commit:     144beef20cdc81d881a4ddba5921e31478200938
Author:     Anthony G. Basile <blueness <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Wed Jul 15 00:54:29 2015 +0000
Commit:     Anthony G. Basile <blueness <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed Jul 15 00:54:29 2015 +0000

x11-base/xorg-server: clean out older versions.

 x11-base/xorg-server/files/xdm.initd-10            | 226 ------------------
 .../files/xorg-server-1.12-cve-2013-4396.patch     |  75 ------
 .../files/xorg-server-1.12-disable-acpi.patch      |  11 -
 .../files/xorg-server-disable-acpi.patch           |  31 ---
 x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.14.3-r99.ebuild | 251 --------------------
 x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.15.0-r99.ebuild | 254 --------------------
 x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.15.2-r99.ebuild | 257 ---------------------
 7 files changed, 1105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-server/files/xdm.initd-10 
deleted file mode 100644
index 9826e6b..0000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-server/files/xdm.initd-10
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-base/xorg-server/files/xdm.initd-10,v 
1.1 2013/09/26 15:23:33 axs Exp $
-# This is here to serve as a note to myself, and future developers.
-# Any Display manager (gdm,kdm,xdm) has the following problem:  if
-# it is started before any getty, and no vt is specified, it will
-# usually run on vt2.  When the getty on vt2 then starts, and the
-# DM is already started, the getty will take control of the keyboard,
-# leaving us with a "dead" keyboard.
-# Resolution: add the following line to /etc/inittab
-#  x:a:once:/etc/X11/
-# and have /etc/X11/ start the DM in daemon mode if
-# a lock is present (with the info of what DM should be started),
-# else just fall through.
-# How this basically works, is the "a" runlevel is a additional
-# runlevel that you can use to fork processes with init, but the
-# runlevel never gets changed to this runlevel.  Along with the "a"
-# runlevel, the "once" key word means that will only be
-# run when we specify it to run, thus eliminating respawning
-# when "xdm" is not added to the default runlevel, as was
-# done previously.
-# This script then just calls "telinit a", and init will run
-# /etc/X11/ after the current runlevel completes (this
-# script should only be added to the actual runlevel the user is
-# using).
-# Martin Schlemmer
-# aka Azarah
-# 04 March 2002
-depend() {
-       need localmount xdm-setup
-       # this should start as early as possible
-       # we can't do 'before *' as that breaks it
-       # (#139824) Start after ypbind and autofs for network authentication
-       # (#145219 #180163) Could use lirc mouse as input device
-       # (#70689 comment #92) Start after consolefont to avoid display 
-       # (#291269) Start after quota, since some dm need readable home
-       # (#390609) gdm-3 will fail when dbus is not running
-       # (#366753) starting keymaps after X causes problems
-       after bootmisc consolefont modules netmount
-       after readahead-list ypbind autofs openvpn gpm lircmd
-       after quota keymaps
-       before alsasound
-       # Start before X
-       use consolekit dbus xfs
-setup_dm() {
-       local MY_XDM
-       MY_XDM=$(echo "${DISPLAYMANAGER}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
-       # Load our root path from profile.env
-       # Needed for kdm
-       PATH=${PATH}:$(. /etc/profile.env; echo "${ROOTPATH}")
-       NAME=
-       case "${MY_XDM}" in
-               kdm|kde)
-                       EXE=/usr/bin/kdm
-                       PIDFILE=/run/
-                       ;;
-               entrance*)
-                       EXE=/usr/sbin/entrance
-                       PIDFILE=/run/
-                       ;;
-               gdm|gnome)
-                       # gdm-3 and above has different paths
-                       if [ -f /usr/sbin/gdm ]; then
-                               EXE=/usr/sbin/gdm
-                               PIDFILE=/run/gdm/
-                               START_STOP_ARGS="--background"
-                               AUTOCLEAN_CGROUP="yes"
-                       else
-                               EXE=/usr/bin/gdm
-                               PIDFILE=/run/
-                       fi
-                       [ "${RC_UNAME}" != "Linux" ] && NAME=gdm-binary
-                       ;;
-               wdm)
-                       EXE=/usr/bin/wdm
-                       PIDFILE=
-                       ;;
-               gpe)
-                       EXE=/usr/bin/gpe-dm
-                       PIDFILE=/run/
-                       ;;
-               lxdm)
-                       EXE=/usr/sbin/lxdm-binary
-                       PIDFILE=/run/
-                       START_STOP_ARGS="--background"
-                       ;;
-               lightdm)
-                       EXE=/usr/sbin/lightdm
-                       PIDFILE=/run/
-                       START_STOP_ARGS="--background"
-                       ;;
-               *)
-                       # first find out if there is such executable
-                       EXE="$(command -v ${MY_XDM} 2>/dev/null)"
-                       PIDFILE="/run/${MY_XDM}.pid"
-                       # warn user that he is doing sick things if the exe was 
not found
-                       if [ -z "${EXE}" ]; then
-                               echo "ERROR: Your XDM value is invalid."
