commit:     a2d5939957b0edea24719f9f518fcd3ef7c54925
Author:     Arthur Zamarin <arthurzam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Wed Mar 19 20:58:06 2025 +0000
Commit:     Arthur Zamarin <arthurzam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed Mar 19 20:58:27 2025 +0000

dev-lang/rust: add 1.85.1

Signed-off-by: Arthur Zamarin <arthurzam <AT>>

 dev-lang/rust/Manifest           |   2 +
 dev-lang/rust/rust-1.85.1.ebuild | 800 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 eclass/rust.eclass               |   2 +
 profiles/base/package.use.force  |   2 +
 4 files changed, 806 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dev-lang/rust/Manifest b/dev-lang/rust/Manifest
index 72b7226b1841..da725a7043e0 100644
--- a/dev-lang/rust/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/rust/Manifest
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ DIST rustc-1.84.1-src.tar.xz 355078168 BLAKE2B 
 DIST rustc-1.84.1-src.tar.xz.asc 801 BLAKE2B 
 DIST rustc-1.85.0-src.tar.xz 274011696 BLAKE2B 
 DIST rustc-1.85.0-src.tar.xz.asc 801 BLAKE2B 
+DIST rustc-1.85.1-src.tar.xz 274028992 BLAKE2B 
+DIST rustc-1.85.1-src.tar.xz.asc 801 BLAKE2B 
 DIST rustc-1.86.0_beta20250218-src.tar.xz 280540916 BLAKE2B 
 DIST rustc-1.86.0_beta20250218-src.tar.xz.asc 801 BLAKE2B 
 DIST rustc-1.86.0_beta20250225-src.tar.xz 280546668 BLAKE2B 

diff --git a/dev-lang/rust/rust-1.85.1.ebuild b/dev-lang/rust/rust-1.85.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5a2b6ef48451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/rust/rust-1.85.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} )
+if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+       RUST_MIN_VER="1.85.0" # Update this as new `beta` releases come out.
+elif [[ ${PV} == *beta* ]]; then
+       # Enforce that `beta` is built from `stable`.
+       # While uncommon it is possible for feature changes within `beta` to 
+       # in an older snapshot being unable to build a newer one without 
modifying the sources.
+       # 'stable' releases should always be able to build a beta snapshot so 
just use those.
+       RUST_MAX_VER="$(ver_cut 1).$(($(ver_cut 2) - 1)).1"
+       RUST_MIN_VER="$(ver_cut 1).$(($(ver_cut 2) - 1)).0"
+       RUST_MIN_VER="$(ver_cut 1).$(($(ver_cut 2) - 1)).0"
+inherit check-reqs estack flag-o-matic llvm-r1 multiprocessing optfeature \
+       multilib multilib-build python-any-r1 rust rust-toolchain 
toolchain-funcs verify-sig
+if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then
+       inherit git-r3
+       EGIT_REPO_URI="";
+               "*"
+               "-src/gcc"
+       )
+elif [[ ${PV} == *beta* ]]; then
+       # Identify the snapshot date of the beta release:
+       # curl -Ls | grep 
+       betaver=${PV//*beta}
+       BETA_SNAPSHOT="${betaver:0:4}-${betaver:4:2}-${betaver:6:2}"
+       MY_P="rustc-beta"
 -> rustc-${PV}-src.tar.xz
+               verify-sig? (${BETA_SNAPSHOT}/rustc-beta-src.tar.xz.asc
+                       -> rustc-${PV}-src.tar.xz.asc )
+       "
+       S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}-src"
+       MY_P="rustc-${PV}"
+       SRC_URI="${MY_P}-src.tar.xz
+               verify-sig? (${MY_P}-src.tar.xz.asc )
+       "
+       S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}-src"
+       KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc 
+DESCRIPTION="Systems programming language originally developed by Mozilla"
+# keep in sync with llvm ebuild of the same version as bundled one.
