commit:     a06be6d1239b91b59e36a81dbbf54232db49d767
Author:     Nowa Ammerlaan <nowa <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Thu Jan 30 11:34:49 2025 +0000
Commit:     Nowa Ammerlaan <nowa <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Thu Jan 30 11:34:49 2025 +0000

sys-kernel/installkernel: drop 48-r1, 49

Signed-off-by: Nowa Ammerlaan <nowa <AT>>

 sys-kernel/installkernel/Manifest                  |   2 -
 .../installkernel/installkernel-48-r1.ebuild       | 239 --------------------
 sys-kernel/installkernel/installkernel-49.ebuild   | 240 ---------------------
 3 files changed, 481 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys-kernel/installkernel/Manifest 
index 16b31cab1f19..165de170a0b4 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/installkernel/Manifest
+++ b/sys-kernel/installkernel/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-DIST installkernel-48.tar.gz 25079 BLAKE2B 
-DIST installkernel-49.tar.gz 25238 BLAKE2B 
 DIST installkernel-50.tar.gz 25265 BLAKE2B 

diff --git a/sys-kernel/installkernel/installkernel-48-r1.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index 62c21454e7fb..000000000000
--- a/sys-kernel/installkernel/installkernel-48-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit linux-info
-DESCRIPTION="Gentoo fork of installkernel script from debianutils"
-       -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~loong ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv 
~s390 sparc x86 ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="dracut efistub grub refind systemd systemd-boot ugrd uki ukify"
-       ?? ( efistub grub systemd-boot )
-       refind? ( !systemd-boot !grub )
-       systemd-boot? ( systemd )
-       ukify? ( uki )
-       ?? ( dracut ugrd )
-# Only select one flag that sets "layout=", except for uki since grub,
-# systemd-boot, and efistub booting are all compatible with UKIs and
-# the uki layout.
-# Refind does not set a layout=, it is compatible with the compat, uki
-# and efistub layout. So block against only grub and systemd-boot.
-# systemd-boot could be made to work without the systemd flag, but this
-# makes no sense since in systemd(-utils) the boot flag already
-# requires the kernel-install flag.
-# Ukify hooks do nothing if the layout is not uki, so force this here.
-# Only one initramfs generator flag can be selected. Note that while
-# both dracut and ukify are UKI generators we don't block those because
-# enabling both results in building an initramfs only with dracut and
-# building an UKI with ukify, which is a valid configuration.
-       !<=sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd-3
-       dracut? (
-               >=sys-kernel/dracut-060_pre20240104-r4
-               uki? (
-                       || (
-                               sys-apps/systemd[boot(-)]
-                               sys-apps/systemd-utils[boot(-)]
-                       )
-               )
-       )
-       efistub? (
-               systemd? ( >=app-emulation/virt-firmware-24.2_p20240315-r2 )
-               !systemd? ( sys-boot/uefi-mkconfig )
-       )
-       grub? ( sys-boot/grub )
-       refind? ( sys-boot/refind )
-       systemd? (
-               || (
-                       sys-apps/systemd[kernel-install(-)]
-                       sys-apps/systemd-utils[kernel-install(-)]
-               )
-       )
-       systemd-boot? (
-               || (
-                       sys-apps/systemd[boot(-)]
-                       sys-apps/systemd-utils[boot(-)]
-               )
-       )
-       ukify? (
-               || (
-                       sys-apps/systemd[boot(-),ukify(-)]
-                       sys-apps/systemd-utils[boot(-),ukify(-)]
-               )
-       )
-       ugrd? ( sys-kernel/ugrd )
-       !=sys-apps/systemd-255.2-r1
-       !=sys-apps/systemd-255.2-r0
-       !~sys-apps/systemd-255.1
-       !~sys-apps/systemd-255.0
-       !=sys-apps/systemd-254.8-r0
-       !=sys-apps/systemd-254.7-r0
-       !~sys-apps/systemd-254.6
-       !<=sys-apps/systemd-254.5-r1
-" # Block against systemd that still installs dummy install.conf
-pkg_setup() {
-       use efistub && CONFIG_CHECK="~EFI_STUB" linux-info_pkg_setup
-src_install() {
-       keepdir /etc/kernel/install.d
-       keepdir /etc/kernel/preinst.d
-       keepdir /etc/kernel/postinst.d
-       keepdir /usr/lib/kernel/install.d
-       keepdir /usr/lib/kernel/preinst.d
-       keepdir /usr/lib/kernel/postinst.d
-       exeinto /usr/lib/kernel/preinst.d
-       doexe hooks/99-check-diskspace.install
-       use dracut && doexe hooks/50-dracut.install
-       use ukify && doexe hooks/60-ukify.install
-       exeinto /usr/lib/kernel/postinst.d
-       doexe hooks/99-write-log.install
-       use grub && doexe hooks/91-grub-mkconfig.install
-       use efistub && doexe hooks/95-efistub-uefi-mkconfig.install
