commit:     516e3687560a29e7db5c5a1a1c1ed010cfc9544f
Author:     Nowa Ammerlaan <nowa <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Mon Feb  3 15:21:57 2025 +0000
Commit:     Nowa Ammerlaan <nowa <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Mon Feb  3 17:40:46 2025 +0000

dev-python/pyside: add 6.8.2

Signed-off-by: Nowa Ammerlaan <nowa <AT>>

 dev-python/pyside/pyside-6.8.2.ebuild | 440 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 440 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dev-python/pyside/pyside-6.8.2.ebuild 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6a450ecd3f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/pyside/pyside-6.8.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} )
+LLVM_COMPAT=( {15..19} )
+inherit distutils-r1 llvm-r1 qmake-utils virtualx
+DESCRIPTION="Python bindings for the Qt framework"
-> ${MY_P}.gh.tar.gz"
+LICENSE="|| ( GPL-2 GPL-3 LGPL-3 )"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86"
+# If a flag enables multiple Qt modules, they should be ordered
+# according to their dependencies, e.g. for 3d, 3DCore must be first.
+# Widgets for various modules are handled as a special case later
+declare -A QT_MODULES=(
+       ["3d"]="3DCore 3DRender 3DLogic 3DInput 3DAnimation 3DExtras"
+       ["bluetooth"]="Bluetooth"
+       ["charts"]="Charts"
+       ["+concurrent"]="Concurrent"
+       ["+core"]="Core"
+       ["+dbus"]="DBus"
+       ["designer"]="Designer"
+       ["+gui"]="Gui"
+       ["help"]="Help"
+       ["httpserver"]="HttpServer"
+       ["location"]="Location"
+       ["multimedia"]="Multimedia" # plus widgets
+       ["network-auth"]="NetworkAuth"
+       ["+network"]="Network"
+       ["nfc"]="Nfc"
+       ["+opengl"]="OpenGL" # plus widgets
+       ["pdfium"]="Pdf" # plus widgets
+       ["positioning"]="Positioning"
+       ["+printsupport"]="PrintSupport"
+       ["qml"]="Qml"
+       ["quick3d"]="Quick3D"
+       ["quick"]="Quick" # plus widgets
+       ["remoteobjects"]="RemoteObjects"
+       ["scxml"]="Scxml"
+       ["sensors"]="Sensors"
+       ["serialbus"]="SerialBus"
+       ["serialport"]="SerialPort"
+       ["spatialaudio"]="SpatialAudio"
+       ["+sql"]="Sql"
+       ["svg"]="Svg" # plus widgets
+       ["speech"]="TextToSpeech"
+       ["+testlib"]="Test"
+       ["uitools"]="UiTools"
+       ["webchannel"]="WebChannel"
+       ["webengine"]="WebEngineCore" # plus widgets and quick
+       ["websockets"]="WebSockets"
+       ["webview"]="WebView"
+       ["+widgets"]="Widgets"
+       ["+xml"]="Xml"
+# Manually reextract these requirements on version bumps by running the
+# following one-liner from within "${S}":
+#     $ grep 'set.*_deps' PySide6/Qt*/CMakeLists.txt
+       ["3d"]="gui network opengl"
+       ["bluetooth"]="core"
+       ["charts"]="core gui widgets"
+       ["concurrent"]="core"
+       ["dbus"]="core"
+       ["designer"]="widgets"
+       ["gles2-only"]="gui"
+       ["gui"]="core"
+       ["help"]="widgets"
+       ["httpserver"]="core concurrent network websockets"
+       ["location"]="core positioning"
+       ["multimedia"]="core gui network"
+       ["network-auth"]="network"
+       ["network"]="core"
+       ["nfc"]="core"
+       ["opengl"]="gui"
+       ["pdfium"]="core gui network"
+       ["positioning"]="core"
+       ["printsupport"]="widgets"
+       ["qml"]="network"
+       ["quick"]="gui network qml opengl"
+       ["quick3d"]="gui network qml quick"
+       ["remoteobjects"]="core network"
+       ["scxml"]="core"
+       ["sensors"]="core"
+       ["serialbus"]="core network serialport"
+       ["serialport"]="core"
+       ["spatialaudio"]="core gui network multimedia"
+       ["speech"]="core multimedia"
+       ["sql"]="widgets"
+       ["svg"]="gui"
+       ["testlib"]="widgets"
+       ["uitools"]="widgets"
+       ["webchannel"]="core"
+       ["webengine"]="core gui network printsupport quick webchannel"
+       ["websockets"]="network"
+       ["webview"]="gui"
+       ["widgets"]="gui"
+       ["xml"]="core"
+IUSE="${!QT_MODULES[@]} debug doc gles2-only numpy test tools"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+for requirement in ${!QT_REQUIREMENTS[@]}; do
+       REQUIRED_USE+=" ${requirement}? ( ${QT_REQUIREMENTS[${requirement}]} ) "
+# Minimal supported version of Qt.
