Hello Incubator PMC and Community, The vote to release Apache Gravitino (Incubating) 0.6.1-RC4 has passed with 3 +1 binding votes, 1 +1 non-binding vote and no -1 votes.
3 (+1 binding) - ShaoFeng Shi (IPMC) - shaofengshi - Jerry Shao (IPMC) - jshao - Xun Liu (IPMC) - liuxun 1 (+1 nonbinding) - Nicholas (PPMC) - nicholasjiang no further 0 or -1 votes. The vote thread: https://lists.apache.org/thread/cmr5p9y8ksydg40wcpxdqs72bxt1djnn Thanks for reviewing and voting for our release candidate. We will go ahead and publish the approved artifacts and send out the announcement soon. Thanks, Minghuang Li