+       LoongArch M68k Mips MSP430 NVPTX PowerPC RISCV Sparc SPIRV SystemZ VE
+       WebAssembly X86 XCore Xtensa )
+ALL_LLVM_TARGETS=( "${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]/#/llvm_targets_}" )
+for _x in "${_ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS[@]}"; do
+       ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS["llvm_targets_${_x}"]=0
+LICENSE="|| ( MIT Apache-2.0 ) BSD BSD-1 BSD-2 BSD-4"
+SLOT="${PV%%_*}" # Beta releases get to share the same SLOT as the eventual 
+IUSE="big-endian clippy cpu_flags_x86_sse2 debug dist doc llvm-libunwind lto 
rustfmt rust-analyzer rust-src system-llvm test wasm ${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[*]}"
+if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then
+       # These USE flags require nightly rust
+       IUSE+=" miri"
+# splitting usedeps needed to avoid CI/pkgcheck's UncheckableDep limitation
+for _x in "${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]}"; do
+       LLVM_DEPEND+=( "        ${_x}? ( $(llvm_gen_dep 
"llvm-core/llvm:\${LLVM_SLOT}[${_x}]") )" )
+       if [[ -v ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS["${_x}"] ]] ; then
+               ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS["${_x}"]=1
+       fi
+LLVM_DEPEND+=( "       wasm? ( $(llvm_gen_dep 'llvm-core/lld:${LLVM_SLOT}') )" 
+LLVM_DEPEND+=( "       $(llvm_gen_dep 'llvm-core/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT}')" )
+       app-eselect/eselect-rust
+       || (
+               >=sys-devel/gcc-4.7[cxx]
+               >=llvm-core/clang-3.5
+       )
+       !system-llvm? (
+               >=dev-build/cmake-3.13.4
+               app-alternatives/ninja
+       )
+       test? ( dev-debug/gdb )
+       verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-rust )
+       >=app-arch/xz-utils-5.2
+       net-misc/curl:=[http2,ssl]
+       sys-libs/zlib:=
+       dev-libs/openssl:0=
+       system-llvm? (
+               ${LLVM_DEPEND[*]}
+               llvm-libunwind? ( llvm-runtimes/libunwind:= )
+       )
+       !system-llvm? (
+               !llvm-libunwind? (
+                       elibc_musl? ( sys-libs/libunwind:= )
+               )
+       )
+       app-eselect/eselect-rust
+       dev-lang/rust-common
+       sys-apps/lsb-release
+       !dev-lang/rust:stable
+       !dev-lang/rust-bin:stable
+       rust-analyzer? ( rust-src )
+       test? ( ${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[*]} )
+       wasm? ( llvm_targets_WebAssembly )
+       x86? ( cpu_flags_x86_sse2 )
+# we don't use cmake.eclass, but can get a warning
+       usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/bin/.*
+       usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/libexec/.*
+       usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/lib/lib.*.so
+       usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/lib/rustlib/.*/bin/.*
+       usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/lib/rustlib/.*/lib/lib.*.so
+       usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/lib/lib.*.so.*
+       usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/lib/rustlib/.*/lib/lib.*.so
+       usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/lib/rustlib/.*/bin/rust-llvm-dwp
+       usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/lib/rustlib/.*/lib/self-contained/crtn.o
+# An rmeta file is custom binary format that contains the metadata for the 
+# rmeta files do not support linking, since they do not contain compiled 
object files.
+# so we can safely silence the warning for this QA check.
+# causes double bootstrap
+       "${FILESDIR}"/1.85.0-cross-compile-libz.patch
+       "${FILESDIR}"/1.85.0-musl-dynamic-linking.patch
+       "${FILESDIR}"/1.67.0-doc-wasm.patch
+clear_vendor_checksums() {
+       sed -i 's/\("files":{\)[^}]*/\1/' "vendor/${1}/.cargo-checksum.json" || 
+toml_usex() {
+       usex "${1}" true false
+src_unpack() {
+       if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then
+               git-r3_src_unpack
+               mkdir "${S}/.cargo" || die # The vendor script has a check for 
+               touch "${S}/.cargo/config.toml" || die
+               local rust_stage0_root="$(${RUSTC} --print sysroot || die 
"Can't determine rust's sysroot")"
+               local rust_build=""
+               local rust_host=""
+               # Configure vendor to use the portage-provided toolchain. This 
prevents it from
+               # attempting to fetch a `beta` toolchain from the internet.