+QT_PV="$(ver_cut 1-3)*:6"
+# WebEngine needs sound support, so enable either pulseaudio or alsa
+       3d? ( =dev-qt/qt3d-${QT_PV}[qml?,gles2-only=] )
+       bluetooth? ( =dev-qt/qtconnectivity-${QT_PV}[bluetooth] )
+       charts? ( =dev-qt/qtcharts-${QT_PV} )
+       designer? ( =dev-qt/qttools-${QT_PV}[designer,widgets,gles2-only=] )
+       gui? (
+               =dev-qt/qtbase-${QT_PV}[gui,jpeg(+)]
+               x11-libs/libxkbcommon
+       )
+       help? ( =dev-qt/qttools-${QT_PV}[assistant,gles2-only=] )
+       httpserver? ( =dev-qt/qthttpserver-${QT_PV} )
+       location? ( =dev-qt/qtlocation-${QT_PV} )
+       multimedia? ( =dev-qt/qtmultimedia-${QT_PV}[widgets(+)?] )
+       network? ( =dev-qt/qtbase-${QT_PV}[ssl] )
+       network-auth? ( =dev-qt/qtnetworkauth-${QT_PV} )
+       nfc? ( =dev-qt/qtconnectivity-${QT_PV}[nfc] )
+       numpy? ( >=dev-python/numpy-2.1.3[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )
+       pdfium? ( =dev-qt/qtwebengine-${QT_PV}[pdfium(-),widgets?] )
+       positioning? ( =dev-qt/qtpositioning-${QT_PV} )
+       printsupport? ( =dev-qt/qtbase-${QT_PV}[gui,widgets] )
+       qml? ( =dev-qt/qtdeclarative-${QT_PV}[opengl?,widgets?] )
+       quick3d? ( =dev-qt/qtquick3d-${QT_PV}[opengl?] )
+       remoteobjects? ( =dev-qt/qtremoteobjects-${QT_PV} )
+       scxml? ( =dev-qt/qtscxml-${QT_PV} )
+       sensors? ( =dev-qt/qtsensors-${QT_PV}[qml?] )
+       speech? ( =dev-qt/qtspeech-${QT_PV} )
+       serialbus? ( =dev-qt/qtserialbus-${QT_PV} )
+       serialport? ( =dev-qt/qtserialport-${QT_PV} )
+       svg? ( =dev-qt/qtsvg-${QT_PV} )
+       testlib? ( =dev-qt/qtbase-${QT_PV}[gui] )
+       tools? (
+               =dev-qt/qtbase-${QT_PV}
+               =dev-qt/qtdeclarative-${QT_PV}[qmlls]
+               =dev-qt/qttools-${QT_PV}[assistant,designer,linguist]
+       )
+       uitools? ( =dev-qt/qttools-${QT_PV}[gles2-only=,widgets] )
+       webchannel? ( =dev-qt/qtwebchannel-${QT_PV} )
+       webengine? ( || (
+               =dev-qt/qtwebengine-${QT_PV}[alsa,widgets?]
+               =dev-qt/qtwebengine-${QT_PV}[pulseaudio,widgets?]