-                               echo "  No ${MY_XDM} executable could be found 
on your system."
-                       fi
-                       ;;
-       esac
-       if ! [ -x "${EXE}" ]; then
-               EXE=/usr/bin/xdm
-               PIDFILE=/run/
-               if ! [ -x "/usr/bin/xdm" ]; then
-                       echo "ERROR: Please set your DISPLAYMANAGER variable in 
-                       echo "  or install x11-apps/xdm package"
-                       eend 255
-               fi
-       fi
-# Check to see if something is defined on our VT
-vtstatic() {
-       if [ -e /etc/inittab ] ; then
-               grep -Eq "^[^#]+.*\<tty$1\>" /etc/inittab
-       elif [ -e /etc/ttys ] ; then
-               grep -q "^ttyv$(($1 - 1))" /etc/ttys
-       else
-               return 1
-       fi
-start() {
-       setup_dm
-       if [ -f /etc/.noxdm ]; then
-               einfo "Skipping ${EXE##*/}, /etc/.noxdm found or \"nox\" 
bootparam passed."
-               rm /etc/.noxdm
-               return 0
-       fi
-       ebegin "Setting up ${EXE##*/}"
-       # save the prefered DM
-       save_options "service" "${EXE}"
-       save_options "name"    "${NAME}"
-       save_options "pidfile" "${PIDFILE}"
-       save_options "start_stop_args" "${START_STOP_ARGS}"
-       save_options "autoclean_cgroup" "${AUTOCLEAN_CGROUP:-no}"
-       if [ -n "${CHECKVT-y}" ] ; then
-               if vtstatic "${CHECKVT:-7}" ; then
-                       if [ -x /sbin/telinit ] && [ "${SOFTLEVEL}" != "BOOT" ] 
&& [ "${RC_SOFTLEVEL}" != "BOOT" ]; then
-                               ewarn "Something is already defined on VT 
${CHECKVT:-7}, will start X later"
-                               telinit a >/dev/null 2>&1
-                               return 0
-                       else
-                               eerror "Something is already defined on VT 
${CHECKVT:-7}, not starting"
-                               return 1
-                       fi
-               fi
-       fi
-       /etc/X11/
-       eend 0
-stop() {
-       local curvt retval
-       retval=0
-       if [ -t 0 ]; then
-               if type fgconsole >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-                       curvt=$(fgconsole 2>/dev/null)
-               else
-                       curvt=$(tty)
-                       case "${curvt}" in
-                               /dev/ttyv[0-9]*) curvt=${curvt#/dev/ttyv} ;;
-                               *) curvt= ;;
-                       esac
-               fi
-       fi
-       local myexe myname mypidfile myservice
-       myexe=$(get_options "service")
-       myname=$(get_options "name")
-       mypidfile=$(get_options "pidfile")
-       myservice=${myexe##*/}
-       yesno "${rc_cgroup_cleanup:-no}" || rc_cgroup_cleanup=$(get_options 
-       [ -z "${myexe}" ] && return 0
-       ebegin "Stopping ${myservice}"
-       if start-stop-daemon --quiet --test --stop --exec "${myexe}"; then
-               start-stop-daemon --stop --exec "${myexe}" --retry 
-                       ${mypidfile:+--pidfile} ${mypidfile} \
-                       ${myname:+--name} ${myname}
-               retval=${?}
-       fi
-       # switch back to original vt
-       if [ -n "${curvt}" ]; then
-               if type chvt >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-                       chvt "${curvt}"
-               else
-                       vidcontrol -s "$((curvt + 1))"
-               fi
-       fi
-       eend ${retval} "Error stopping ${myservice}"
-       return ${retval}
-# vim: set ts=4 :

diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-server/files/xorg-server-1.12-cve-2013-4396.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b6727e..0000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-server/files/xorg-server-1.12-cve-2013-4396.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-From 7bddc2ba16a2a15773c2ea8947059afa27727764 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Alan Coopersmith <>
-Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 21:47:16 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] Avoid use-after-free in dix/dixfonts.c: doImageText()
- [CVE-2013-4396]
-Save a pointer to the passed in closure structure before copying it
-and overwriting the *c pointer to point to our copy instead of the
-original.  If we hit an error, once we free(c), reset c to point to
-the original structure before jumping to the cleanup code that
-references *c.
-Since one of the errors being checked for is whether the server was
-able to malloc(c->nChars * itemSize), the client can potentially pass
-a number of characters chosen to cause the malloc to fail and the
-error path to be taken, resulting in the read from freed memory.
-Since the memory is accessed almost immediately afterwards, and the
-X server is mostly single threaded, the odds of the free memory having
-invalid contents are low with most malloc implementations when not using
-memory debugging features, but some allocators will definitely overwrite
-the memory there, leading to a likely crash.
