commit:     3cec74eff10afc13f2ce888a161ba486b245f520
Author:     Michael Sterrett <mr_bones_ <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Jun  7 17:30:41 2016 +0000
Commit:     Michael Sterrett <mr_bones_ <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Jun  7 22:27:31 2016 +0000

games-fps/doomsday: clean old

Package-Manager: portage-2.2.28

 games-fps/doomsday/Manifest                        |   1 -
 games-fps/doomsday/doomsday-1.15.7.ebuild          | 183 ------------
 games-fps/doomsday/files/doomsday-1.9.8-2to3.patch | 309 ---------------------
 .../files/doomsday-1.9.8-openal-64bit-fix.patch    |  34 ---
 .../files/doomsday-1.9.8-openal-link.patch         | 158 -----------
 games-fps/doomsday/files/wrapper                   |   6 -
 6 files changed, 691 deletions(-)

diff --git a/games-fps/doomsday/Manifest b/games-fps/doomsday/Manifest
index e31f819..4f4d2c4 100644
--- a/games-fps/doomsday/Manifest
+++ b/games-fps/doomsday/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
 DIST doomsday-1.14.5.tar.gz 14081857 SHA256 
019cd0cf89e69d80cd8f6fbbd3e3fd57b8ae4d0bcdf4285e8a71caad9f46417e SHA512 
-DIST doomsday-stable-1.15.7.tar.gz 52055761 SHA256 
9d833e458e72df7723b7a1b209cc53dc868d070ce7912a53c8c7887b1df933f3 SHA512 
 DIST doomsday-stable-1.15.8.tar.gz 52054238 SHA256 
4c7b1dfdb7f0a44257f47322fe58fd1befba8dac10f44594e1be5dac582f43bf SHA512 

diff --git a/games-fps/doomsday/doomsday-1.15.7.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e05e09..0000000
--- a/games-fps/doomsday/doomsday-1.15.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-# TODO: fmod support broken (deng_fmod)
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit python-r1 eutils qmake-utils games
-DESCRIPTION="A modern gaming engine for Doom, Heretic, and Hexen"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="dedicated fluidsynth openal snowberry +doom demo freedoom heretic hexen 
resources tools"
-# we need python at build time, so
-# snowberry? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
-# could break the build
-       demo? ( doom ) freedoom? ( doom ) resources? ( doom )"
-       dev-qt/qtnetwork:5
-       dev-qt/qtopengl:5
-       dev-qt/qtwidgets:5
-       dev-qt/qtx11extras:5
-       dev-qt/qtgui:5
-       dev-qt/qtcore:5
-       net-misc/curl
-       sys-libs/zlib
-       media-libs/assimp
-       !dedicated? (
-               media-libs/libsdl2[joystick,sound]
-               media-libs/sdl2-mixer
-               media-libs/libpng:0
-               virtual/opengl
-               virtual/glu
-               x11-libs/libX11
-               x11-libs/libXrandr
-               x11-libs/libXxf86vm
-       )
-       fluidsynth? ( media-sound/fluidsynth )
-       openal? ( media-libs/openal )
-       tools? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0 )"
-       !dedicated? (
-               snowberry? (
-                       ${PYTHON_DEPS}
-                       dev-lang/python-exec:2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-                       dev-python/wxpython[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-               )
-       )"
-       ${PYTHON_DEPS}
-       virtual/pkgconfig"
-       !dedicated? (
-               demo? ( games-fps/doom-data )
-               freedoom? ( games-fps/freedoom )
-               resources? ( games-fps/doomsday-resources )
-       )"
-pkg_setup() {
-       games_pkg_setup
-       python_setup
-src_prepare() {
-       sed -i \
-               -e '/readme.path/s#$$PREFIX#/usr#' \
-               client/ server/ || die
-       sed -i \
-               -e "/DENG_BASE_DIR =/s:\$\$PREFIX/share:${GAMES_DATADIR}:" \
-               config_unix.pri || die
-       {
-               echo "CONFIG += nostrip"
-               echo "PREFIX=${GAMES_PREFIX}"
-               if use dedicated ; then
-                       echo "CONFIG += deng_noclient"
-                       echo "CONFIG += deng_nosnowberry"
-               else
