commit:     b5417f70dc4ad66b907c42a914a3b42211624f79
Author:     Ian Stakenvicius <axs <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Wed Jul  6 14:30:40 2016 +0000
Commit:     Ian Stakenvicius <axs <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed Jul  6 21:24:54 2016 +0000

www-client/firefox: migrate LINGUAS to L10N


Package-Manager: portage-2.2.28

 eclass/mozlinguas-v2.eclass            | 370 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 www-client/firefox/firefox-47.0.ebuild |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 371 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/eclass/mozlinguas-v2.eclass b/eclass/mozlinguas-v2.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4facb58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/mozlinguas-v2.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# @ECLASS: mozlinguas-v2.eclass
+# Nirbheek Chauhan <>
+# Ian Stakenvicius <>
+# @BLURB: Handle language packs for mozilla products
+# Sets IUSE according to MOZ_LANGS (language packs available). Also exports
+# src_unpack, src_compile and src_install for use in ebuilds, and provides
+# supporting functions for langpack generation and installation.
+inherit mozextension
+case "${EAPI:-0}" in
+       0|1)
+               die "EAPI ${EAPI:-0} does not support the '->' SRC_URI 
+       2|3|4|5|6)
+               EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack src_compile src_install;;
+       *)
+               die "EAPI ${EAPI} is not supported, contact eclass 
+# Array containing the list of language pack xpis available for
+# this release. The list can be updated with scripts/ from the
+# mozilla overlay.
+: ${MOZ_LANGS:=()}
+# Ebuild package version converted to equivalent upstream version.
+# Defaults to ${PV}, and should be overridden for alphas, betas, and RCs
+: ${MOZ_PV:="${PV}"}
+# Ebuild package name converted to equivalent upstream name.
+# Defaults to ${PN}, and should be overridden for binary ebuilds.
+: ${MOZ_PN:="${PN}"}
+# Ebuild package name + version converted to upstream equivalent.
+# Defaults to ${MOZ_PN}-${MOZ_PV}
+: ${MOZ_P:="${MOZ_PN}-${MOZ_PV}"}
+# The ftp URI prefix for the release tarballs and language packs.
+: ${MOZ_FTP_URI:=""}
+# The http URI prefix for the release tarballs and language packs.
+: ${MOZ_HTTP_URI:=""}
+# The relative path till the lang code in the langpack file URI.
+# Defaults to ${MOZ_PV}/linux-i686/xpi/
+: ${MOZ_LANGPACK_PREFIX:="${MOZ_PV}/linux-i686/xpi/"}
+# The suffix after the lang code in the langpack file URI.
+# Defaults to '.xpi'
+# The status of the langpack, used to differentiate within
+# Manifests and on Gentoo mirrors as to when the langpacks are
+# generated officially by Mozilla or if they were generated
+# unofficially by others (ie the Gentoo mozilla team).  When
+# this var is set, the distfile will have a .unofficial.xpi
+# suffix.
+# This flag specifies whether or not the langpacks should be
+# generated directly during the build process, rather than
+# being downloaded and installed from upstream pre-built
+# extensions.  Primarily it supports pre-release builds.
+# Defaults to empty.
+# The path that l10n sources can be found at, once unpacked.
+# Defaults to ${WORKDIR}/l10n-sources
+: ${MOZ_L10N_SOURCEDIR:="${WORKDIR}/l10n-sources"}
+# The full URI prefix of the distfile for each l10n locale.  The
+# AB_CD and MOZ_L10N_URI_SUFFIX will be appended to this to complete the
+# SRC_URI when MOZ_GENERATE_LANGPACKS is set.  If empty, nothing will
+# be added to SRC_URI.
+# Defaults to empty.
+: ${MOZ_L10N_URI_PREFIX:=""}
+# The suffix of l10n source distfiles.