-Reported-by: Pedro Ribeiro <>
-Signed-off-by: Alan Coopersmith <>
-Reviewed-by: Julien Cristau <>
- dix/dixfonts.c |    5 +++++
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/dix/dixfonts.c b/dix/dixfonts.c
-index feb765d..2e34d37 100644
---- a/dix/dixfonts.c
-+++ b/dix/dixfonts.c
-@@ -1425,6 +1425,7 @@ doImageText(ClientPtr client, ITclosurePtr c)
-             GC *pGC;
-             unsigned char *data;
-             ITclosurePtr new_closure;
-+            ITclosurePtr old_closure;
-             /* We're putting the client to sleep.  We need to
-                save some state.  Similar problem to that handled
-@@ -1436,12 +1437,14 @@ doImageText(ClientPtr client, ITclosurePtr c)
-                 err = BadAlloc;
-                 goto bail;
-             }
-+            old_closure = c;
-             *new_closure = *c;
-             c = new_closure;
-             data = malloc(c->nChars * itemSize);
-             if (!data) {
-                 free(c);
-+                c = old_closure;
-                 err = BadAlloc;
-                 goto bail;
-             }
-@@ -1452,6 +1455,7 @@ doImageText(ClientPtr client, ITclosurePtr c)
-             if (!pGC) {
-                 free(c->data);
-                 free(c);
-+                c = old_closure;
-                 err = BadAlloc;
-                 goto bail;
-             }
-@@ -1464,6 +1468,7 @@ doImageText(ClientPtr client, ITclosurePtr c)
-                 FreeScratchGC(pGC);
-                 free(c->data);
-                 free(c);
-+                c = old_closure;
-                 err = BadAlloc;
-                 goto bail;
-             }

diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-server/files/xorg-server-1.12-disable-acpi.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index df43dbd..0000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-server/files/xorg-server-1.12-disable-acpi.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur a/ b/
---- a/     2011-10-31 19:40:02.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/     2011-10-31 19:41:02.372745481 +0100
-@@ -1624,7 +1624,6 @@
-                       linux_alpha=yes
-                       ;;
-                 i*86|amd64*|x86_64*|ia64*)
--                      linux_acpi="yes"
-                       ;;
-                 *)
-                       ;;

diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-server/files/xorg-server-disable-acpi.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index cc80e6c..0000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-server/files/xorg-server-disable-acpi.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From a8079882f1884edc62a9de28af915bd8b65dfbbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Adam Jackson <>
-Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 14:02:11 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Don't build the ACPI code.
-No good can come of this.
- |    2 --
- 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/ b/
-index 72ae67e..04716f8 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -1269,13 +1269,11 @@ if test "x$XORG" = xyes; then
-               case $host_cpu in
-                 ia64*)
-                       linux_ia64=yes
--                      linux_acpi="yes"
-                       ;;
-                 alpha*)
-                       linux_alpha=yes
-                       ;;
-                 i*86|amd64*|x86_64*)
--                      linux_acpi="yes"
-                       ;;
-                 *)
-                       ;;

diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.14.3-r99.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index 217b33c..0000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.14.3-r99.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: 
1.10 2013/10/22 07:36:05 ago Exp $
-# avoid maintainer mode, bug #484634
-inherit xorg-2 multilib versionator flag-o-matic
-DESCRIPTION="X.Org X servers"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 arm ~mips ppc x86"
-IUSE_SERVERS="dmx kdrive xnest xorg xvfb"
-IUSE="${IUSE_SERVERS} ipv6 minimal nptl selinux +suid tslib +udev"
-       dev-libs/openssl
-       media-libs/freetype
-       >=x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.2
-       >=x11-apps/rgb-1.0.3
-       >=x11-apps/xauth-1.0.3
-       x11-apps/xkbcomp
-       >=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.20
-       >=x11-libs/libpciaccess-0.12.901
-       >=x11-libs/libXau-1.0.4
-       >=x11-libs/libXdmcp-1.0.2
-       >=x11-libs/libXfont-1.4.2
-       >=x11-libs/libxkbfile-1.0.4
-       >=x11-libs/pixman-0.27.2
-       >=x11-libs/xtrans-1.2.2
-       >=x11-misc/xbitmaps-1.0.1
-       >=x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.4.1-r3
-       dmx? (
-               x11-libs/libXt
-               >=x11-libs/libdmx-
-               >=x11-libs/libX11-1.1.5
-               >=x11-libs/libXaw-1.0.4
-               >=x11-libs/libXext-
-               >=x11-libs/libXfixes-5.0
-               >=x11-libs/libXi-
-               >=x11-libs/libXmu-1.0.3
-               x11-libs/libXrender
-               >=x11-libs/libXres-1.0.3
-               >=x11-libs/libXtst-
-       )
-       kdrive? (
-               >=x11-libs/libXext-1.0.5
-               x11-libs/libXv
-       )
-       !minimal? (
-               >=x11-libs/libX11-1.1.5
-               >=x11-libs/libXext-1.0.5
-               >=media-libs/mesa-8[nptl=]
-       )
-       tslib? ( >=x11-libs/tslib-1.0 )
-       udev? ( >=virtual/udev-150 )
-       >=x11-apps/xinit-1.3
-       selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-xserver )"
-       sys-devel/flex
-       >=x11-proto/bigreqsproto-1.1.0