-                       echo "CONFIG += deng_$(usex snowberry '' no)snowberry"
-               fi
-               use fluidsynth && echo "CONFIG += deng_fluidsynth"
-               use tools || echo "CONFIG += deng_notools"
-               use openal && echo "CONFIG += deng_openal"
-               true
-       } > config_user.pri || die
-#Usage: doom_make_wrapper <name> <game> <icon> <desktop entry title> [args]
-doom_make_wrapper() {
-       local name=$1 game=$2 icon=$3 de_title=$4
-       shift 4
-       games_make_wrapper $name "doomsday -game ${game} $@"
-       make_desktop_entry $name "${de_title}" ${icon}
-src_configure() {
-       eqmake5
-src_install() {
-       emake INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" install
-       dodoc "${S}"/../
-       mv "${D}/${GAMES_DATADIR}"/{${PN}/data/jdoom,doom-data} || die
-       dosym "${GAMES_DATADIR}"/doom-data "${GAMES_DATADIR}"/${PN}/data/jdoom
-       if use !dedicated ; then
-               if use snowberry ; then
-                       python_replicate_script 
-                       installmodules() {
-                               # relocate snowberry module directory 
recursively into site-packages
-                               python_domodule 
-                               # hack around improper path handling
-                               sed -i \
-                                       -e 
"s:os.chdir.*$:os.chdir('$(python_get_sitedir)/snowberry'):" \
"${D%/}$(python_get_scriptdir)"/launch-doomsday || die
-                       }
-                       python_foreach_impl installmodules
-                       # remove old module dir
-                       rm -r "${D}/${GAMES_DATADIR}"/${PN}/snowberry || die
-                       make_desktop_entry launch-doomsday "Snowberry DoomsDay" 
-                       doicon ../snowberry/graphics/snowberry.png
-               fi
-               if use doom; then
-                       local res_arg
-                       if use resources; then
-                               res_arg="-def 
-                       fi
-                       doicon ../snowberry/graphics/orb-doom.png
-                       doom_make_wrapper jdoom doom1 orb-doom "DoomsDay 
Engine: Doom 1" "${res_arg}"
-                       elog "Created jdoom launcher. To play Doom place your 
doom.wad to"
-                       elog "\"${GAMES_DATADIR}\"/doom-data"
-                       elog
-                       if use demo; then
-                               doom_make_wrapper jdoom-demo doom1-share 
orb-doom "DoomsDay Engine: Doom 1 Demo" \
-                                       "-iwad 
\"${GAMES_DATADIR}\"/doom-data/doom1.wad ${res_arg}"
-                       fi
-                       if use freedoom; then
-                               doom_make_wrapper jdoom-freedoom doom1-share 
orb-doom "DoomsDay Engine: FreeDoom" \
-                                       "-iwad 
-                       fi
-               fi
-               if use hexen; then
-                       doicon ../snowberry/graphics/orb-hexen.png
-                       doom_make_wrapper jhexen hexen orb-hexen "DoomsDay 
Engine: Hexen"
-                       elog "Created jhexen launcher. To play Hexen place your 
hexen.wad to"
-                       elog "\"${GAMES_DATADIR}\"/${PN}/data/jhexen"
-                       elog
-               fi
-               if use heretic; then
-                       doicon ../snowberry/graphics/orb-heretic.png
-                       doom_make_wrapper jheretic heretic orb-heretic 
"DoomsDay Engine: Heretic"
-                       elog "Created jheretic launcher. To play Heretic place 
your heretic.wad to"
-                       elog "\"${GAMES_DATADIR}\"/${PN}/data/jheretic"
-                       elog
-               fi
-       fi
-       prepgamesdirs

diff --git a/games-fps/doomsday/files/doomsday-1.9.8-2to3.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index 62b4db2..0000000
