commit:     84c87eabf99d8fdf2706e8c25937fcb942060c5b
Author:     Luke Dashjr <luke-jr+git <AT> utopios <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Fri Oct 23 04:18:02 2015 +0000
Commit:     Anthony G. Basile <blueness <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Oct 23 08:54:47 2015 +0000

net-misc/bfgminer: Bump to 4.10.4 and 5.4.0

 net-misc/bfgminer/bfgminer-4.10.4.ebuild | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 net-misc/bfgminer/bfgminer-5.4.0.ebuild  | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 370 insertions(+)

diff --git a/net-misc/bfgminer/bfgminer-4.10.4.ebuild 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..052976b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/bfgminer/bfgminer-4.10.4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Modular Bitcoin ASIC/FPGA/GPU/CPU miner in C"
+SRC_URI="${PN}/${PV}/${P}.txz -> 
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+# TODO: knc (needs i2c-tools header)
+# TODO: minergate (needs actual miner_gate)
+# TODO: titan
+IUSE="adl antminer avalon avalonmm bfx bifury bitforce bfsb bigpic bitfury 
cointerra cpumining drillbit dualminer examples gridseed hardened hashbuster 
hashbuster2 hashfast icarus jingtian klondike +libusb littlefury lm_sensors 
metabank modminer nanofury ncurses opencl proxy proxy_getwork proxy_stratum 
rockminer screen scrypt twinfury +udev udev-broad-rules unicode x6500 zeusminer 
+       || ( antminer avalon avalonmm bfsb bfx bifury bigpic bitforce bitfury 
cointerra cpumining drillbit dualminer gridseed hashbuster hashbuster2 hashfast 
icarus klondike littlefury metabank modminer nanofury opencl proxy twinfury 
x6500 zeusminer ztex )
+       adl? ( opencl )
+       bfsb? ( bitfury )
+       bfx? ( bitfury libusb )
+       bigpic? ( bitfury )
+       drillbit? ( bitfury )
+       dualminer? ( icarus )
+       gridseed? ( scrypt )
+       hashbuster? ( bitfury )
+       hashbuster2? ( bitfury libusb )
+       klondike? ( libusb )
+       littlefury? ( bitfury )
+       lm_sensors? ( opencl )
+       metabank? ( bitfury )
+       nanofury? ( bitfury )
+       scrypt? ( || ( cpumining dualminer gridseed opencl proxy zeusminer ) )
+       twinfury? ( bitfury )
+       unicode? ( ncurses )
+       proxy? ( || ( proxy_getwork proxy_stratum ) )
+       proxy_getwork? ( proxy )
+       proxy_stratum? ( proxy )
+       x6500? ( libusb )
+       zeusminer? ( scrypt icarus )
+       ztex? ( libusb )
+       net-misc/curl
+       ncurses? (
+               sys-libs/ncurses:=[unicode?]
+       )
+       >=dev-libs/jansson-2
+       dev-libs/libbase58
+       net-libs/libblkmaker
+       udev? (
+               virtual/udev
+       )
+       hashbuster? (
+               dev-libs/hidapi
+       )
+       libusb? (
+               virtual/libusb:1
+       )
+       lm_sensors? (
+               sys-apps/lm_sensors
+       )
+       nanofury? (
+               dev-libs/hidapi
+       )
+       proxy_getwork? (
+               net-libs/libmicrohttpd
+       )
+       proxy_stratum? (
+               dev-libs/libevent
+       )
+       screen? (
+               app-misc/screen
+               || (
+                       >=sys-apps/coreutils-8.15
+                       sys-freebsd/freebsd-bin
+                       app-misc/realpath
+               )
+       )
+       opencl? (
+               || (
+                       virtual/opencl
+                       dev-util/nvidia-cuda-sdk[opencl]
+               )
+       )
+       virtual/pkgconfig
+       >=dev-libs/uthash-1.9.7
+       sys-apps/sed
+       cpumining? (
+               amd64? (
+                       >=dev-lang/yasm-1.0.1
+               )
+               x86? (
+                       >=dev-lang/yasm-1.0.1
+               )
+       )
+src_configure() {
+       local CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
+       local with_curses
+       use hardened && CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -nopie"
+       if use ncurses; then
+               if use unicode; then
+                       with_curses='--with-curses=ncursesw'
+               else
+                       with_curses='--with-curses=ncurses'
+               fi
+       else
+               with_curses='--without-curses'
+       fi
+       CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \
+       econf \
+               --docdir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
+               $(use_enable adl) \
+               $(use_enable antminer) \
+               $(use_enable avalon) \
+               $(use_enable avalonmm) \
+               $(use_enable bifury) \
+               $(use_enable bitforce) \
+               $(use_enable bfsb) \
+               $(use_enable bfx) \
+               $(use_enable bigpic) \
+               $(use_enable bitfury) \
+               $(use_enable cointerra) \
+               $(use_enable cpumining) \
+               $(use_enable drillbit) \
+               $(use_enable dualminer) \
+               $(use_enable gridseed) \
+               $(use_enable hashbuster) \
+               $(use_enable hashbuster2 hashbusterusb) \
+               $(use_enable hashfast) \
+               $(use_enable icarus) \
+               $(use_enable jingtian) \
+               $(use_enable klondike) \
+               $(use_enable littlefury) \
+               $(use_enable metabank) \
+               $(use_enable modminer) \
+               $(use_enable nanofury) \
+               $(use_enable opencl) \
+               $(use_enable rockminer) \
+               $(use_enable scrypt) \
+               $(use_enable twinfury) \
+               --with-system-libblkmaker \
+               $with_curses \
+               $(use_with udev libudev) \
+               $(use_enable udev-broad-rules broad-udevrules) \
+               $(use_with lm_sensors sensors) \
+               $(use_with proxy_getwork libmicrohttpd) \
+               $(use_with proxy_stratum libevent) \
+               $(use_enable x6500) \
+               $(use_enable zeusminer) \
+               $(use_enable ztex)
+src_install() {
+       emake install DESTDIR="$D"
+       if ! use examples; then
+               rm -r "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/rpc-examples"
+       fi
+       if ! use screen; then
+               rm "${D}/usr/bin/"
+       fi