-       >=x11-proto/compositeproto-0.4
-       >=x11-proto/damageproto-1.1
-       >=x11-proto/fixesproto-5.0
-       >=x11-proto/fontsproto-2.0.2
-       >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.16
-       >=x11-proto/inputproto-
-       >=x11-proto/kbproto-1.0.3
-       >=x11-proto/randrproto-1.4.0
-       >=x11-proto/recordproto-
-       >=x11-proto/renderproto-0.11
-       >=x11-proto/resourceproto-1.2.0
-       >=x11-proto/scrnsaverproto-1.1
-       >=x11-proto/trapproto-3.4.3
-       >=x11-proto/videoproto-2.2.2
-       >=x11-proto/xcmiscproto-1.2.0
-       >=x11-proto/xextproto-7.1.99
-       >=x11-proto/xf86dgaproto-
-       >=x11-proto/xf86rushproto-1.1.2
-       >=x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto-
-       >=x11-proto/xineramaproto-1.1.3
-       >=x11-proto/xproto-7.0.22
-       dmx? (
-               >=x11-proto/dmxproto-
-               doc? (
-                       || (
-                               www-client/links
-                               www-client/lynx
-                               www-client/w3m
-                       )
-               )
-       )
-       !minimal? (
-               >=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.1.0
-               >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.8
-       )"
-       xorg? ( >=x11-base/xorg-drivers-$(get_version_component_range 1-2) )"
-REQUIRED_USE="!minimal? (
-               || ( ${IUSE_SERVERS} )
-       )"
-#      "${WORKDIR}/patches/"
-       "${UPSTREAMED_PATCHES[@]}"
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.12-disable-acpi.patch
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.12-ia64-fix_inx_outx.patch
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.12-unloadsubmodule.patch
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.12-cve-2013-4396.patch
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.14.3-musl.patch
-pkg_pretend() {
-       # older gcc is not supported
-       [[ "${MERGE_TYPE}" != "binary" && $(gcc-major-version) -lt 4 ]] && \
-               die "Sorry, but gcc earlier than 4.0 will not work for 
-src_configure() {
-       # localstatedir is used for the log location; we need to override the 
-       #       from
-       # sysconfdir is used for the xorg.conf location; same applies
-       # NOTE: fop is used for doc generating ; and i have no idea if gentoo
-       #       package it somewhere
-               $(use_enable ipv6)
-               $(use_enable dmx)
-               $(use_enable kdrive)
-               $(use_enable kdrive kdrive-kbd)
-               $(use_enable kdrive kdrive-mouse)
-               $(use_enable kdrive kdrive-evdev)
-               $(use_enable suid install-setuid)
-               $(use_enable tslib)
-               $(use_enable !minimal record)
-               $(use_enable !minimal xfree86-utils)
-               $(use_enable !minimal install-libxf86config)
-               $(use_enable !minimal dri)
-               $(use_enable !minimal dri2)
-               $(use_enable !minimal glx)
-               $(use_enable xnest)
-               $(use_enable xorg)
-               $(use_enable xvfb)
-               $(use_enable nptl glx-tls)
-               $(use_enable udev config-udev)
-               $(use_with doc doxygen)
-               $(use_with doc xmlto)
-               --enable-libdrm
-               --sysconfdir="${EPREFIX}"/etc/X11
-               --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var
-               --with-fontrootdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts
-               --with-xkb-output="${EPREFIX}"/var/lib/xkb
-               --disable-config-hal
-               --without-dtrace
-               --without-fop
-               --with-os-vendor=Gentoo
-       )
-       # Xorg-server requires includes from OS mesa which are not visible for
-       # users of binary drivers.
-       mkdir -p "${T}/mesa-symlinks/GL"
-       for i in gl glx glxmd glxproto glxtokens; do
-               ln -s "${EROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/xorg-x11/include/$i.h" 
"${T}/mesa-symlinks/GL/$i.h" || die
-       done
-       for i in glext glxext; do
-               ln -s "${EROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/global/include/$i.h" 
"${T}/mesa-symlinks/GL/$i.h" || die
-       done
-       append-cppflags "-I${T}/mesa-symlinks"
-       xorg-2_src_configure
-src_install() {
-       xorg-2_src_install
-       dynamic_libgl_install
-       server_based_install
-       if ! use minimal &&     use xorg; then
-               # Install xorg.conf.example into docs
-               dodoc "${AUTOTOOLS_BUILD_DIR}"/hw/xfree86/xorg.conf.example
-       fi
-       newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xdm-setup.initd-1 xdm-setup
-       newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xdm.initd-10 xdm
-       newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/xdm.confd-4 xdm
-       # install the @x11-module-rebuild set for Portage
-       insinto /usr/share/portage/config/sets
-       newins "${FILESDIR}"/xorg-sets.conf xorg.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
-       # sets up libGL and DRI2 symlinks if needed (ie, on a fresh install)
-       eselect opengl set xorg-x11 --use-old
-       if [[ ${PV} != 9999 && $(get_version_component_range 2 
${REPLACING_VERSIONS}) != $(get_version_component_range 2 ${PV}) ]]; then
-               ewarn "You must rebuild all drivers if upgrading from 
<xorg-server-$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
-               ewarn "because the ABI changed. If you cannot start X because"
-               ewarn "of module version mismatch errors, this is your problem."