--- a/games-fps/doomsday/files/doomsday-1.9.8-2to3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
---- ./build/mac/      (original)
-+++ ./build/mac/      (refactored)
-@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
- def _getBitmapImageRep(size, hasAlpha=True):
--    width, height = map(int, size)
-+    width, height = list(map(int, size))
-     return 
 width, height, 8, 4, hasAlpha, False, NSDeviceRGBColorSpace, width*4, 32)
-@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
- def filter_range(n):
-     offset = 1 # - int(n/5)
--    return range(-n/2 + offset, n/2 + offset)
-+    return list(range(-n/2 + offset, n/2 + offset))
- class SysFont(object):
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
-                 self._isBold and 'Bold' or '',
-                 self._isOblique and 'Oblique' or '')
-         self._font = NSFont.fontWithName_size_(name, self._size)
--        print name, self._font
-+        print(name, self._font)
-         if self._font is None:
-             if self._isBold:
-                 self._font = NSFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(self._size)
-@@ -121,10 +121,10 @@
-         self._isUnderline = isUnderline
-     def size(self, text):
--        return tuple(map(int,map(math.ceil, 
NSString.sizeWithAttributes_(text, {
-+        return tuple(map(int,list(map(math.ceil, 
NSString.sizeWithAttributes_(text, {
-             NSFontAttributeName: self._font,
-             NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: self._isUnderline and 1.0 or 0,
--        }))))
-+        })))))
-     def advancement(self, glyph):
-         return tuple(self._font.advancementForGlyph_(ord(glyph)))
-@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
-                            [6,  36,  90,  120, 90,  36,  6],
-                            [1,  6,   15,  20,  15,  6,   1]]
-             else:
--                print "factors for filter size", filter_size, "not defined!"
-+                print("factors for filter size", filter_size, "not defined!")
-                 factors = 0
-             # Filter a shadow.
-@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
- if __name__=='__main__':
-     if len(sys.argv) < 5:
--        print "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " (font-name) (font-size) 
(texture-width) (output-file)"
-+        print("usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " (font-name) (font-size) 
(texture-width) (output-file)")
-         sys.exit(0)
-     out_filename = sys.argv[4]
-@@ -286,17 +286,17 @@
-     texture_width = int(sys.argv[3])
-     font_point_height = s.get_height()
--    print "Font texture width =", texture_width
--    print "Line height =", font_point_height, "pt"
--    print "Font size =", point_size, "pt"
-+    print("Font texture width =", texture_width)
-+    print("Line height =", font_point_height, "pt")
-+    print("Font size =", point_size, "pt")
-     ascent = s.get_ascent()
-     descent = s.get_descent()
--    print "Ascent =", ascent, "pt  Descent =", descent, "pt"
--    print "Shadow filter is sized %i for this font." % s.shadow_filter_size()
-+    print("Ascent =", ascent, "pt  Descent =", descent, "pt")
-+    print("Shadow filter is sized %i for this font." % s.shadow_filter_size())
-     border_size = s.border_size()
--    print "Glyph borders are %i pixels wide." % border_size
-+    print("Glyph borders are %i pixels wide." % border_size)
-     rover = (0, 0)
-     line_height = 0
-@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
-     used_pixels = 0
-     # Only the basic ASCII set, and some specific characters.
--    char_range = range(0x20, 0x7F) + [0x96, 0x97, 0xA3, 0xA4, 0xA9, 0xB0, 
-+    char_range = list(range(0x20, 0x7F)) + [0x96, 0x97, 0xA3, 0xA4, 0xA9, 
0xB0, 0xB1]
-     for code in char_range: 
-         glyph = Glyph(code)
-         try:
-@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
-                 # No, move to the new row.