+               )
+       )
+       websockets? ( =dev-qt/qtwebsockets-${QT_PV} )
+       webview? ( =dev-qt/qtwebview-${QT_PV} )
+       !dev-python/pyside:0
+       !dev-python/shiboken6
+       !dev-python/pyside6-tool
+       $(llvm_gen_dep '
+               llvm-core/clang:${LLVM_SLOT}
+               llvm-core/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT}
+       ')
+       dev-util/vulkan-headers
+       test? ( =dev-qt/qtbase-${QT_PV}[gui] )
+" # testlib is toggled by the gui flag on qtbase
+       dev-build/cmake
+       dev-python/distro[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-util/patchelf
+       doc? (
+               >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.32
+               >=dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.19
+               media-gfx/graphviz
+       )
+       numpy? ( dev-python/numpy[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )
+       # Needs porting to newer wheel and setuptools
+       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-6.8.2-quick-fix-build-wheel.patch"
+       # References files not present in our dev-qt/qtbase
+       "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-6.8.2-no-qtexampleicons.patch"
+# Build system duplicates system libraries. TODO: fix
+       "/usr/lib/python*/site-packages/PySide6/*"
+python_prepare_all() {
+       distutils-r1_python_prepare_all
+       # Shiboken6 assumes Vulkan headers live under either 
+       # or "$VK_SDK_PATH/include" rather than "${EPREFIX}/usr/include/vulkan".
+       sed -i -e 
 HeaderType::System});~" \
sources/shiboken6/ApiExtractor/clangparser/compilersupport.cpp || die
+       # Shiboken6 assumes the 
+       # subdirectory provides Clang builtin includes (e.g., "stddef.h") for 
+       # currently installed version of Clang, where ${CLANG_NEWEST_VERSION} is
+       # the largest version specifier that exists under the "/usr/lib/clang/"
+       # subdirectory. This assumption is false in edge cases, including when
+       # users downgrade from newer Clang versions but fail to remove those
+       # versions with "emerge --depclean". See also:
+       #
+       #
+       # Sadly, the clang-* family of functions exported by the 
+       # eclass are defective, returning nonsensical placeholder strings if the
+       # end user has *NOT* explicitly configured their C++ compiler to be 
+       # PySide6 does *NOT* care whether the end user has done so or not, as
+       # PySide6 unconditionally requires Clang in either case. See also:
+       #
+       sed -e \
+               -i 
sources/shiboken6/ApiExtractor/clangparser/compilersupport.cpp || die
+python_configure_all() {
+       # The order matters, dependencies must come first so process
+       # REQUIRED_USE and recursively enable modules
+       enable_qt_mod() {
+               local flag=${1}
+               local modules=${QT_MODULES[${flag}]}
+               if [[ -z ${modules} ]]; then
+                       die "incorrect flag=${flag}, not registered"
+               fi
+               local dependencies=${QT_REQUIREMENTS[${flag//+}]}
+               if [[ -n ${dependencies} ]]; then
+                       local depflag
+                       for depflag in ${dependencies}; do
+                               if use ${depflag}; then
+                                       if [[ -z ${QT_MODULES[${depflag}]} ]]; 
+                                               depflag=+${depflag}
+                                       fi
+                                       enable_qt_mod ${depflag}
+                               else
+                                       die "${depflag} is required but not 
+                               fi
+                       done
+               fi
+               if [[ "${ENABLED_QT_MODULES[*]}" != *${modules}* ]]; then
+                       ENABLED_QT_MODULES+=( ${modules} )
+               fi
+       }
+       # Enable specified qt modules
+       local flag
+       for flag in ${!QT_MODULES[@]}; do
+               if use ${flag//+}; then
+                       enable_qt_mod ${flag}
+               fi
+       done
+       # Special cases
+       if use widgets; then
+               use multimedia && ENABLED_QT_MODULES+=( MultimediaWidgets )
+               use opengl && ENABLED_QT_MODULES+=( OpenGLWidgets )
+               use pdfium && ENABLED_QT_MODULES+=( PdfWidgets )
+               use quick && ENABLED_QT_MODULES+=( QuickWidgets )
+               use svg && ENABLED_QT_MODULES+=( SvgWidgets )
+               use webengine && ENABLED_QT_MODULES+=( WebEngineWidgets )
+       fi
+       if use quick; then
+               use webengine && ENABLED_QT_MODULES+=( WebEngineQuick )