-               echo
-               ewarn "You can rebuild all installed packages in the 
-               ewarn "category using this command:"
-               ewarn " emerge @x11-module-rebuild"
-       fi
-       if use udev && has_version virtual/udev[-keymap]; then
-               ewarn "virtual/udev was built without keymap support. This may 
cause input device"
-               ewarn "autoconfiguration to fail."
-       fi
-pkg_postrm() {
-       # Get rid of module dir to ensure opengl-update works properly
-       if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} && -e 
${EROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules ]]; then
-               rm -rf "${EROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
-       fi
-dynamic_libgl_install() {
-       # next section is to setup the dynamic libGL stuff
-       ebegin "Moving GL files for dynamic switching"
-               dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/xorg-x11/extensions
-               local x=""
-               for x in 
"${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/extensions/lib{glx,dri,dri2}*; do
-                       if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
-                               mv -f ${x} 
-                       fi
-               done
-       eend 0
-server_based_install() {
-       if ! use xorg; then
-               rm "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/Xserver.1x \
-                       "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/xserver/SecurityPolicy \
-                       "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/xorg-server.pc \
-                       "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/Xserver.1x
-       fi

diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.15.0-r99.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index d6f7ab2..0000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.15.0-r99.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: 
/var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.15.0.ebuild,v 1.6 
2014/03/28 01:51:18 jer Exp $
-inherit xorg-2 multilib versionator flag-o-matic
-DESCRIPTION="X.Org X servers"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ~mips ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE_SERVERS="dmx kdrive xnest xorg xvfb"
-IUSE="${IUSE_SERVERS} ipv6 minimal nptl selinux +suid tslib +udev unwind"
-       dev-libs/openssl
-       media-libs/freetype
-       >=x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.2
-       >=x11-apps/rgb-1.0.3
-       >=x11-apps/xauth-1.0.3
-       x11-apps/xkbcomp
-       >=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.20
-       >=x11-libs/libpciaccess-0.12.901
-       >=x11-libs/libXau-1.0.4
-       >=x11-libs/libXdmcp-1.0.2
-       >=x11-libs/libXfont-1.4.2
-       >=x11-libs/libxkbfile-1.0.4
-       >=x11-libs/libxshmfence-1.1
-       >=x11-libs/pixman-0.27.2
-       >=x11-libs/xtrans-1.3.2
-       >=x11-misc/xbitmaps-1.0.1
-       >=x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.4.1-r3
-       dmx? (
-               x11-libs/libXt
-               >=x11-libs/libdmx-
-               >=x11-libs/libX11-1.1.5
-               >=x11-libs/libXaw-1.0.4
-               >=x11-libs/libXext-
-               >=x11-libs/libXfixes-5.0
-               >=x11-libs/libXi-
-               >=x11-libs/libXmu-1.0.3
-               x11-libs/libXrender
-               >=x11-libs/libXres-1.0.3
-               >=x11-libs/libXtst-
-       )
-       kdrive? (
-               >=x11-libs/libXext-1.0.5
-               x11-libs/libXv
-       )
-       !minimal? (
-               >=x11-libs/libX11-1.1.5
-               >=x11-libs/libXext-1.0.5
-               >=media-libs/mesa-9.2.0[nptl=]
-       )
-       tslib? ( >=x11-libs/tslib-1.0 )
-       udev? ( >=virtual/udev-150 )
-       unwind? ( sys-libs/libunwind )
-       >=x11-apps/xinit-1.3
-       selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-xserver )"
-       sys-devel/flex
-       >=x11-proto/bigreqsproto-1.1.0
-       >=x11-proto/compositeproto-0.4
-       >=x11-proto/damageproto-1.1
-       >=x11-proto/fixesproto-5.0
-       >=x11-proto/fontsproto-2.0.2
-       >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.17
-       >=x11-proto/inputproto-
-       >=x11-proto/kbproto-1.0.3
-       >=x11-proto/randrproto-1.4.0
-       >=x11-proto/recordproto-
-       >=x11-proto/renderproto-0.11
-       >=x11-proto/resourceproto-1.2.0
-       >=x11-proto/scrnsaverproto-1.1
-       >=x11-proto/trapproto-3.4.3
-       >=x11-proto/videoproto-2.2.2
-       >=x11-proto/xcmiscproto-1.2.0
-       >=x11-proto/xextproto-
-       >=x11-proto/xf86dgaproto-
-       >=x11-proto/xf86rushproto-1.1.2
-       >=x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto-
-       >=x11-proto/xineramaproto-1.1.3
-       >=x11-proto/xproto-7.0.22
-       >=x11-proto/presentproto-1.0
-       >=x11-proto/dri3proto-1.0
-       dmx? (
-               >=x11-proto/dmxproto-
-               doc? (
-                       || (
-                               www-client/links