-                 rover = (0, rover[1] + line_height)
-                 texture_height += line_height
--                print "Finished a %i pixels tall line." % line_height
-+                print("Finished a %i pixels tall line." % line_height)
-                 line_height = 0
-             glyph.pos = rover
-@@ -332,20 +332,20 @@
-             glyphs.append(glyph)
-         #except Exception, x:
-         except KeyboardInterrupt:
--            print "Code %i: Failed to render." % code
--            print x
--    print "Finished rendering %i glyphs." % len(glyphs)
-+            print("Code %i: Failed to render." % code)
-+            print(x)
-+    print("Finished rendering %i glyphs." % len(glyphs))
-     actual_line_height = glyphs[0].dims[1] - border_size*2
--    print "Actual line height is %i pixels." % actual_line_height
--    print "Size of the finished texture is %i x %i." % (texture_width, 
-+    print("Actual line height is %i pixels." % actual_line_height)
-+    print("Size of the finished texture is %i x %i." % (texture_width, 
-     actual_height = pow2(texture_height)
-     total_pixels = texture_width * actual_height
--    print "Unused texture area: %.2f %%" % (100*(1.0 - 
--    print "Writing output to file: %s" % out_filename
-+    print("Unused texture area: %.2f %%" % (100*(1.0 - 
-+    print("Writing output to file: %s" % out_filename)
-     out = file(out_filename, 'wb')
-@@ -365,10 +365,10 @@
-     scale = float(actual_line_height) / font_point_height
-     pixel_ascent = int(math.ceil(scale * ascent))
-     pixel_descent = int(math.ceil(scale * descent))
--    print "    Pixel ascent/descent:", pixel_ascent, '/', pixel_descent
-+    print("    Pixel ascent/descent:", pixel_ascent, '/', pixel_descent)
-     pixel_line_height = int(scale * font_point_height)
--    print "    Pixel line height:", pixel_line_height
-+    print("    Pixel line height:", pixel_line_height)
-     # Ascent and descent.
-     out.write(struct.pack('<HHH', pixel_line_height, pixel_ascent, 
-@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
-                               g.dims[0], g.dims[1]))
-     # Glyph map.
--    print "    Writing glyph map..."
-+    print("    Writing glyph map...")
-     for y in range(texture_height):
-         for x in range(texture_width):
-             pixel = find_pixel(glyphs, x, y)
---- ./build/scripts/ (original)
-+++ ./build/scripts/ (refactored)
-@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
- import sys, os, os.path, zipfile
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
--    print "Usage: %s pk3-target-dir" % sys.argv[0]
--    print "(run in build/scripts/)"
-+    print("Usage: %s pk3-target-dir" % sys.argv[0])
-+    print("(run in build/scripts/)")
-     sys.exit(0)
- # Check quiet flag.
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-         self.files += fileNamesArray
-     def msg(self, text):
--        if not quietMode: print text
-+        if not quietMode: print(text)
-     def create(self, name):
-         full_name = os.path.join(target_dir, name)
-@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
-                 process_dir(full_src, dest)
-         # Write it out.
--        print "Created %s (with %i files)." % (os.path.normpath(full_name), 
-+        print("Created %s (with %i files)." % (os.path.normpath(full_name), 
-         pk3.close()
- # First up, doomsday.pk3.
---- ./build/scripts/     (original)
-+++ ./build/scripts/     (refactored)
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
-         self.type =
-         count = struct.unpack('<I',[0]
-         info_offset = struct.unpack('<I',[0]
--        print "%s, type=%s, count=%i, info_offset=%i" % (self.file_name, 
self.type, count, info_offset)
-+        print("%s, type=%s, count=%i, info_offset=%i" % (self.file_name, 
self.type, count, info_offset))
-         self.lumps = []
-         # Read the info table.
-@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
-             self.lumps.append( Lump(info[2], data, info[0]) )
-     def write(self):
--        print 'writing', self.file_name
-+        print('writing', self.file_name)
-         self.file.truncate()
-         # Type.