+               cat <<- _EOF_ > "${T}/vendor-config.toml"
+                       [build]
+                       build = "$(rust_abi "${CBUILD}")"
+                       host = ["$(rust_abi "${CHOST}")"]
+                       target = ["$(rust_abi "${CHOST}")"]
+                       cargo = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/cargo"
+                       rustc = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/rustc"
+                       rustfmt = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/rustfmt"
+               _EOF_
+               # We're using git sources so we need to run the Vendor script
+               # to ensure that all dependencies are present and up-to-date
+               mkdir "${S}/vendor" || die
+               # This also compiles the 'build helper', there's no way to 
avoid this.
+               ${EPYTHON} "${S}"/ vendor -vvv 
--config="${T}"/vendor-config.toml -j$(makeopts_jobs) ||
+                       die "Failed to vendor dependencies"
+               # TODO: This has to be generated somehow, this is from a 1.84.x 
tarball I had lying around.
+               cat <<- _EOF_ > "${S}/.cargo/config.toml"
+                       [source.crates-io]
+                       replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+                       [source."git+";]
+                       git = "";
+                       replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+                       [source.vendored-sources]
+                       directory = "vendor"
+               _EOF_
+       else
+               verify-sig_src_unpack
+       fi
+pre_build_checks() {
+       local M=9216
+       # multiply requirements by 1.3 if we are doing x86-multilib
+       if use amd64; then
+               M=$(( $(usex abi_x86_32 13 10) * ${M} / 10 ))
+       fi
+       M=$(( $(usex clippy 128 0) + ${M} ))
+       if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+               M=$(( $(usex miri 128 0) + ${M} ))
+       fi
+       M=$(( $(usex rustfmt 256 0) + ${M} ))
+       # add 2G if we compile llvm and 256M per llvm_target
+       if ! use system-llvm; then
+               M=$(( 2048 + ${M} ))
+               local ltarget
+               for ltarget in ${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]}; do
+                       M=$(( $(usex ${ltarget} 256 0) + ${M} ))
+               done
+       fi
+       M=$(( $(usex wasm 256 0) + ${M} ))
+       M=$(( $(usex debug 2 1) * ${M} ))
+       eshopts_push -s extglob
+       if is-flagq '-g?(gdb)?([1-9])'; then
+               M=$(( 15 * ${M} / 10 ))
+       fi
+       eshopts_pop
+       M=$(( $(usex doc 256 0) + ${M} ))
+       CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD=${M}M check-reqs_pkg_${EBUILD_PHASE}
+llvm_check_deps() {
+       has_version -r "llvm-core/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT}[${LLVM_TARGET_USEDEPS// 
+# Is LLVM being linked against libc++?
+is_libcxx_linked() {
+       local code='#include <ciso646>
+#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
+       local out=$($(tc-getCXX) ${CXXFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} -x c++ -E -P - 
<<<"${code}") || return 1
+       [[ ${out} == *HAVE_LIBCXX* ]]
+pkg_pretend() {
+       pre_build_checks
+pkg_setup() {
+       pre_build_checks
+       python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+       export LIBGIT2_NO_PKG_CONFIG=1 #749381
+       if tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+               use system-llvm && die "USE=system-llvm not allowed when 
+               local cross_llvm_target="$(llvm_tuple_to_target "${CBUILD}")"
+               use "llvm_targets_${cross_llvm_target}" || \
+                       die "Must enable LLVM_TARGETS=${cross_llvm_target} 
matching CBUILD=${CBUILD} when cross-compiling"
+       fi
+       rust_pkg_setup
+       if use system-llvm; then
+               llvm-r1_pkg_setup
+               local llvm_config="$(get_llvm_prefix)/bin/llvm-config"
+               export LLVM_LINK_SHARED=1
+               export RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS} -Lnative=$("${llvm_config}" 
+       fi
+src_prepare() {
+       if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then
+               # We need to update / generate lockfiles for the workspace
+               ${CARGO} generate-lockfile --offline
+       fi
+       # Rust baselines to Pentium4 on x86, this patch lowers the baseline to 
i586 when sse2 is not set.