-                               www-client/lynx
-                               www-client/w3m
-                       )
-               )
-       )
-       !minimal? (
-               >=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.1.0
-               >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.8
-       )"
-       xorg? ( >=x11-base/xorg-drivers-$(get_version_component_range 1-2) )"
-REQUIRED_USE="!minimal? (
-               || ( ${IUSE_SERVERS} )
-       )"
-#      "${WORKDIR}/patches/"
-       "${UPSTREAMED_PATCHES[@]}"
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.12-ia64-fix_inx_outx.patch
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.12-unloadsubmodule.patch
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.14.3-musl.patch
-pkg_pretend() {
-       # older gcc is not supported
-       [[ "${MERGE_TYPE}" != "binary" && $(gcc-major-version) -lt 4 ]] && \
-               die "Sorry, but gcc earlier than 4.0 will not work for 
-src_configure() {
-       # localstatedir is used for the log location; we need to override the 
-       #       from
-       # sysconfdir is used for the xorg.conf location; same applies
-       # NOTE: fop is used for doc generating ; and i have no idea if gentoo
-       #       package it somewhere
-               $(use_enable ipv6)
-               $(use_enable dmx)
-               $(use_enable kdrive)
-               $(use_enable kdrive kdrive-kbd)
-               $(use_enable kdrive kdrive-mouse)
-               $(use_enable kdrive kdrive-evdev)
-               $(use_enable suid install-setuid)
-               $(use_enable tslib)
-               $(use_enable unwind libunwind)
-               $(use_enable !minimal record)
-               $(use_enable !minimal xfree86-utils)
-               $(use_enable !minimal install-libxf86config)
-               $(use_enable !minimal dri)
-               $(use_enable !minimal dri2)
-               $(use_enable !minimal glx)
-               $(use_enable xnest)
-               $(use_enable xorg)
-               $(use_enable xvfb)
-               $(use_enable nptl glx-tls)
-               $(use_enable udev config-udev)
-               $(use_with doc doxygen)
-               $(use_with doc xmlto)
-               --enable-libdrm
-               --sysconfdir="${EPREFIX}"/etc/X11
-               --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var
-               --with-fontrootdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts
-               --with-xkb-output="${EPREFIX}"/var/lib/xkb
-               --disable-config-hal
-               --disable-linux-acpi
-               --without-dtrace
-               --without-fop
-               --with-os-vendor=Gentoo
-               --with-sha1=libcrypto
-       )
-       # Xorg-server requires includes from OS mesa which are not visible for
-       # users of binary drivers.
-       mkdir -p "${T}/mesa-symlinks/GL"
-       for i in gl glx glxmd glxproto glxtokens; do
-               ln -s "${EROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/xorg-x11/include/$i.h" 
"${T}/mesa-symlinks/GL/$i.h" || die
-       done
-       for i in glext glxext; do
-               ln -s "${EROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/global/include/$i.h" 
"${T}/mesa-symlinks/GL/$i.h" || die
-       done
-       append-cppflags "-I${T}/mesa-symlinks"
-       xorg-2_src_configure
-src_install() {
-       xorg-2_src_install
-       dynamic_libgl_install
-       server_based_install
-       if ! use minimal &&     use xorg; then
-               # Install xorg.conf.example into docs
-               dodoc "${AUTOTOOLS_BUILD_DIR}"/hw/xfree86/xorg.conf.example
-       fi
-       newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xdm-setup.initd-1 xdm-setup
-       newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xdm.initd-10 xdm
-       newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/xdm.confd-4 xdm
-       # install the @x11-module-rebuild set for Portage
-       insinto /usr/share/portage/config/sets
-       newins "${FILESDIR}"/xorg-sets.conf xorg.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
-       # sets up libGL and DRI2 symlinks if needed (ie, on a fresh install)
-       eselect opengl set xorg-x11 --use-old
-       if [[ ${PV} != 9999 && $(get_version_component_range 2 
${REPLACING_VERSIONS}) != $(get_version_component_range 2 ${PV}) ]]; then
-               ewarn "You must rebuild all drivers if upgrading from 
<xorg-server-$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
-               ewarn "because the ABI changed. If you cannot start X because"
-               ewarn "of module version mismatch errors, this is your problem."
-               echo
-               ewarn "You can rebuild all installed packages in the 
-               ewarn "category using this command:"
-               ewarn " emerge @x11-module-rebuild"
-       fi
-       if use udev && has_version virtual/udev[-keymap]; then
-               ewarn "virtual/udev was built without keymap support. This may 
cause input device"
-               ewarn "autoconfiguration to fail."
