John, thanks for the verifying.

> - in LICENSE-binary you're pointing to the licenses/ folder, but there is
only a licenses-binary/ folder.  I'm assuming the reference can just be

Currently there is no license folder in the source, only licenses-binary/
folder, and the licnese-binary/ folder will be renamed to license/ in the
artifact[1]. Besides the LICENSE-binary will be renamed to LICENSE in the
binary package too, the description here will make sense in the binary

> - Your readme is a little curious about Amoro lover...

Thanks for pointing this out, will improve the readme, already created an
issue[2] to track it.

> - RocksDB, Snappy and likely other third party dependencies are missing
from your NOTICE/LICENSE binary files

RocksDB, Snappy and other third party dependencies are included in the
LICENSE-binary file[3], and it will be renamed to LICENSE in the binary

> - While running your build, I think my system hung.  Are there memory
settings required to build your source code?

There are no memory settings required, maybe this was caused by some
testing, could you please try to add `skipTests` when building.

Justin, thanks for the verifying, already created an issue[4] to trace the
lincese improvements



Justin Mclean <> 于2024年11月15日周五 08:54写道:

> Hi,
> +1 (binding) jmclean (IPMC)
> I checked:
> - incubating ion name
> - signatures and hashes are correct
> - DISCLAIMER exists
> - LICENSE and NOTICE are OK (see below)
> - all files have ASF headers
> - no unexpected binary files
> - can compile from source
> In NOTICE it is unclear why Apache Iceberg, Apache Paimon or Apache Flink
> are listed as they are not mentioned in LICENSE. Most projects will list
> files copied from other ASF projects in LICENSE.
> In LICENSE, these ALv2.0 licensed files are not mentioned which are not
> ASF files:
> ./charts/amoro/templates/common/_names.tpl
> ./charts/amoro/templates/common/_capabilities.tpl
> ./charts/amoro/templates/common/_tplvalues.tpl
> ./charts/amoro/templates/common/_ingress.tpl
> ./charts/amoro/templates/common/_labels.tpl
> Kind Regards,
> Justin
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