-@@ -104,17 +104,17 @@
-     def set_type(self, new_type):
-         if len(new_type) != 4:
--            print "'%s' is not a valid type. Must have 4 chars." % new_type
-+            print("'%s' is not a valid type. Must have 4 chars." % new_type)
-         else:
--            print 'setting type to %s' % new_type
-+            print('setting type to %s' % new_type)
-         self.type = new_type
-     def list(self):
-         for i in range(len(self.lumps)):
-             lump = self.lumps[i]
--            print "%5i -- %-8s (at %8i, %8i bytes)" % (i,, 
--                                                       len(
--        print "%i lumps total." % len(self.lumps)
-+            print("%5i -- %-8s (at %8i, %8i bytes)" % (i,, 
-+                                                       len(
-+        print("%i lumps total." % len(self.lumps))
-     def insert(self, at_lump, names):
-         # Where to insert?
-@@ -128,13 +128,13 @@
-                     at = i
-                     break
-         if at == -1:
--            print "could not find insert point, aborting"
-+            print("could not find insert point, aborting")
-             return
--        print "inserting at index %i..." % at
-+        print("inserting at index %i..." % at)
-         for name in names:
-             real, arch = split_name(name)
--            print "inserting %s as %s" % (real, valid_lump_name(arch))
-+            print("inserting %s as %s" % (real, valid_lump_name(arch)))
-             self.lumps.insert(at, Lump(valid_lump_name(arch), 
-                                        file(real, 'rb').read(), 0))
-@@ -164,28 +164,28 @@
-                             break
-                 else:
-                     nice_name += ext
--                print "extracting",, "(%i bytes) as %s" % 
(len(, nice_name)
-+                print("extracting",, "(%i bytes) as %s" % 
(len(, nice_name))
-                 f = file(nice_name, 'wb')
-                 f.write(
-                 f.close()
- def usage():
--    print 'Usage: %s [command] [wad] [files]' % sys.argv[0]
--    print 'command = l(ist) | c(reate PWAD) | C(reate IWAD) | x(tract) | 
a(ppend) | i(nsert) | t(ype)'
--    print 'Examples:'
--    print '%s l some.wad' % sys.argv[0]
--    print '%s c new.wad LUMP1 LUMP2 LUMP3' % sys.argv[0]
--    print '%s i LUMP2 some.wad LUMP5 LUMP6 LUMP7 (at LUMP2)' % sys.argv[0]
--    print '%s a existing.wad LUMP4 LUMP5' % sys.argv[0]
--    print '%s x existing.wad (extracts all lumps)' % sys.argv[0]
--    print '%s x existing.wad LUMP4 (extracts selected lumps)' % sys.argv[0]
--    print '%s t existing.wad IWAD' % sys.argv[0]
--    print 'You can specify files as realfilename@LUMPNAME.'
-+    print('Usage: %s [command] [wad] [files]' % sys.argv[0])
-+    print('command = l(ist) | c(reate PWAD) | C(reate IWAD) | x(tract) | 
a(ppend) | i(nsert) | t(ype)')
-+    print('Examples:')
-+    print('%s l some.wad' % sys.argv[0])
-+    print('%s c new.wad LUMP1 LUMP2 LUMP3' % sys.argv[0])
-+    print('%s i LUMP2 some.wad LUMP5 LUMP6 LUMP7 (at LUMP2)' % sys.argv[0])
-+    print('%s a existing.wad LUMP4 LUMP5' % sys.argv[0])
-+    print('%s x existing.wad (extracts all lumps)' % sys.argv[0])
-+    print('%s x existing.wad LUMP4 (extracts selected lumps)' % sys.argv[0])
-+    print('%s t existing.wad IWAD' % sys.argv[0])
-+    print('You can specify files as realfilename@LUMPNAME.')
- # Call main function.
--print 'WAD Compiler by'
--print '$Date$'
-+print('WAD Compiler by')
- # Check the args.
- if len(sys.argv) < 3:
-@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
-     try:
-         wad = Wad(wad_name, mode)
-     except:
--        print 'Failure to open %s.' % wad_name
-+        print('Failure to open %s.' % wad_name)
-         import traceback
-         traceback.print_exc()
-         sys.exit(2)
---- ./engine/scripts/        (original)
-+++ ./engine/scripts/        (refactored)
-@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
-             # Translate the type into a real C type.