-       fi
-pkg_postrm() {
-       # Get rid of module dir to ensure opengl-update works properly
-       if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} && -e 
${EROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules ]]; then
-               rm -rf "${EROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
-       fi
-dynamic_libgl_install() {
-       # next section is to setup the dynamic libGL stuff
-       ebegin "Moving GL files for dynamic switching"
-               dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/xorg-x11/extensions
-               local x=""
-               for x in 
"${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/extensions/lib{glx,dri,dri2}*; do
-                       if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
-                               mv -f ${x} 
-                       fi
-               done
-       eend 0
-server_based_install() {
-       if ! use xorg; then
-               rm "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/Xserver.1x \
-                       "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/xserver/SecurityPolicy \
-                       "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/xorg-server.pc \
-                       "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/Xserver.1x
-       fi

diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.15.2-r99.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index f5e05c2..0000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.15.2-r99.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: 
/var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-base/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.15.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.8 
2015/01/16 08:08:28 ago Exp $
-inherit xorg-2 multilib versionator flag-o-matic
-DESCRIPTION="X.Org X servers"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ~mips ppc x86"
-IUSE_SERVERS="dmx kdrive xnest xorg xvfb"
-IUSE="${IUSE_SERVERS} ipv6 minimal nptl selinux +suid tslib +udev unwind"
-       dev-libs/openssl
-       media-libs/freetype
-       >=x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.2
-       >=x11-apps/rgb-1.0.3
-       >=x11-apps/xauth-1.0.3
-       x11-apps/xkbcomp
-       >=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.20
-       >=x11-libs/libpciaccess-0.12.901
-       >=x11-libs/libXau-1.0.4
-       >=x11-libs/libXdmcp-1.0.2
-       >=x11-libs/libXfont-1.4.2
-       >=x11-libs/libxkbfile-1.0.4
-       >=x11-libs/libxshmfence-1.1
-       >=x11-libs/pixman-0.27.2
-       >=x11-libs/xtrans-1.3.2
-       >=x11-misc/xbitmaps-1.0.1
-       >=x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.4.1-r3
-       dmx? (
-               x11-libs/libXt
-               >=x11-libs/libdmx-
-               >=x11-libs/libX11-1.1.5
-               >=x11-libs/libXaw-1.0.4
-               >=x11-libs/libXext-
-               >=x11-libs/libXfixes-5.0
-               >=x11-libs/libXi-
-               >=x11-libs/libXmu-1.0.3
-               x11-libs/libXrender
-               >=x11-libs/libXres-1.0.3
-               >=x11-libs/libXtst-
-       )
-       kdrive? (
-               >=x11-libs/libXext-1.0.5
-               x11-libs/libXv
-       )
-       !minimal? (
-               >=x11-libs/libX11-1.1.5
-               >=x11-libs/libXext-1.0.5
-               >=media-libs/mesa-9.2.0[nptl=]
-       )
-       tslib? ( >=x11-libs/tslib-1.0 )
-       udev? ( >=virtual/udev-150 )
-       unwind? ( sys-libs/libunwind )
-       >=x11-apps/xinit-1.3"
-       sys-devel/flex
-       >=x11-proto/bigreqsproto-1.1.0
-       >=x11-proto/compositeproto-0.4
-       >=x11-proto/damageproto-1.1
-       >=x11-proto/fixesproto-5.0
-       >=x11-proto/fontsproto-2.0.2
-       >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.17
-       >=x11-proto/inputproto-
-       >=x11-proto/kbproto-1.0.3
-       >=x11-proto/randrproto-1.4.0
-       >=x11-proto/recordproto-
-       >=x11-proto/renderproto-0.11
-       >=x11-proto/resourceproto-1.2.0
-       >=x11-proto/scrnsaverproto-1.1
-       >=x11-proto/trapproto-3.4.3
-       >=x11-proto/videoproto-2.2.2
-       >=x11-proto/xcmiscproto-1.2.0
-       >=x11-proto/xextproto-
-       >=x11-proto/xf86dgaproto-
-       >=x11-proto/xf86rushproto-1.1.2
-       >=x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto-
-       >=x11-proto/xineramaproto-1.1.3
-       >=x11-proto/xproto-7.0.22
-       >=x11-proto/presentproto-1.0
-       >=x11-proto/dri3proto-1.0
-       dmx? (
-               >=x11-proto/dmxproto-
-               doc? (
-                       || (
-                               www-client/links
-                               www-client/lynx
-                               www-client/w3m
-                       )
-               )
-       )
-       !minimal? (
-               >=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.1.0
-               >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.8
-       )"
-       selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-xserver )
-       xorg? ( >=x11-base/xorg-drivers-$(get_version_component_range 1-2) )"
-REQUIRED_USE="!minimal? (
-               || ( ${IUSE_SERVERS} )
-       )"
-pkg_pretend() {
-       # older gcc is not supported
-       [[ "${MERGE_TYPE}" != "binary" && $(gcc-major-version) -lt 4 ]] && \
-               die "Sorry, but gcc earlier than 4.0 will not work for 
-src_prepare() {
-               "${WORKDIR}"/patches/*.patch
-       )
-       PATCHES=(
-               "${UPSTREAMED_PATCHES[@]}"