+       if use x86; then
+               if ! use cpu_flags_x86_sse2; then
+                       eapply "${FILESDIR}/1.82.0-i586-baseline.patch"
+                       #grep -rl cmd.args.push\(\"-march=i686\" . | xargs sed  
-i 's/march=i686/-march=i586/g' || die
+               fi
+       fi
+       default
+src_configure() {
+       if tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+               export PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1
+               export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${ESYSROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig"
+               export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="${ESYSROOT}/usr/include"
+               export OPENSSL_LIB_DIR="${ESYSROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
+       fi
+       filter-lto #
+       local rust_target="" rust_targets="" arch_cflags
+       # Collect rust target names to compile standard libs for all ABIs.
+       for v in $(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs); do
+               rust_targets+=",\"$(rust_abi $(get_abi_CHOST ${v##*.}))\""
+       done
+       if use wasm; then
+               rust_targets+=",\"wasm32-unknown-unknown\""
+               if use system-llvm; then
+                       # un-hardcode rust-lld linker for this target
+                       #
+                       sed -i '/linker:/ s/rust-lld/wasm-ld/' 
compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/base/ || die
+               fi
+       fi
+       rust_targets="${rust_targets#,}"
+       # cargo and rustdoc are mandatory and should always be included
+       local tools='"cargo","rustdoc"'
+       use clippy && tools+=',"clippy"'
+       use rustfmt && tools+=',"rustfmt"'
+       use rust-analyzer && 
+       use rust-src && tools+=',"src"'
+       if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+               use miri && tools+=',"miri"'
+       fi
+       local rust_stage0_root="$(${RUSTC} --print sysroot || die "Can't 
determine rust's sysroot")"
+       # in case of prefix it will be already prefixed, as --print sysroot 
returns full path
+       [[ -d ${rust_stage0_root} ]] || die "${rust_stage0_root} is not a 
+       rust_target="$(rust_abi)"
+       rust_build="$(rust_abi "${CBUILD}")"
+       rust_host="$(rust_abi "${CHOST}")"
+       for _x in "${!ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS[@]}"; do
+               if [[ ${ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS[${_x}]} == 1 ]] && use 
${_x} ; then
+                       RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS+=( ${_x#llvm_targets_} )
+               fi
+       done
+       local cm_btype="$(usex debug DEBUG RELEASE)"
+       local build_channel
+       local build_miri="false"
+       case "${PV}" in
+               *9999*)
+                       build_channel="nightly"
+                       ;;
+               *beta*)
+                       build_channel="beta"
+                       ;;
+               *)
+                       build_channel="stable"
+                       ;;
+       esac
+       cat <<- _EOF_ > "${S}"/config.toml
+               # (bug #947897)
+               profile = "dist"
+               [llvm]
+               download-ci-llvm = false
+               optimize = $(toml_usex !debug)
+               release-debuginfo = $(toml_usex debug)
+               assertions = $(toml_usex debug)
+               ninja = true
+               targets = "${LLVM_TARGETS// /;}"
+               experimental-targets = "${RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS// /;}"
+               link-shared = $(toml_usex system-llvm)
+               $(if is_libcxx_linked; then
+                       #
+                       echo "use-libcxx = true"
+                       echo "static-libstdcpp = false"
+               fi)
+               $(case "${rust_target}" in
+                       i586-*-linux-*)
+                               #
+                               echo 'cflags = "-fcf-protection=none"'
+                               echo 'cxxflags = "-fcf-protection=none"'
+                               echo 'ldflags = "-fcf-protection=none"'
+                               ;;
+                       *)
+                               ;;
+               esac)
+               enable-warnings = false
+               []
+               CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE = "ON"
+               $(if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+                       # When cross-compiling, LLVM is compiled twice, once 
for host and
+                       # once for target.  Unfortunately, this build 
configuration applies
+                       # to both, which means any flags applicable to one 
target but not
+                       # the other will break.  Conditionally disable 
respecting user
+                       # flags when cross-compiling.