+# Defaults to '.tar.xz'
+: ${MOZ_L10N_URI_SUFFIX:=".tar.xz"}
+# Set this to use upstream langpaks even if the package normally
+# shouldn't (ie it is an alpha or beta package)
+# Upstream identifiers that should not contain region subtags in L10N
+MOZ_TOO_REGIONALIZED_FOR_L10N=( fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN hi-IN hy-AM nb-NO nn-NO 
pa-IN sv-SE )
+# Add l10n_* to IUSE according to available language packs
+# No language packs for alphas and betas
+if ! [[ -n ${MOZ_GENERATE_LANGPACKS} ]] ; then
+       if ! [[ ${PV} =~ alpha|beta ]] || { [[ ${PN} == seamonkey ]] && ! [[ 
${PV} =~ alpha ]] ; } || [[ -n ${MOZ_FORCE_UPSTREAM_L10N} ]] ; then
+       [[ -z ${MOZ_FTP_URI} ]] && [[ -z ${MOZ_HTTP_URI} ]] && die "No URI set 
to download langpacks, please set one of MOZ_{FTP,HTTP}_URI"
+       for x in "${MOZ_LANGS[@]}" ; do
+               # en and en_US are handled internally
+               if [[ ${x} == en ]] || [[ ${x} == en-US ]]; then
+                       continue
+               fi
+               # strip region subtag if $x is in the list
+               if has ${x} "${MOZ_TOO_REGIONALIZED_FOR_L10N[@]}" ; then
+                       xflag=${x%%-*}
+               else
+                       xflag=${x}
+               fi
+               SRC_URI+=" l10n_${xflag/[_@]/-}? ("
+               [[ -n ${MOZ_FTP_URI} ]] && SRC_URI+="
+               [[ -n ${MOZ_HTTP_URI} ]] && SRC_URI+="
+               SRC_URI+=" )"
+               IUSE+=" l10n_${xflag/[_@]/-}"
+               # We used to do some magic if specific/generic locales were 
missing, but
+               # we stopped doing that due to bug 325195.
+       done
+       fi
+       for x in "${MOZ_LANGS[@]}" ; do
+               # en and en_US are handled internally
+               if [[ ${x} == en ]] || [[ ${x} == en-US ]]; then
+                       continue
+               fi
+               # strip region subtag if $x is in the list
+               if has ${x} "${MOZ_TOO_REGIONALIZED_FOR_L10N[@]}" ; then
+                       xflag=${x%%-*}
+               else
+                       xflag=${x}
+               fi
+# Do NOT grab l10n sources from hg tip at this time, since it is a moving 
+#              if [[ ${PV} =~ alpha ]]; then
+#                      # Please note that this URI is not deterministic - 
digest breakage could occur
+#                      SRC_URI+=" l10n_${xflag/[_@]/-}? ( -> 
${MOZ_P}-l10n-${x}.tar.bz2 )"
+#              elif [[ ${PV} =~ beta ]] && ! [[ ${PN} == seamonkey ]]; then
+#                      # Please note that this URI is not deterministic - 
digest breakage could occur
+#                      SRC_URI+=" l10n_${xflag/[_@]/-}? ( -> 
${MOZ_P}-l10n-${x}.tar.bz2 )"
+#              elif [[ -n ${MOZ_L10N_URI_PREFIX} ]]; then
+               if [[ -n ${MOZ_L10N_URI_PREFIX} ]]; then
+                       SRC_URI+=" l10n_${xflag/[_@]/-}? ( 
+               fi
+               IUSE+=" l10n_${x/[_@]/-}"
+       done
+unset x xflag
+# @FUNCTION: mozlinguas_export
+# Generate the list of language packs called "mozlinguas"
+# This list is used to unpack and install the xpi language packs
+mozlinguas_export() {
+       if [[ ${PN} == seamonkey ]] ; then
+               [[ ${PV} =~ alpha ]] && ! [[ -n ${MOZ_GENERATE_LANGPACKS} ]] && 
+       else
+               [[ ${PV} =~ alpha|beta ]] && ! [[ -n ${MOZ_GENERATE_LANGPACKS} 
]] && return
+       fi
+       local lingua lflag
+       mozlinguas=()
+       # Set mozlinguas based on the enabled l10n_* USE flags.