-             if '_s' in c_type:
-                 c_type = 'struct ' + c_type
--            for symbol, real in type_replacements.items():
-+            for symbol, real in list(type_replacements.items()):
-                 c_type = c_type.replace(symbol, real)
-             # Add some visual padding to align the members.

diff --git a/games-fps/doomsday/files/doomsday-1.9.8-openal-64bit-fix.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c24bfb..0000000
--- a/games-fps/doomsday/files/doomsday-1.9.8-openal-64bit-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-commit 9c1fd1ee90d333332660c1aeef1addae93c2770e
-Author: skyjake <>
-Date:   Sun Dec 30 16:45:56 2012 +0200
-    Fixed|OpenAL: Integer conversion in 64-bit build
-diff --git a/doomsday/plugins/openal/src/driver_openal.cpp 
-index dd3cb2e..683345b 100644
---- a/doomsday/plugins/openal/src/driver_openal.cpp
-+++ b/doomsday/plugins/openal/src/driver_openal.cpp
-@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
- #define PI 3.141592654
--#define SRC(buf) ((ALuint)buf->ptr3D)
--#define BUF(buf) ((ALuint)buf->ptr)
-+#define SRC(buf) ( (ALuint) PTR2INT(buf->ptr3D) )
-+#define BUF(buf) ( (ALuint) PTR2INT(buf->ptr) )
- //enum { VX, VY, VZ };
-@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ sfxbuffer_t* DS_SFX_CreateBuffer(int flags, int bits, int 
-     // Create the buffer object.
-     buf = static_cast<sfxbuffer_t*>(Z_Calloc(sizeof(*buf), PU_APPSTATIC, 0));
--    buf->ptr = (void*) bufName;
--    buf->ptr3D = (void*) srcName;
-+    buf->ptr = INT2PTR(void, bufName);
-+    buf->ptr3D = INT2PTR(void, srcName);
-     buf->bytes = bits / 8;
-     buf->rate = rate;
-     buf->flags = flags;

diff --git a/games-fps/doomsday/files/doomsday-1.9.8-openal-link.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index c59c48a..0000000
--- a/games-fps/doomsday/files/doomsday-1.9.8-openal-link.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
---- doomsday/plugins/openal/src/driver_openal.cpp      2012-05-15 
06:01:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ doomsday/plugins/openal/src/driver_openal.cpp      2012-05-29 
07:37:21.170639342 +0200
-@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ ALenum(*EAXGet) (const struct _GUID* pro
- ALenum(*EAXSet) (const struct _GUID* propertySetID, ALuint prop, ALuint 
source, ALvoid* value, ALuint size);
- #endif
-+extern "C" {
- int DS_Init(void);
- void DS_Shutdown(void);
- void DS_Event(int type);
-@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ void DS_SFX_Setv(sfxbuffer_t* buf, int p
- void DS_SFX_Listener(int prop, float value);
- void DS_SFX_Listenerv(int prop, float* values);
- int DS_SFX_Getv(int prop, void* values);
- #ifdef WIN32
- // EAX 2.0 GUIDs
-@@ -134,14 +136,14 @@ static void loadExtensions(void)
- #endif
- }
--int DS_Init(void)
-+extern "C" int DS_Init(void)
- {
-     // Already initialized?
-     if(initOk) return true;
-     // Open a playback device.
-     /// @todo Shouldn't we use the system default device?
--    device = alcOpenDevice((ALCchar*) "DirectSound3D");
-+    device = alcOpenDevice((ALCchar*) NULL);
-     if(!device)
-     {
-         Con_Message("OpenAL init failed (device: DirectSound3D).\n");
-@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ int DS_Init(void)
-     return true;
- }
--void DS_Shutdown(void)
-+extern "C" void DS_Shutdown(void)
- {
-     if(!initOk) return;
-@@ -185,12 +187,12 @@ void DS_Event(int /*type*/)
-     // Not supported.