+                       echo "CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = \"${CFLAGS}\""
+                       echo "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = \"${CXXFLAGS}\""
+                       echo "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = 
+                       echo "CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = 
+                       echo "CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = 
+                       echo "CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = 
+               fi)
+               [build]
+               build-stage = 2
+               test-stage = 2
+               build = "${rust_build}"
+               host = ["${rust_host}"]
+               target = [${rust_targets}]
+               cargo = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/cargo"
+               rustc = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/rustc"
+               rustfmt = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/rustfmt"
+               docs = $(toml_usex doc)
+               compiler-docs = false
+               submodules = false
+               python = "${EPYTHON}"
+               locked-deps = true
+               vendor = true
+               extended = true
+               tools = [${tools}]
+               verbose = 2
+               sanitizers = false
+               profiler = true
+               cargo-native-static = false
+               [install]
+               prefix = "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}"
+               sysconfdir = "etc"
+               docdir = "share/doc/rust"
+               bindir = "bin"
+               libdir = "lib"
+               mandir = "share/man"
+               [rust]
+               #
+               codegen-units-std = 1
+               optimize = true
+               debug = $(toml_usex debug)
+               debug-assertions = $(toml_usex debug)
+               debug-assertions-std = $(toml_usex debug)
+               debuginfo-level = $(usex debug 2 0)
+               debuginfo-level-rustc = $(usex debug 2 0)
+               debuginfo-level-std = $(usex debug 2 0)
+               debuginfo-level-tools = $(usex debug 2 0)
+               debuginfo-level-tests = 0
+               backtrace = true
+               incremental = false
+               $(if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+                       echo "default-linker = \"$(tc-getCC)\""
+               fi)
+               channel = "${build_channel}"
+               description = "gentoo"
+               rpath = true
+               verbose-tests = true
+               optimize-tests = $(toml_usex !debug)
+               codegen-tests = true
+               dist-src = false
+               remap-debuginfo = true
+               lld = $(usex system-llvm false $(toml_usex wasm))
+               # only deny warnings if doc+wasm are NOT requested, documenting 
stage0 wasm std fails without it
+               #
+               #
+               deny-warnings = $(usex wasm $(usex doc false true) true)
+               backtrace-on-ice = true
+               jemalloc = false
+               # See
+               lto = "$(usex lto thin off)"
+               [dist]
+               src-tarball = false
+               compression-formats = ["xz"]
+               compression-profile = "balanced"
+       _EOF_
+       for v in $(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs); do
+               rust_target=$(rust_abi $(get_abi_CHOST ${v##*.}))
+               arch_cflags="$(get_abi_CFLAGS ${v##*.})"
+               export CFLAGS_${rust_target//-/_}="${arch_cflags}"
+               cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml
+                       [target.${rust_target}]
+                       ar = "$(tc-getAR)"
+                       cc = "$(tc-getCC)"
+                       cxx = "$(tc-getCXX)"
+                       linker = "$(tc-getCC)"
+                       ranlib = "$(tc-getRANLIB)"
+                       llvm-libunwind = "$(usex llvm-libunwind $(usex 
system-llvm system in-tree) no)"
+               _EOF_
+               if use system-llvm; then
+                       cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml
+                               llvm-config = 
+                       _EOF_
+               fi
+               # by default librustc_target/spec/ sets 
base.crt_static_default = true;
+               # but we patch it and set to false here as well
+               if use elibc_musl; then
+                       cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml
+                               crt-static = false
+                               musl-root = "$($(tc-getCC) -print-sysroot)/usr"
+                       _EOF_
+               fi
+       done
+       if use wasm; then
+               wasm_target="wasm32-unknown-unknown"
+               export CFLAGS_${wasm_target//-/_}="$(filter-flags '-mcpu*' 
'-march*' '-mtune*'; echo "$CFLAGS")"
+               cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml
+                       [target.wasm32-unknown-unknown]
+                       linker = "$(usex system-llvm lld rust-lld)"
+                       # wasm target does not have profiler_builtins
+                       profiler = false
+               _EOF_
+       fi
+       if [[ -n ${I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING_CROSS} ]]; then # whitespace 
intentionally shifted below
+       # experimental cross support
+       # discussion:
+       # TODO: c*flags, clang, system-llvm, cargo.eclass target support
+       # it would be much better if we could split out stdlib
+       # complilation to separate ebuild and abuse CATEGORY to
+       # just install to /usr/lib/rustlib/<target>
+       # extra targets defined as a bash array
+       # spec format:  <LLVM target>:<rust-target>:<CTARGET>
+       # best place would be /etc/portage/env/dev-lang/rust
+       # Example:
+       #       "AArch64:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+       # )
+       # no extra hand holding is done, no target transformations, all
+       # values are passed as-is with just basic checks, so it's up to user to 
supply correct values
+       # valid rust targets can be obtained with
+       #       rustc --print target-list
+       # matching cross toolchain has to be installed
+       # matching LLVM_TARGET has to be enabled for both rust and llvm (if 
using system one)
+       # only gcc toolchains installed with crossdev are checked for now.
+       # BUG: we can't pass host flags to cross compiler, so just filter for 
+       # BUG: this should be more fine-grained.
+       filter-flags '-mcpu=*' '-march=*' '-mtune=*'
+       local cross_target_spec
+       for cross_target_spec in "${RUST_CROSS_TARGETS[@]}";do
+               # extracts first element form <LLVM 
+               local cross_llvm_target="${cross_target_spec%%:*}"
+               # extracts toolchain triples, <rust-target>:<CTARGET>
+               local cross_triples="${cross_target_spec#*:}"
+               # extracts first element after before : separator
+               local cross_rust_target="${cross_triples%%:*}"
+               # extracts last element after : separator
+               local cross_toolchain="${cross_triples##*:}"
+               use llvm_targets_${cross_llvm_target} || die "need 
llvm_targets_${cross_llvm_target} target enabled"
+               command -v ${cross_toolchain}-gcc > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "need 
${cross_toolchain} cross toolchain"
+               cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml
+                       [target.${cross_rust_target}]
+                       ar = "${cross_toolchain}-ar"
+                       cc = "${cross_toolchain}-gcc"
+                       cxx = "${cross_toolchain}-g++"
+                       linker = "${cross_toolchain}-gcc"
+                       ranlib = "${cross_toolchain}-ranlib"
+               _EOF_
+               if use system-llvm; then
+                       cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml
+                               llvm-config = 
+                       _EOF_
+               fi
+               if [[ "${cross_toolchain}" == *-musl* ]]; then
+                       cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml
+                               musl-root = "$(${cross_toolchain}-gcc 
+                       _EOF_
+               fi
+               # append cross target to "normal" target list
+               # example 'target = ["powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu"]'
+               # becomes 'target = 
+               rust_targets="${rust_targets},\"${cross_rust_target}\""
+               sed -i "/^target = \[/ s#\[.*\]#\[${rust_targets}\]#" 
config.toml || die
+               ewarn
+               ewarn "Enabled ${cross_rust_target} rust target"
+               ewarn "Using ${cross_toolchain} cross toolchain"
+               ewarn
+               if ! has_version -b 'sys-devel/binutils[multitarget]' ; then
+                       ewarn "'sys-devel/binutils[multitarget]' is not 
+                       ewarn "'strip' will be unable to strip cross libraries"
+                       ewarn "cross targets will be installed with full debug 
+                       ewarn "enable 'multitarget' USE flag for binutils to be 
able to strip object files"
+                       ewarn
+                       ewarn "Alternatively llvm-strip can be used, it 
supports stripping any target"
+                       ewarn "define STRIP=\"llvm-strip\" to use it 
+                       ewarn
+               fi
+       done
+       einfo "Rust configured with the following flags:"
+       echo
+       echo RUSTFLAGS="\"${RUSTFLAGS}\""
+       env | grep "CARGO_TARGET_.*_RUSTFLAGS="
+       env | grep "CFLAGS_.*"
+       echo
+       einfo "config.toml contents:"
+       cat "${S}"/config.toml || die
+       echo
+src_compile() {
+       RUST_BACKTRACE=1 "${EPYTHON}" ./ build -vvv 
--config="${S}"/config.toml -j$(makeopts_jobs) || die
+src_test() {
+       #
+       # those are basic and codegen tests.