-       use refind && doexe hooks/95-refind-copy-icon.install
-       exeinto /usr/lib/kernel/install.d
-       doexe hooks/systemd/00-00machineid-directory.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/10-copy-prebuilt.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/85-check-diskspace.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/90-compat.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/90-zz-update-static.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/99-write-log.install
-       use grub && doexe hooks/systemd/91-grub-mkconfig.install
-       use efistub && doexe hooks/systemd/95-efistub-kernel-bootcfg.install
-       use refind && doexe hooks/systemd/95-refind-copy-icon.install
-       if use systemd; then
-               sed -e 
installkernel ||
-                       die "enabling systemd's kernel-install failed"
-       fi
-       # set some default config using the flags we have anyway
-       touch "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       echo "# This file is managed by ${CATEGORY}/${PN}" >> 
"${T}/install.conf" || die
-       if use uki; then
-               echo "layout=uki" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       elif use efistub; then
-               echo "layout=efistub" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       elif use grub; then
-               echo "layout=grub" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       elif use systemd-boot; then
-               echo "layout=bls" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       else
-               echo "layout=compat" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       fi
-       if use dracut; then
-               echo "initrd_generator=dracut" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-               if ! use ukify; then
-                       if use uki; then
-                               echo "uki_generator=dracut" >> 
"${T}/install.conf" || die
-                       else
-                               echo "uki_generator=none" >> 
"${T}/install.conf" || die
-                       fi
-               fi
-       elif use ugrd; then
-               echo "initrd_generator=ugrd" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       else
-               echo "initrd_generator=none" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       fi
-       if use ukify; then
-               echo "uki_generator=ukify" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       else
-               if ! use dracut; then
-                       echo "uki_generator=none" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-               fi
-       fi
-       insinto /usr/lib/kernel
-       doins "${T}/install.conf"
-       insinto /etc/logrotate.d
-       newins installkernel.logrotate installkernel
-       keepdir /var/lib/misc
-       into /
-       dosbin installkernel
-       doman installkernel.8
-       einstalldocs
-pkg_postinst() {
-       # show only when upgrading to 14+
-       if [[ -n "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]] && ver_test "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" 
-lt 14; then
-               elog "Version 14 and up of ${PN} effectively merges"
-               elog "${PN}-gentoo and ${PN}-systemd."
-               elog "Switching between the traditional installkernel and 
-               elog "kernel-install is controlled with the systemd USE flag or 
-               elog "SYSTEMD_KERNEL_INSTALL environment variable."
-               elog
-               elog "See the installkernel wiki page[1] for more details."
-               elog
-               elog "[1]:";
-               elog
-       fi
-       # show only on first install of version 20+
-       if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]] || ver_test "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" 
-lt 20; then
-               if has_version "sys-boot/grub" && ! use grub; then
-                       elog "sys-boot/grub is installed but the grub USE flag 
is not enabled."
-                       elog "Users may want to enable this flag to 
automatically update the"
-                       elog "bootloader configuration on each kernel install."
-               fi
-               if ( has_version "sys-apps/systemd[boot]" ||
-                       has_version "sys-apps/systemd-utils[boot]" ) &&
-                       ! use systemd-boot; then
-                               elog "systemd-boot is installed but the 
systemd-boot USE flag"
-                               elog "is not enabled. Users should enable this 
flag to install kernels"
-                               elog "in a layout that systemd-boot understands 
and to automatically"
-                               elog "update systemd-boot's configuration on 
each kernel install."