+       for lingua in "${MOZ_LANGS[@]}"; do
+               # strip region subtag if $x is in the list
+               if has ${lingua} en en-US; then
+                       # For mozilla products, en and en_US are handled 
+                       continue
+               elif has ${lingua} "${MOZ_TOO_REGIONALIZED_FOR_L10N[@]}" ; then
+                       lflag=${lingua%%-*}
+               else
+                       lflag=${lingua}
+               fi
+               use l10n_${lflag/[_@]/-} && mozlinguas+=( ${lingua} )
+       done
+       # Compatibility code - Check LINGUAS and warn if anything set there 
isn't enabled via l10n
+       for lingua in ${LINGUAS}; do
+               if has ${lingua//[_@]/-} en en-US; then
+                       # For mozilla products, en and en_US are handled 
+                       continue
+               # If this language is supported by ${P},
+               elif has ${lingua} "${MOZ_LANGS[@]//-/_}"; then
+                       # Warn the language is missing, if it isn't already 
+                       has ${lingua//[_@]/-} "${mozlinguas[@]//[_@]/-}" || \
+                               ewarn "LINGUAS value ${lingua} is not enabled 
using L10N use flags"
+                       continue
+               # For each short lingua that isn't in MOZ_LANGS,
+               # We used to add *all* long MOZ_LANGS to the mozlinguas list,
+               # but we stopped doing that due to bug 325195.
+               else
+                       :
+               fi
+               ewarn "Sorry, but ${P} does not support the ${lingua} locale"
+       done
+# @FUNCTION: mozlinguas_src_unpack
+# Unpack xpi language packs according to the user's LINGUAS settings
+mozlinguas_src_unpack() {
+       local x
+       if ! [[ -n ${MOZ_GENERATE_LANGPACKS} ]]; then
+               mozlinguas_export
+               for x in "${mozlinguas[@]}"; do
+                       # FIXME: Add support for unpacking xpis to portage
+                       xpi_unpack 
+               done
+               if [[ "${mozlinguas[*]}" != "" && "${mozlinguas[*]}" != "en" 
]]; then
+                       einfo "Selected language packs (first will be default): 
+               fi
+       fi
+# For the phase function export
+mozlinguas-v2_src_unpack() {
+       mozlinguas_src_unpack
+# @FUNCTION: mozlinguas_mozconfig
+# if applicable, add the necessary flag to .mozconfig to support
+# the generation of locales.  Note that this function requires
+# mozconfig_annontate to already be declared via an inherit of
+# mozconfig or mozcoreconf.
+mozlinguas_mozconfig() {
+       if [[ -n ${MOZ_GENERATE_LANGPACKS} ]]; then
+               if declare -f mozconfig_annotate >/dev/null ; then
+                       mozconfig_annotate 'for building locales' 
+               else
+                       die "Could not configure l10n-base, mozconfig_annotate 
not declared -- missing inherit?"
+               fi
+       fi
+# @FUNCTION: mozlinguas_src_compile
+# if applicable, build the selected locales.
+mozlinguas_src_compile() {
+       if [[ -n ${MOZ_GENERATE_LANGPACKS} ]]; then
+               # leverage BUILD_OBJ_DIR if set otherwise assume PWD.
+               local x y targets=( "langpack" ) localedir="${BUILD_OBJ_DIR:-.}"
+               case ${PN} in
+                       *firefox)
+                               localedir+="/browser/locales"
+                               ;;
+                       seamonkey)
+                               localedir+="/suite/locales"
+                               ;;
+                       *thunderbird)
+                               localedir+="/mail/locales"
+                               targets+=( "calendar-langpack" )
+                               ;;
+                       *) die "Building locales for ${PN} is not supported."