+       local tests=(
+               codegen
+               codegen-units
+               compile-fail
+               incremental
+               mir-opt
+               pretty
+               run-make
+       )
+       # fails if llvm is not built with ALL targets.
+       # and known to fail with system llvm sometimes.
+       use system-llvm || tests+=( assembly )
+       # fragile/expensive/less important tests
+       # or tests that require extra builds
+       # TODO: instead of skipping, just make some nonfatal.
+       if [[ ${ERUST_RUN_EXTRA_TESTS:-no} != no ]]; then
+               tests+=(
+                       rustdoc
+                       rustdoc-js
+                       rustdoc-js-std
+                       rustdoc-ui
+                       run-make-fulldeps
+                       ui
+                       ui-fulldeps
+               )
+       fi
+       local i failed=()
+       einfo "rust_src_test: enabled tests ${tests[@]/#/src/test/}"
+       for i in "${tests[@]}"; do
+               local t="src/test/${i}"
+               einfo "rust_src_test: running ${t}"
+               if ! RUST_BACKTRACE=1 "${EPYTHON}" ./ test -vv 
--config="${S}"/config.toml \
+                               -j$(makeopts_jobs) --no-doc --no-fail-fast 
+               then
+                               failed+=( "${t}" )
+                               eerror "rust_src_test: ${t} failed"
+               fi
+       done
+       if [[ ${#failed[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
+               eerror "rust_src_test: failure summary: ${failed[@]}"
+               die "aborting due to test failures"
+       fi
+src_install() {
+       DESTDIR="${D}" "${EPYTHON}" ./ install -vv 
--config="${S}"/config.toml -j$(makeopts_jobs) || die
+       docompress /usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/share/man/
+       # bug #689562, #689160
+       rm -v "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/etc/bash_completion.d/cargo" || die
+       rmdir -v "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}"/etc{/bash_completion.d,} || die
+       local symlinks=(
+               cargo
+               rustc
+               rustdoc
+               rust-gdb
+               rust-gdbgui
+               rust-lldb
+       )
+       use clippy && symlinks+=( clippy-driver cargo-clippy )
+       if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then
+               use miri && symlinks+=( miri cargo-miri )
+       fi
+       use rustfmt && symlinks+=( rustfmt cargo-fmt )
+       use rust-analyzer && symlinks+=( rust-analyzer )
+       einfo "installing eselect-rust symlinks and paths: ${symlinks[@]}"
+       local i
+       for i in "${symlinks[@]}"; do
+               # we need realpath on /usr/bin/* symlink return 
version-appended binary path.
+               # so /usr/bin/rustc should point to 
+               # need to fix eselect-rust to remove this hack.
