Thanks for Justin.

I will correct the NOTICE and LICENSE.
I will add the left licenses in the licenses-binary. Some licenses are the
same so I don't add it before.
I can compile the source code locally `mvnw package -DskipTests`

Justin Mclean <> 于2024年11月29日周五 08:35写道:

> Hi,
> +1 (binding) jmclean (IPMC)
> I checked in the source release:
> - incubating in the artifact name
> - signature and hashes are fine
> - LICENSE is fine
> - NOTICE should not have "Copyright 2022 and onwards”
> - DISCLAIMER exits
> - All ASF file have ASF headers
> - No unexpected binary files
> The binary file LICENSE needs more work as it doesn't abide by the terms
> of 3rd party licenses. There are 13 licenses in the licenses directory, but
> the license file mentions 22 bits of software and is misisng some of the
> MIT licenses from the looks of things.
> The LICENSE file also incorrectly says the licenses are in
> "licenses-binary”.
> I was not able to compile from source, but that might be my setup:
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce) on
> project coordinator: Execution enforce of goal
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce failed:
> org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilderException:
> Could not resolve following dependencies:
> [org.apache.uniffle:rss-common:jar:tests:0.9.1 (test)]: Could not resolve
> dependencies for project org.apache.uniffle:coordinator:jar:0.9.1: The
> following artifacts could not be resolved:
> org.apache.uniffle:rss-common:jar:tests:0.9.1 (absent): Could not find
> artifact org.apache.uniffle:rss-common:jar:tests:0.9.1 in central (
> -> [Help 1]
> Kind Regards,
> Justin
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