diff --git a/net-misc/bfgminer/bfgminer-5.4.0.ebuild 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12c5b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/bfgminer/bfgminer-5.4.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Modular Bitcoin ASIC/FPGA/GPU/CPU miner in C"
+SRC_URI="${PN}/${PV}/${P}.txz -> 
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+# TODO: knc (needs i2c-tools header)
+# TODO: kncasic & titan (need systemwide knc-asic install)
+# TODO: minergate (needs actual miner_gate)
+IUSE="adl antminer avalon avalonmm bfsb bfx bifury bigpic bitforce bitfury 
cointerra cpumining drillbit dualminer examples gridseed hardened hashbuster 
hashbuster2 hashfast icarus jingtian keccak klondike +libusb littlefury 
lm_sensors metabank minion modminer nanofury ncurses opencl proxy proxy_getwork 
proxy_stratum rockminer screen scrypt +sha256d twinfury +udev udev-broad-rules 
unicode x6500 zeusminer ztex"
+       || ( keccak scrypt sha256d )
+       || ( antminer avalon avalonmm bfsb bfx bifury bigpic bitforce bitfury 
cointerra cpumining drillbit dualminer gridseed hashbuster hashbuster2 hashfast 
icarus klondike littlefury metabank modminer nanofury opencl proxy twinfury 
x6500 zeusminer ztex )
+       adl? ( opencl )
+       antminer? ( sha256d )
+       avalon? ( sha256d )
+       avalonmm? ( sha256d )
+       bfsb? ( sha256d bitfury )
+       bfx? ( sha256d bitfury libusb )
+       bifury? ( sha256d )
+       bigpic? ( sha256d bitfury )
+       bitforce? ( sha256d )
+       bitfury? ( sha256d )
+       cointerra? ( sha256d )
+       drillbit? ( sha256d bitfury )
+       dualminer? ( || ( sha256d scrypt ) icarus )
+       gridseed? ( scrypt )
+       hashbuster? ( sha256d bitfury )
+       hashbuster2? ( sha256d bitfury libusb )
+       hashfast? ( sha256d )
+       icarus? ( || ( scrypt sha256d ) )
+       jingtian? ( sha256d )
+       keccak? ( || ( cpumining opencl proxy ) )
+       klondike? ( sha256d libusb )
+       littlefury? ( sha256d bitfury )
+       lm_sensors? ( opencl )
+       metabank? ( sha256d bitfury )
+       minion? ( sha256d )
+       modminer? ( sha256d )
+       nanofury? ( sha256d bitfury )
+       scrypt? ( || ( cpumining dualminer gridseed opencl proxy zeusminer ) )
+       sha256d? ( || ( antminer avalon avalonmm bfx bifury bitforce bfsb 
bigpic bitfury cointerra cpumining drillbit dualminer hashbuster hashbuster2 
hashfast icarus jingtian klondike littlefury metabank modminer nanofury opencl 
proxy rockminer twinfury x6500 ztex ) )
+       twinfury? ( bitfury )
+       unicode? ( ncurses )
+       proxy? ( || ( proxy_getwork proxy_stratum ) )
+       proxy_getwork? ( proxy )
+       proxy_stratum? ( proxy )
+       rockminer? ( sha256d )
+       twinfury? ( sha256d )
+       x6500? ( sha256d libusb )
+       zeusminer? ( scrypt icarus )
+       ztex? ( sha256d libusb )
+       net-misc/curl
+       ncurses? (
+               sys-libs/ncurses:=[unicode?]
+       )
+       >=dev-libs/jansson-2
+       dev-libs/libbase58
+       net-libs/libblkmaker
+       udev? (
+               virtual/udev
+       )
+       hashbuster? (
+               dev-libs/hidapi
+       )
+       libusb? (
+               virtual/libusb:1
+       )
+       lm_sensors? (
+               sys-apps/lm_sensors
+       )
+       nanofury? (
+               dev-libs/hidapi
+       )
+       proxy_getwork? (
+               net-libs/libmicrohttpd
+       )
+       proxy_stratum? (