+               local ver_i="${i}-${PV%%_*}"
+               if [[ -f "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/bin/${i}" ]]; then
+                       einfo "Installing ${i} symlink"
+                       ln -v "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/bin/${i}" 
"${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/bin/${ver_i}" || die
+               else
+                       ewarn "${i} symlink requested, but source file not 
+                       ewarn "please report this"
+               fi
+               dosym "../lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/bin/${ver_i}" "/usr/bin/${ver_i}"
+       done
+       # symlinks to switch components to active rust in eselect
+       dosym "${SLOT}/lib" "/usr/lib/${PN}/lib-${SLOT}"
+       use rust-analyzer && dosym "${SLOT}/libexec" 
+       dosym "${SLOT}/share/man" "/usr/lib/${PN}/man-${SLOT}"
+       dosym "rust/${SLOT}/lib/rustlib" "/usr/lib/rustlib-${SLOT}"
+       dosym "../../lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/share/doc/rust" "/usr/share/doc/${P}"
+       newenvd - "50${P}" <<-_EOF_
+               MANPATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/rust/man-${SLOT}"
+       _EOF_
+       rm -rf "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}"/*.old || die
+       rm -rf "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/bin"/*.old || die
+       rm -rf "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/doc"/*.old || die
+       # note: eselect-rust adds EROOT to all paths below
+       cat <<-_EOF_ > "${T}/provider-${PN}-${SLOT}"
+               /usr/bin/cargo
+               /usr/bin/rustdoc
+               /usr/bin/rust-gdb
+               /usr/bin/rust-gdbgui
+               /usr/bin/rust-lldb
+               /usr/lib/rustlib
+               /usr/lib/rust/lib
+               /usr/lib/rust/man
+               /usr/share/doc/rust
+       _EOF_
+       if use clippy; then
+               echo /usr/bin/clippy-driver >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+               echo /usr/bin/cargo-clippy >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+       fi
+       if [[ ${SLOT} == *9999* ]] && use miri; then
+               echo /usr/bin/miri >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+               echo /usr/bin/cargo-miri >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+       fi
+       if use rustfmt; then
+               echo /usr/bin/rustfmt >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+               echo /usr/bin/cargo-fmt >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+       fi
+       if use rust-analyzer; then
+               echo /usr/lib/rust/libexec >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+               echo /usr/bin/rust-analyzer >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+       fi
+       insinto /etc/env.d/rust
+       doins "${T}/provider-${PN}-${SLOT}"
+       if use dist; then
+               "${EPYTHON}" ./ dist -vv --config="${S}"/config.toml 
-j$(makeopts_jobs) || die
+               insinto "/usr/lib/${PN}/${SLOT}/dist"
+               doins -r "${S}/build/dist/."
+       fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+       eselect rust update
+       if has_version dev-debug/gdb || has_version llvm-core/lldb; then
+               elog "Rust installs helper scripts for calling GDB and LLDB,"
+               elog "for convenience they are installed under 
+       fi
+       if has_version app-editors/emacs; then
+               optfeature "emacs support for rust" app-emacs/rust-mode
+       fi
+       if has_version app-editors/gvim || has_version app-editors/vim; then
+               optfeature "vim support for rust" app-vim/rust-vim
+       fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+       eselect rust cleanup

diff --git a/eclass/rust.eclass b/eclass/rust.eclass
index 41197ce4e3a3..a9ccfed4cf8f 100644
--- a/eclass/rust.eclass
+++ b/eclass/rust.eclass
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ fi
 declare -A -g -r _RUST_LLVM_MAP=(
+       ["1.85.1"]=19
@@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ declare -A -g -r _RUST_LLVM_MAP=(
 declare -a -g -r _RUST_SLOTS_ORDERED=(
+       "1.85.1"

diff --git a/profiles/base/package.use.force b/profiles/base/package.use.force
index 1f239ebb9cb8..955f942b7e7b 100644
--- a/profiles/base/package.use.force
+++ b/profiles/base/package.use.force
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi clang
 # done
 dev-lang/rust:1.86.0 llvm_slot_19
 dev-lang/rust-bin:1.86.0 llvm_slot_19
+dev-lang/rust:1.85.1 llvm_slot_19
+dev-lang/rust-bin:1.85.1 llvm_slot_19
 dev-lang/rust:1.85.0 llvm_slot_19
 dev-lang/rust-bin:1.85.0 llvm_slot_19
 dev-lang/rust:1.84.1 llvm_slot_19

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