.source.tar.xz 222210316 SHA256 e8be4e4c6c501f816239bdafc567f73fed19bc8014e5c2c3bc6699ede0f504ec SHA512 992f74b81d47806a2fa2667f9023cba6d75ccf0ef5310a4e4124fce8a317f2633a287fe828c43f90978916e4f199e2778affc8e4e7beab9abdc6dfbd52150d94 WHIRLPOOL 414c80a19295402bb428937e53cbbbbd639cea3e45640df2daf22be350118b070ff2d8f9e6a457611bd936bf9b79680562aa908da82c2a8653759d4247269142 diff --git a/mail-client/thunderbird/files/1000_fix_gentoo_preferences.patch b/mail-client/thunderbird/files/1000_fix_gentoo_preferences.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0154210 --- /dev/null +++ b/mail-client/thunderbird/files/1000_fix_gentoo_preferences.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +From: Jory A. Pratt <> + +Add the gentoo preferences for the omni.jar creation + +diff --git a/mail/installer/ b/mail/installer/ +--- a/mail/installer/ ++++ b/mail/installer/ +@@ -313,16 +313,17 @@ + @RESPATH@/components/devtools-startup.manifest + @RESPATH@/components/devtools-startup.js + + ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; + ; Default Profile Settings + ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; + + ; default pref files ++@RESPATH@/defaults/pref/all-gentoo.js + @RESPATH@/defaults/pref/all-thunderbird.js + @RESPATH@/defaults/pref/channel-prefs.js + @RESPATH@/defaults/pref/composer.js + @RESPATH@/defaults/pref/mailnews.js + @RESPATH@/defaults/pref/mdn.js + @RESPATH@/defaults/pref/smime.js + @RESPATH@/defaults/pref/thunderbird-branding.js + @RESPATH@/greprefs.js diff --git a/mail-client/thunderbird/thunderbird-52.0_beta1.ebuild b/mail-client/thunderbird/thunderbird-52.0_beta1.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6f7808 --- /dev/null +++ b/mail-client/thunderbird/thunderbird-52.0_beta1.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Id$ + +EAPI=6 +WANT_AUTOCONF="2.1" +MOZ_ESR="" +MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER="4.7.7" +MOZ_LIGHTNING_GDATA_VER="2.6" + +# This list can be updated using scripts/ from the mozilla overlay +MOZ_LANGS=(ar ast be bg bn-BD br ca cs cy da de el en en-GB en-US es-AR +es-ES et eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gd gl he hr hsb hu hy-AM id is it ja ko lt +nb-NO nl nn-NO pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT rm ro ru si sk sl sq sr sv-SE ta-LK tr +uk vi zh-CN zh-TW ) + +# Convert the ebuild version to the upstream mozilla version, used by mozlinguas +MOZ_PV="${PV/_beta/b}" + +# Patches +PATCHFF="firefox-52.0-patches-03" + +MOZ_HTTP_URI="${PN}/releases" + +# ESR releases have slightly version numbers +if [[ ${MOZ_ESR} == 1 ]]; then + MOZ_PV="${MOZ_PV}esr" +fi +MOZ_P="${PN}-${MOZ_PV}" + +MOZCONFIG_OPTIONAL_JIT="enabled" +inherit flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs mozconfig-v6.51 makeedit autotools pax-utils check-reqs nsplugins mozlinguas-v2 fdo-mime gnome2-utils + +DESCRIPTION="Thunderbird Mail Client" +HOMEPAGE="" + +KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ppc ppc64 x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux" +SLOT="0" +LICENSE="MPL-2.0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1" +IUSE="bindist hardened ldap lightning +minimal mozdom selinux" +RESTRICT="!bindist? ( bindist )" + +PATCH_URIS=({anarchy,axs,polynomial-c}/mozilla/patchsets/${PATCHFF}.tar.xz ) +SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} + ${MOZ_HTTP_URI}/${MOZ_PV}/source/${MOZ_P}.source.tar.xz +${MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER}.tar.xz + lightning? (${MOZ_LIGHTNING_GDATA_VER}-r1.tar.xz ) + ${PATCH_URIS[@]}" + +ASM_DEPEND=">=dev-lang/yasm-1.1" + +CDEPEND=" + >=dev-libs/nss-3.28.1 + >=dev-libs/nspr-4.13.1 + >=media-libs/libpng-1.6.25 + system-sqlite? ( >=dev-db/sqlite-3.14.1:3[secure-delete,debug=] )" + +DEPEND="${CDEPEND} + amd64? ( ${ASM_DEPEND} + virtual/opengl ) + x86? ( ${ASM_DEPEND} + virtual/opengl )" + +RDEPEND="${CDEPEND} + selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-thunderbird ) +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MOZ_P}" + +BUILD_OBJ_DIR="${S}/tbird" + +pkg_setup() { + moz_pkgsetup + + export MOZILLA_DIR="${S}/mozilla" + + if ! use bindist ; then + elog "You are enabling official branding. You may not redistribute this build" + elog "to any users on your network or the internet. Doing so puts yourself into" + elog "a legal problem with Mozilla Foundation" + elog "You can disable it by emerging ${PN} _with_ the bindist USE-flag" + elog + fi +} + +pkg_pretend() { + # Ensure we have enough disk space to compile + CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD="4G" + check-reqs_pkg_setup +} + +src_unpack() { + unpack ${A} + + # Unpack language packs + mozlinguas_src_unpack + + # this version of lightning is a .tar.xz, no xpi needed + #xpi_unpack lightning-${MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER}.xpi + + # this version of gdata-provider is a .tar.xz , no xpi needed + #use lightning && xpi_unpack gdata-provider-${MOZ_LIGHTNING_GDATA_VER}.xpi +} + +src_prepare() { + # Apply our Thunderbird patchset + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/1000_fix_gentoo_preferences.patch + + # Apply our patchset from firefox to thunderbird as well + pushd "${S}"/mozilla &>/dev/null || die + eapply "${WORKDIR}/firefox" + popd &>/dev/null || die + + # Ensure that are plugins dir is enabled as default + sed -i -e "s:/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins:/usr/lib/nsbrowser/plugins:" \ + "${S}"/mozilla/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp || die "sed failed to replace plugin path for 32bit!" + sed -i -e "s:/usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins:/usr/lib64/nsbrowser/plugins:" \ + "${S}"/mozilla/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp || die "sed failed to replace plugin path for 64bit!" + + # Don't exit with error when some libs are missing which we have in + # system. + sed '/^MOZ_PKG_FATAL_WARNINGS/s@= 1@= 0@' \ + -i "${S}"/mail/installer/ || die + + # Don't error out when there's no files to be removed: + sed 's@\(xargs rm\)$@\1 -f@' \ + -i "${S}"/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/installer/ || die + + # Shell scripts sometimes contain DOS line endings; bug 391889 + grep -rlZ --include="*.sh" $'\r$' . | + while read -r -d $'\0' file ; do + einfo edos2unix "${file}" + edos2unix "${file}" + done + + # Allow user to apply any additional patches without modifing ebuild + eapply_user + + # Confirm the version of lightning being grabbed for langpacks is the same + # as that used in thunderbird + local THIS_MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER=$(python "${S}"/calendar/lightning/build/ ${PV}) + if [[ ${MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER} != ${THIS_MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER} ]]; then + eqawarn "The version of lightning used for localization differs from the version" + eqawarn "in thunderbird. Please update MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER in the ebuild from ${MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER}" + eqawarn "to ${THIS_MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER}" + fi + + eautoreconf + # Ensure we run eautoreconf in mozilla to regenerate configure + cd "${S}"/mozilla || die + eautoconf + cd "${S}"/mozilla/js/src || die + eautoconf +} + +src_configure() { + MEXTENSIONS="default" + + #################################### + # + # mozconfig, CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS setup + # + #################################### + + mozconfig_init + mozconfig_config + + # It doesn't compile on alpha without this LDFLAGS + use alpha && append-ldflags "-Wl,--no-relax" + + # Add full relro support for hardened + use hardened && append-ldflags "-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now" + + mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-extensions="${MEXTENSIONS}" + mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-calendar + + # Other tb-specific settings + mozconfig_annotate '' --with-user-appdir=.thunderbird + + mozconfig_use_enable ldap + + mozlinguas_mozconfig + + # Bug #72667 + if use mozdom; then + MEXTENSIONS="${MEXTENSIONS},inspector" + fi + + # Use an objdir to keep things organized. + echo "mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}" >> "${S}"/.mozconfig + + # Finalize and report settings + mozconfig_final + + #################################### + # + # Configure and build + # + #################################### + + # Disable no-print-directory + MAKEOPTS=${MAKEOPTS/--no-print-directory/} + + if [[ $(gcc-major-version) -lt 4 ]]; then + append-cxxflags -fno-stack-protector + fi + + # workaround for funky/broken upstream configure... + SHELL="${SHELL:-${EPREFIX%/}/bin/bash}" \ + emake V=1 -f configure +} + +src_compile() { + MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="${MAKEOPTS}" SHELL="${SHELL}" \ + emake V=1 -f +} + +src_install() { + declare emid + cd "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}" || die + + # Copy our preference before omnijar is created. + cp "${FILESDIR}"/thunderbird-gentoo-default-prefs-1.js-1 \ + "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}/dist/bin/defaults/pref/all-gentoo.js" \ + || die + + mozconfig_install_prefs \ + "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}/dist/bin/defaults/pref/all-gentoo.js" + + # dev-db/sqlite does not have FTS3_TOKENIZER support. + # gloda needs it to function, and bad crashes happen when its enabled and doesn't work + if in_iuse system-sqlite && use system-sqlite ; then + echo "lockPref(\"\", false);" \ + >>"${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}/dist/bin/defaults/pref/all-gentoo.js" || die + fi + + # Pax mark xpcshell for hardened support, only used for startupcache creation. + pax-mark m "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}"/dist/bin/xpcshell + + MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="${MAKEOPTS}" \ + emake DESTDIR="${D}" install + + # Install language packs + mozlinguas_src_install + + local size sizes icon_path icon + if ! use bindist; then + icon_path="${S}/other-licenses/branding/thunderbird" + icon="${PN}-icon" + + domenu "${FILESDIR}"/icon/${PN}.desktop + else + icon_path="${S}/mail/branding/aurora" + icon="${PN}-icon-unbranded" + + newmenu "${FILESDIR}"/icon/${PN}-unbranded.desktop \ + ${PN}.desktop + + sed -i -e "s:Mozilla\ Thunderbird:EarlyBird:g" \ + "${ED}"/usr/share/applications/${PN}.desktop + fi + + # Install a 48x48 icon into /usr/share/pixmaps for legacy DEs + newicon "${icon_path}"/mailicon48.png "${icon}".png + # Install icons for menu entry + sizes="16 22 24 32 48 256" + for size in ${sizes}; do + newicon -s ${size} "${icon_path}/mailicon${size}.png" "${icon}.png" + done + + local emid + # stage extra locales for lightning and install over existing + mozlinguas_xpistage_langpacks "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}"/dist/xpi-stage/lightning \ + "${WORKDIR}"/lightning-${MOZ_LIGHTNING_VER} lightning calendar + + emid='{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}' + mkdir -p "${T}/${emid}" || die + cp -RLp -t "${T}/${emid}" "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}"/dist/xpi-stage/lightning/* || die + insinto ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/distribution/extensions + doins -r "${T}/${emid}" + + if use lightning; then + # move lightning out of distribution/extensions and into extensions for app-global install + mv "${ED}"/${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/{distribution,}/extensions/${emid} || die + + # stage extra locales for gdata-provider and install app-global + mozlinguas_xpistage_langpacks "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}"/dist/xpi-stage/gdata-provider \ + "${WORKDIR}"/gdata-provider-${MOZ_LIGHTNING_GDATA_VER} + emid='{a62ef8ec-5fdc-40c2-873c-223b8a6925cc}' + mkdir -p "${T}/${emid}" || die + cp -RLp -t "${T}/${emid}" "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}"/dist/xpi-stage/gdata-provider/* || die + insinto ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/extensions + doins -r "${T}/${emid}" + fi + + # Required in order to use plugins and even run thunderbird on hardened. + pax-mark pm "${ED}"${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/{thunderbird,thunderbird-bin,plugin-container} + + if use minimal; then + rm -r "${ED}"/usr/include "${ED}"${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/{idl,include,lib,sdk} || \ + die "Failed to remove sdk and headers" + fi +} + +pkg_preinst() { + gnome2_icon_savelist +} + +pkg_postinst() { + fdo-mime_desktop_database_update + gnome2_icon_cache_update + + elog + elog "If you experience problems with plugins please issue the" + elog "following command : rm \${HOME}/.thunderbird/*/extensions.sqlite ," + elog "then restart thunderbird" + + if ! use lightning; then + elog + elog "If calendar fails to show up in extensions please open config editor" + elog "and set extensions.lastAppVersion to 38.0.0 to force a reload. If this" + elog "fails to show the calendar extension after restarting with above change" + elog "please file a bug report." + fi +} + +pkg_postrm() { + fdo-mime_desktop_database_update + gnome2_icon_cache_update +} diff --git a/profiles/package.mask b/profiles/package.mask index 7bcfa5c..52637bd 100644 --- a/profiles/package.mask +++ b/profiles/package.mask @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ # NOTE: Please add your entry at the top! # -# Masked for testing -=www-client/firefox-48.0_beta* +# Masked for testing, thunderbird beta known to have configure problem +=mail-client/thunderbird-52.0_beta* =dev-lang/spidermonkey-31.0_beta* # Please don't remove neither this mask nor the affected ebuilds without