+               esac
+               pushd "${localedir}" > /dev/null || die
+               mozlinguas_export
+               for x in "${mozlinguas[@]}"; do for y in "${targets[@]}"; do
+                       emake ${y}-${x} LOCALE_MERGEDIR="./${y}-${x}"
+               done; done
+               popd > /dev/null || die
+       fi
+# For the phase function export
+mozlinguas-v2_src_compile() {
+       mozlinguas_src_compile
+# @FUNCTION: mozlinguas_xpistage_langpacks
+# Add extra langpacks to the xpi-stage dir for prebuilt plugins
+# First argument is the path to the extension
+# Second argument is the prefix of the source (same as first if unspecified)
+# Remaining arguments are the modules in the extension that are localized
+#  (basename of first if unspecified)
+# Example - installing extra langpacks for lightning:
+# src_install() {
+#      ... # general installation steps
+#      mozlinguas_xpistage_langpacks \
+#              "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR}"/dist/xpi-stage/lightning \
+#              "${WORKDIR}"/lightning \
+#              lightning calendar
+#      ... # proceed with installation from the xpi-stage dir
+# }
+mozlinguas_xpistage_langpacks() {
+       local l c modpath="${1}" srcprefix="${1}" modules=( "${1##*/}" )
+       shift
+       if [[ -n ${1} ]] ; then srcprefix="${1}" ; shift ; fi
+       if [[ -n ${1} ]] ; then modules=( $@ ) ; fi
+       mozlinguas_export
+       mkdir -p "${modpath}/chrome" || die
+       for l in "${mozlinguas[@]}"; do for c in "${modules[@]}" ; do
+               if [[ -e "${srcprefix}-${l}/chrome/${c}-${l}" ]]; then
+                       cp -RLp -t "${modpath}/chrome" 
"${srcprefix}-${l}/chrome/${c}-${l}" || die
+                       grep "locale ${c} ${l} chrome/" 
"${srcprefix}-${l}/chrome.manifest" \
+                               >>"${modpath}/chrome.manifest" || die
+               elif [[ -e "${srcprefix}/chrome/${c}-${l}" ]]; then
+                       cp -RLp -t "${modpath}/chrome" 
"${srcprefix}/chrome/${c}-${l}" || die
+                       grep "locale ${c} ${l} chrome/" 
"${srcprefix}/chrome.manifest" \
+                               >>"${modpath}/chrome.manifest" || die
+               else
+                       ewarn "Locale ${l} was not found for ${c}, skipping."
+               fi
+       done; done
+# @FUNCTION: mozlinguas-v2_src_install
+# Install xpi language packs according to the user's L10N settings
+# NOTE - uses ${BUILD_OBJ_DIR} or PWD if unset, for source-generated langpacks
+mozlinguas_src_install() {
+       local x
+       mozlinguas_export
+       if [[ -n ${MOZ_GENERATE_LANGPACKS} ]]; then
+               local repopath="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-generated-langpacks"
+               mkdir -p "${repopath}"
+               pushd "${BUILD_OBJ_DIR:-.}"/dist/*/xpi > /dev/null || die
+               for x in "${mozlinguas[@]}"; do
+                       cp "${MOZ_P}.${x}.langpack.xpi" \
"${repopath}/${MOZ_P}-${x}${MOZ_LANGPACK_UNOFFICIAL:+.unofficial}.xpi" || die
+                       xpi_unpack 
+               done
+               popd > /dev/null || die
+       fi
+       for x in "${mozlinguas[@]}"; do
+               xpi_install 
+       done
+# For the phase function export
+mozlinguas-v2_src_install() {
+       mozlinguas_src_install

diff --git a/www-client/firefox/firefox-47.0.ebuild 
index 04cbc4a..33df1ab 100644
--- a/www-client/firefox/firefox-47.0.ebuild
+++ b/www-client/firefox/firefox-47.0.ebuild
-inherit check-reqs flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs eutils gnome2-utils 
mozconfig-v6.47 pax-utils fdo-mime autotools virtualx mozlinguas
+inherit check-reqs flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs eutils gnome2-utils 
mozconfig-v6.47 pax-utils fdo-mime autotools virtualx mozlinguas-v2
 DESCRIPTION="Firefox Web Browser"

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