-               fi
-       fi
-       if use efistub; then
-               ewarn "Automated EFI Stub booting is highly experimental. UEFI 
-               ewarn "often differ between vendors and as a result EFI stub 
booting is not"
-               ewarn "guaranteed to work for all UEFI systems. Ensure an 
alternative method"
-               ewarn "of booting the system is available before rebooting."
-       fi
-       # Initialize log file if there is none
-       local log=${ROOT}/var/log/installkernel.log
-       if [[ ! -f ${log} ]]; then
-               echo -e \
->> "${log}" || die
-       fi

diff --git a/sys-kernel/installkernel/installkernel-49.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index fd725cda3fbc..000000000000
--- a/sys-kernel/installkernel/installkernel-49.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit linux-info
-DESCRIPTION="Gentoo fork of installkernel script from debianutils"
-       -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 
~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="dracut efistub grub refind systemd systemd-boot ugrd uki ukify"
-       ?? ( efistub grub systemd-boot )
-       refind? ( !systemd-boot !grub )
-       systemd-boot? ( systemd )
-       ukify? ( uki )
-       ?? ( dracut ugrd )
-# Only select one flag that sets "layout=", except for uki since grub,
-# systemd-boot, and efistub booting are all compatible with UKIs and
-# the uki layout.
-# Refind does not set a layout=, it is compatible with the compat, uki
-# and efistub layout. So block against only grub and systemd-boot.
-# systemd-boot could be made to work without the systemd flag, but this
-# makes no sense since in systemd(-utils) the boot flag already
-# requires the kernel-install flag.
-# Ukify hooks do nothing if the layout is not uki, so force this here.
-# Only one initramfs generator flag can be selected. Note that while
-# both dracut and ukify are UKI generators we don't block those because
-# enabling both results in building an initramfs only with dracut and
-# building an UKI with ukify, which is a valid configuration.
-       !<=sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd-3
-       dracut? (
-               >=sys-kernel/dracut-060_pre20240104-r4
-               uki? (
-                       || (
-                               sys-apps/systemd[boot(-)]
-                               sys-apps/systemd-utils[boot(-)]
-                       )
-               )
-       )
-       efistub? (
-               systemd? ( >=app-emulation/virt-firmware-24.2_p20240315-r2 )
-               !systemd? ( sys-boot/uefi-mkconfig )
-       )
-       grub? ( sys-boot/grub )
-       refind? ( sys-boot/refind )
-       systemd? (
-               || (
-                       sys-apps/systemd[kernel-install(-)]
-                       sys-apps/systemd-utils[kernel-install(-)]
-               )
-       )
-       systemd-boot? (
-               || (
-                       sys-apps/systemd[boot(-)]
-                       sys-apps/systemd-utils[boot(-)]
-               )
-       )
-       ukify? (
-               || (
-                       sys-apps/systemd[boot(-),ukify(-)]
-                       sys-apps/systemd-utils[boot(-),ukify(-)]
-               )
-       )
-       ugrd? ( sys-kernel/ugrd )
-       !=sys-apps/systemd-255.2-r1
-       !=sys-apps/systemd-255.2-r0
-       !~sys-apps/systemd-255.1
-       !~sys-apps/systemd-255.0
-       !=sys-apps/systemd-254.8-r0
-       !=sys-apps/systemd-254.7-r0
-       !~sys-apps/systemd-254.6
-       !<=sys-apps/systemd-254.5-r1
-" # Block against systemd that still installs dummy install.conf
-pkg_setup() {
-       use efistub && CONFIG_CHECK="~EFI_STUB" linux-info_pkg_setup
-src_install() {
-       keepdir /etc/kernel/install.d
-       keepdir /etc/kernel/preinst.d
-       keepdir /etc/kernel/postinst.d
-       keepdir /usr/lib/kernel/install.d
-       keepdir /usr/lib/kernel/preinst.d
-       keepdir /usr/lib/kernel/postinst.d
-       exeinto /usr/lib/kernel/preinst.d
-       doexe hooks/99-check-diskspace.install
-       use dracut && doexe hooks/50-dracut.install
-       use ukify && doexe hooks/60-ukify.install
-       exeinto /usr/lib/kernel/postinst.d
-       doexe hooks/99-write-log.install
-       use grub && doexe hooks/91-grub-mkconfig.install
-       use efistub && doexe hooks/95-efistub-uefi-mkconfig.install
-       use refind && doexe hooks/95-refind-copy-icon.install
-       exeinto /usr/lib/kernel/install.d
-       doexe hooks/systemd/00-00machineid-directory.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/10-copy-prebuilt.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/85-check-diskspace.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/90-compat.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/90-zz-update-static.install
-       doexe hooks/systemd/99-write-log.install
-       use grub && doexe hooks/systemd/91-grub-mkconfig.install