+               use testlib && ENABLED_QT_MODULES+=( QuickTest )
+       fi
+       # Arguments listed in
+               --cmake="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/cmake"
+               --ignore-git
+               --limited-api=no
+               --module-subset="$(printf '%s,' "${ENABLED_QT_MODULES[@]}")"
+               --no-strip
+               --no-size-optimization
+               --openssl="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/openssl"
+               --qt=$(ver_cut 1-3)
+               --qtpaths=$(qt6_get_bindir)/qtpaths
+               --verbose-build
+               $(usex debug "--debug" "--relwithdebinfo")
+               $(usex doc "--build-docs" "--skip-docs")
+               $(usex numpy "--enable-numpy-support" "--disable-numpy-support")
+               $(usex test "--build-tests --use-xvfb" "")
+               $(usex tools "" "--no-qt-tools")
+       )
+python_compile() {
+               "${MAIN_DISTUTILS_ARGS[@]}"
+               --build-type=shiboken6
+       )
+       distutils-r1_python_compile
+               "${MAIN_DISTUTILS_ARGS[@]}"
+               --reuse-build
+               --build-type=shiboken6-generator
+       )
+       distutils-r1_python_compile
+       # If no pyside modules enabled, build just shiboken
+       if [[ ${#ENABLED_QT_MODULES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+               DISTUTILS_ARGS=(
+                       "${MAIN_DISTUTILS_ARGS[@]}"
+                       --reuse-build
+                       --shiboken-target-path="$(find "${BUILD_DIR}/build" 
-type d -name cmake)/../../"
+                       --build-type=pyside6
+               )
+               distutils-r1_python_compile
+       fi
+       # Link libraries to the usual location for backwards compatibility
+       pushd "${BUILD_DIR}/install/$(python_get_sitedir)" >/dev/null ||
+               die
+       mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/$(get_libdir)" || die
+       local lib
+       for lib in */*.cpython-*.so
+       do
+               local base=${lib##*/}
+               ln -s "${base}" "${lib%/*}/${base%%.*}-${EPYTHON}.so" ||
+                       die
+       done
+       for lib in */*.cpython-*.so.$(ver_cut 1-2)
+       do
+               local base=${lib##*/}
+               ln -s "${base}" "${lib%/*}/${base%%.*}-${EPYTHON}.so.$(ver_cut 
1-2)" ||
+                       die
+       done
+       for lib in */*.so*; do
+               ln -s "../../$(python_get_sitedir)/${lib}" \
+                       "${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/$(get_libdir)/${lib#*/}" || 
+       done
+       popd >/dev/null || die
+       # Symlinks for compatibility with pypi wheels
+       local dir
+       if [[ -d ${BUILD_DIR}/install/$(python_get_sitedir)/PySide6 ]]
+       then
+               pushd "${BUILD_DIR}/install/$(python_get_sitedir)/PySide6" \
+                       >/dev/null || die
+               mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/share/PySide6" || die
+               for dir in doc glue typesystems; do
+                       ln -s "../../../$(python_get_sitedir)/PySide6/${dir}" \
+                               "${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/share/PySide6/${dir}" 
+                                       die
+               done
+               popd >/dev/null || die
+       fi
+       mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/include"
+       for dir in PySide6 shiboken6_generator; do
+               if [[ -d 
${BUILD_DIR}/install/$(python_get_sitedir)/${dir}/include ]]
+               then
+                       ln -s "../../$(python_get_sitedir)/${dir}/include" \
"${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/include/${dir//_generator}" ||
+                                       die
+               fi
+       done
+       # Install misc files from inner install dir
+       find "${BUILD_DIR}"/build/*/install -type f \
+               -name -exec \
+               mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/install/$(qt6_get_plugindir)/designer/" 
\; \
+               -exec \
+               cp "{}" "${BUILD_DIR}/install/$(qt6_get_plugindir)/designer/" 
\; \
+                       || die
+       for dir in cmake pkgconfig; do
+               find "${BUILD_DIR}"/build/*/install -type d -name ${dir} \
+                       -exec cp -r "{}" "${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/lib/" \; \
+                               || die
+       done
+       # Uniquify the pkgconfigs file for the current Python target,
+       # preserving an unversioned "shiboken6.pc" file arbitrarily
+       # associated with the last Python target.