+               dev-libs/libevent
+       )
+       screen? (
+               app-misc/screen
+               || (
+                       >=sys-apps/coreutils-8.15
+                       sys-freebsd/freebsd-bin
+                       app-misc/realpath
+               )
+       )
+       opencl? (
+               || (
+                       virtual/opencl
+                       dev-util/nvidia-cuda-sdk[opencl]
+               )
+       )
+       virtual/pkgconfig
+       >=dev-libs/uthash-1.9.7
+       sys-apps/sed
+       cpumining? (
+               amd64? (
+                       >=dev-lang/yasm-1.0.1
+               )
+               x86? (
+                       >=dev-lang/yasm-1.0.1
+               )
+       )
+src_configure() {
+       local CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
+       local with_curses
+       use hardened && CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -nopie"
+       if use ncurses; then
+               if use unicode; then
+                       with_curses='--with-curses=ncursesw'
+               else
+                       with_curses='--with-curses=ncurses'
+               fi
+       else
+               with_curses='--without-curses'
+       fi
+       CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \
+       econf \
+               --docdir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
+               $(use_enable adl) \
+               $(use_enable antminer) \
+               $(use_enable avalon) \
+               $(use_enable avalonmm) \
+               $(use_enable bifury) \
+               $(use_enable bitforce) \
+               $(use_enable bfsb) \
+               $(use_enable bfx) \
+               $(use_enable bigpic) \
+               $(use_enable bitfury) \
+               $(use_enable cointerra) \
+               $(use_enable cpumining) \
+               $(use_enable drillbit) \
+               $(use_enable dualminer) \
+               $(use_enable gridseed) \
+               $(use_enable hashbuster) \
+               $(use_enable hashbuster2 hashbusterusb) \
+               $(use_enable hashfast) \
+               $(use_enable icarus) \
+               $(use_enable jingtian) \
+               $(use_enable keccak) \
+               $(use_enable klondike) \
+               $(use_enable littlefury) \
+               $(use_enable metabank) \
+               $(use_enable minion) \
+               $(use_enable modminer) \
+               $(use_enable nanofury) \
+               $(use_enable opencl) \
+               $(use_enable rockminer) \
+               $(use_enable scrypt) \
+               $(use_enable sha256d) \
+               $(use_enable twinfury) \
+               --with-system-libblkmaker \
+               $with_curses \
+               $(use_with udev libudev) \
+               $(use_enable udev-broad-rules broad-udevrules) \
+               $(use_with lm_sensors sensors) \
+               $(use_with proxy_getwork libmicrohttpd) \
+               $(use_with proxy_stratum libevent) \
+               $(use_enable x6500) \
+               $(use_enable zeusminer) \
+               $(use_enable ztex)
+src_install() {
+       emake install DESTDIR="$D"
+       if ! use examples; then
+               rm -r "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/rpc-examples"
+       fi
+       if ! use screen; then
+               rm "${D}/usr/bin/"
+       fi

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