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.12-ia64-fix_inx_outx.patch
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.12-unloadsubmodule.patch
-               "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.14.3-musl.patch
-       )
-       xorg-2_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
-       # localstatedir is used for the log location; we need to override the 
-       #       from
-       # sysconfdir is used for the xorg.conf location; same applies
-       # NOTE: fop is used for doc generating ; and i have no idea if gentoo
-       #       package it somewhere
-               $(use_enable ipv6)
-               $(use_enable dmx)
-               $(use_enable kdrive)
-               $(use_enable kdrive kdrive-kbd)
-               $(use_enable kdrive kdrive-mouse)
-               $(use_enable kdrive kdrive-evdev)
-               $(use_enable suid install-setuid)
-               $(use_enable tslib)
-               $(use_enable unwind libunwind)
-               $(use_enable !minimal record)
-               $(use_enable !minimal xfree86-utils)
-               $(use_enable !minimal install-libxf86config)
-               $(use_enable !minimal dri)
-               $(use_enable !minimal dri2)
-               $(use_enable !minimal glx)
-               $(use_enable xnest)
-               $(use_enable xorg)
-               $(use_enable xvfb)
-               $(use_enable nptl glx-tls)
-               $(use_enable udev config-udev)
-               $(use_with doc doxygen)
-               $(use_with doc xmlto)
-               --enable-libdrm
-               --sysconfdir="${EPREFIX}"/etc/X11
-               --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var
-               --with-fontrootdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts
-               --with-xkb-output="${EPREFIX}"/var/lib/xkb
-               --disable-config-hal
-               --disable-linux-acpi
-               --without-dtrace
-               --without-fop
-               --with-os-vendor=Gentoo
-               --with-sha1=libcrypto
-       )
-       # Xorg-server requires includes from OS mesa which are not visible for
-       # users of binary drivers.
-       mkdir -p "${T}/mesa-symlinks/GL"
-       for i in gl glx glxmd glxproto glxtokens; do
-               ln -s "${EROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/xorg-x11/include/$i.h" 
"${T}/mesa-symlinks/GL/$i.h" || die
-       done
-       for i in glext glxext; do
-               ln -s "${EROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/global/include/$i.h" 
"${T}/mesa-symlinks/GL/$i.h" || die
-       done
-       append-cppflags "-I${T}/mesa-symlinks"
-       xorg-2_src_configure
-src_install() {
-       xorg-2_src_install
-       dynamic_libgl_install
-       server_based_install
-       if ! use minimal &&     use xorg; then
-               # Install xorg.conf.example into docs
-               dodoc "${AUTOTOOLS_BUILD_DIR}"/hw/xfree86/xorg.conf.example
-       fi
-       newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xdm-setup.initd-1 xdm-setup
-       newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xdm.initd-11 xdm
-       newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/xdm.confd-4 xdm
-       # install the @x11-module-rebuild set for Portage
-       insinto /usr/share/portage/config/sets
-       newins "${FILESDIR}"/xorg-sets.conf xorg.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
-       # sets up libGL and DRI2 symlinks if needed (ie, on a fresh install)
-       eselect opengl set xorg-x11 --use-old
-       if [[ ${PV} != 9999 && $(get_version_component_range 2 
${REPLACING_VERSIONS}) != $(get_version_component_range 2 ${PV}) ]]; then
-               ewarn "You must rebuild all drivers if upgrading from 
<xorg-server-$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
-               ewarn "because the ABI changed. If you cannot start X because"
-               ewarn "of module version mismatch errors, this is your problem."
-               echo
-               ewarn "You can rebuild all installed packages in the 
-               ewarn "category using this command:"
-               ewarn " emerge @x11-module-rebuild"
-       fi
-pkg_postrm() {
-       # Get rid of module dir to ensure opengl-update works properly
-       if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} && -e 
${EROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules ]]; then
-               rm -rf "${EROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
-       fi
-dynamic_libgl_install() {
-       # next section is to setup the dynamic libGL stuff
-       ebegin "Moving GL files for dynamic switching"
-               dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/xorg-x11/extensions
-               local x=""
-               for x in 
"${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/extensions/lib{glx,dri,dri2}*; do
-                       if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
-                               mv -f ${x} 
-                       fi
-               done
-       eend 0
-server_based_install() {
-       if ! use xorg; then
-               rm "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/Xserver.1x \
-                       "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/xserver/SecurityPolicy \
-                       "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/xorg-server.pc \
-                       "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/Xserver.1x
-       fi

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