+       if [[ -f ${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/lib/pkgconfig/shiboken6.pc ]]
+       then
+               sed -e 's~prefix=.*~prefix=/usr~g' \
+                       -e 's~exec_prefix=.*~exec_prefix=${prefix}~g' \
+                       -e 
"s~libdir=.*~libdir=$(python_get_sitedir)/shiboken6~g" \
+                       -e 
+                       -i 
"${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/lib/pkgconfig/shiboken6.pc" || die
+               cp 
"${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/lib/pkgconfig/"shiboken6{,-${EPYTHON}}.pc || die
+       fi
+       if [[ -f ${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/lib/pkgconfig/pyside6.pc ]]
+       then
+               sed -e 's~^Requires: shiboken6$~&-'${EPYTHON}'~' \
+                       -e 's~prefix=.*~prefix=/usr~g' \
+                       -e 's~exec_prefix=.*~exec_prefix=${prefix}~g' \
+                       -e "s~libdir=.*~libdir=$(python_get_sitedir)/PySide6~g" 
+                       -e 
"s~includedir=.*~includedir=$(python_get_sitedir)/PySide6/include~g" \
+                       -e 
"s~typesystemdir=.*~typesystemdir=$(python_get_sitedir)/PySide6/typesystems~g" \
+                       -e 
"s~gluedir=.*~gluedir=$(python_get_sitedir)/PySide6/glue~g" \
+                       -e "s~pythonpath=.*~pythonpath=$(python_get_sitedir)~g" 
+                       -i "${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/lib/pkgconfig/pyside6.pc" 
|| die
+               cp 
"${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/lib/pkgconfig/"pyside6{,-${EPYTHON}}.pc || die
+       fi
+       sed \
+               -e 
"s~/lib/libshiboken6\.cpython~/$(get_libdir)/libshiboken6\.cpython~g" \
+               -e 
"s~/lib/libpyside6\.cpython~/$(get_libdir)/libpyside6\.cpython~g" \
+               -e 
"s~/lib/libpyside6qml\.cpython~/$(get_libdir)/libpyside6qml\.cpython~g" \
+               -e "s~libshiboken6\.cpython.*\.so\.$(ver_cut 
1-3)~libshiboken6\${PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX}\.so\.$(ver_cut 1-2)~g" \
+               -e "s~libpyside6\.cpython.*\.so\.$(ver_cut 
1-3)~libpyside6\${PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX}\.so\.$(ver_cut 1-2)~g" \
+               -e "s~libpyside6qml\.cpython.*\.so\.$(ver_cut 
1-3)~libpyside6qml\${PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX}\.so\.$(ver_cut 1-2)~g" \
+               -e "s~libshiboken6\.cpython.*\.so\.$(ver_cut 
1-2)~libshiboken6\${PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX}\.so\.$(ver_cut 1-2)~g" \
+               -e "s~libpyside6\.cpython.*\.so\.$(ver_cut 
1-2)~libpyside6\${PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX}\.so\.$(ver_cut 1-2)~g" \
+               -e "s~libpyside6qml\.cpython.*\.so\.$(ver_cut 
1-2)~libpyside6qml\${PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX}\.so\.$(ver_cut 1-2)~g" \
+               -i      "${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/lib/cmake/"*/*.cmake || die
+       local file
+       for file in "${BUILD_DIR}/install/usr/lib/cmake/"*/*.cpython-*.cmake
+       do
+               local base=${file##*/}
+               ln -s "${base}" "${file%/*}/${base%%.*}-${EPYTHON}.cmake" ||
+                       die
+       done
+python_test() {
+       virtx ${EPYTHON} test || die "Tests failed with 

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