-       use efistub && doexe hooks/systemd/95-efistub-kernel-bootcfg.install
-       use refind && doexe hooks/systemd/95-refind-copy-icon.install
-       if use systemd; then
-               sed -e 
installkernel ||
-                       die "enabling systemd's kernel-install failed"
-       fi
-       # set some default config using the flags we have anyway
-       touch "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       echo "# This file is managed by ${CATEGORY}/${PN}" >> 
"${T}/install.conf" || die
-       if use uki; then
-               echo "layout=uki" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       elif use efistub; then
-               echo "layout=efistub" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       elif use grub; then
-               echo "layout=grub" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       elif use systemd-boot; then
-               echo "layout=bls" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       else
-               echo "layout=compat" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       fi
-       if use dracut; then
-               echo "initrd_generator=dracut" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-               if ! use ukify; then
-                       if use uki; then
-                               echo "uki_generator=dracut" >> 
"${T}/install.conf" || die
-                       else
-                               echo "uki_generator=none" >> 
"${T}/install.conf" || die
-                       fi
-               fi
-       elif use ugrd; then
-               echo "initrd_generator=ugrd" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       else
-               echo "initrd_generator=none" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       fi
-       if use ukify; then
-               echo "uki_generator=ukify" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-       else
-               if ! use dracut; then
-                       echo "uki_generator=none" >> "${T}/install.conf" || die
-               fi
-       fi
-       insinto /usr/lib/kernel
-       doins "${T}/install.conf"
-       insinto /etc/logrotate.d
-       newins installkernel.logrotate installkernel
-       keepdir /var/lib/misc
-       into /
-       dosbin installkernel
-       doman installkernel.8
-       einstalldocs
-pkg_postinst() {
-       # show only when upgrading to 14+
-       if [[ -n "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]] && ver_test "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" 
-lt 14; then
-               elog "Version 14 and up of ${PN} effectively merges"
-               elog "${PN}-gentoo and ${PN}-systemd."
-               elog "Switching between the traditional installkernel and 
-               elog "kernel-install is controlled with the systemd USE flag or 
-               elog "SYSTEMD_KERNEL_INSTALL environment variable."
-               elog
-               elog "See the installkernel wiki page[1] for more details."
-               elog
-               elog "[1]:";
-               elog
-       fi
-       # show only on first install of version 20+
-       if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]] || ver_test "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" 
-lt 20; then
-               if has_version "sys-boot/grub" && ! use grub; then
-                       elog "sys-boot/grub is installed but the grub USE flag 
is not enabled."
-                       elog "Users may want to enable this flag to 
automatically update the"
-                       elog "bootloader configuration on each kernel install."
-               fi
-               if ( has_version "sys-apps/systemd[boot]" ||
-                       has_version "sys-apps/systemd-utils[boot]" ) &&
-                       ! use systemd-boot; then
-                               elog "systemd-boot is installed but the 
systemd-boot USE flag"
-                               elog "is not enabled. Users should enable this 
flag to install kernels"
-                               elog "in a layout that systemd-boot understands 
and to automatically"
-                               elog "update systemd-boot's configuration on 
each kernel install."
-               fi
-       fi
-       if use efistub; then
-               ewarn "Automated EFI Stub booting is highly experimental. UEFI 
-               ewarn "often differ between vendors and as a result EFI stub 
booting is not"
-               ewarn "guaranteed to work for all UEFI systems. Ensure an 
alternative method"
-               ewarn "of booting the system is available before rebooting."
-       fi
-       # Initialize log file if there is none
-       dodir /var/log
-       local log=${ROOT}/var/log/installkernel.log
-       if [[ ! -s ${log} ]]; then
-               echo -e \
->> "${log}" || die
-       fi

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