- }
--int DS_SFX_Init(void)
-+extern "C" int DS_SFX_Init(void)
- {
-     return true;
- }
--sfxbuffer_t* DS_SFX_CreateBuffer(int flags, int bits, int rate)
-+extern "C" sfxbuffer_t* DS_SFX_CreateBuffer(int flags, int bits, int rate)
- {
-     sfxbuffer_t* buf;
-     ALuint bufName, srcName;
-@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ sfxbuffer_t* DS_SFX_CreateBuffer(int fla
-     return buf;
- }
--void DS_SFX_DestroyBuffer(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_DestroyBuffer(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
- {
-     ALuint srcName, bufName;
-@@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ void DS_SFX_DestroyBuffer(sfxbuffer_t* b
-     Z_Free(buf);
- }
--void DS_SFX_Load(sfxbuffer_t* buf, struct sfxsample_s* sample)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_Load(sfxbuffer_t* buf, struct sfxsample_s* sample)
- {
-     if(!buf || !sample) return;
-@@ -277,7 +279,7 @@ void DS_SFX_Load(sfxbuffer_t* buf, struc
- /**
-  * Stops the buffer and makes it forget about its sample.
-  */
--void DS_SFX_Reset(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_Reset(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
- {
-     if(!buf) return;
-@@ -285,7 +287,7 @@ void DS_SFX_Reset(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
-     buf->sample = NULL;
- }
--void DS_SFX_Play(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_Play(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
- {
-     ALuint source;
-@@ -310,7 +312,7 @@ void DS_SFX_Play(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
-     buf->flags |= SFXBF_PLAYING;
- }
--void DS_SFX_Stop(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_Stop(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
- {
-     if(!buf || !buf->sample) return;
-@@ -318,7 +320,7 @@ void DS_SFX_Stop(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
-     buf->flags &= ~SFXBF_PLAYING;
- }
--void DS_SFX_Refresh(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_Refresh(sfxbuffer_t* buf)
- {
-     ALint state;
-@@ -368,7 +370,7 @@ static void setPan(ALuint source, float
-     alSourcefv(source, AL_POSITION, pos);
- }
--void DS_SFX_Set(sfxbuffer_t* buf, int prop, float value)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_Set(sfxbuffer_t* buf, int prop, float value)
- {
-     ALuint source;
-@@ -411,7 +413,7 @@ void DS_SFX_Set(sfxbuffer_t* buf, int pr
-     }
- }
--void DS_SFX_Setv(sfxbuffer_t* buf, int prop, float* values)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_Setv(sfxbuffer_t* buf, int prop, float* values)
- {
-     ALuint source;
-@@ -435,7 +437,7 @@ void DS_SFX_Setv(sfxbuffer_t* buf, int p
-     }
- }
--void DS_SFX_Listener(int prop, float value)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_Listener(int prop, float value)
- {
-     switch(prop)
-     {
-@@ -451,7 +453,7 @@ void DS_SFX_Listener(int prop, float val
-     }
- }
--void DS_SFX_Listenerv(int prop, float* values)
-+extern "C" void DS_SFX_Listenerv(int prop, float* values)
- {
-     float ori[6];
-@@ -489,7 +491,7 @@ void DS_SFX_Listenerv(int prop, float* v
-     }
- }
--int DS_SFX_Getv(int /*prop*/, void* /*values*/)
-+extern "C" int DS_SFX_Getv(int /*prop*/, void* /*values*/)
- {
-     // Stub.
-     return 0;

diff --git a/games-fps/doomsday/files/wrapper b/games-fps/doomsday/files/wrapper
deleted file mode 100644
index 52eb0c8..0000000
--- a/games-fps/doomsday/files/wrapper
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-mkdir -p "${userdir}"
-cd "${userdir}"
-exec doomsday -game GAME -userdir "${userdir}" "$@"

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