You can review the implementation PRs at:


Hopefully it's clear and we can use the description to guide podlings to
make progress.


tison <> 于2024年5月14日周二 00:08写道:

> Thanks for your participation!
> This vote has passed with 12 +1 bindings, 2 -1 bindings, 13 +1
> non-bindings, 2 +0 bindings, 3 -0 bindings, and 2 -0 non-bindings.
> I'll follow the update tasks on the incubator site this week and help
> podlings make the upgrade with help from INFRA if the podlings would like
> to do so. According to the vote above, we'd "finally converge podling's
> GitHub repo to have a name without the incubator- prefix".
> Details of the vote are as below:
> +1 bindings (12):
> * Francis Chuang
> * Craig Russell
> * Xuanwo
> * Xinyu Zhou
> * Daniel Gruno
> * Ayush Saxena
> * larry mccay
> * Christofer Dutz
> * Justin Mclean
> * Yu Xiao
> * Vinayakumar B
> * tison
> +0 bindings (2):
> * Dave Fisher
> * PJ Fanning
> -0 bindings (3):
> * Richard Zowalla
> * hulk
> * suyanhanx
> -1 bindings (2):
> * Sheng Wu (reason [1])
> * Alexander Alten (reason [2])
> [1]
> [2]
> +1 non-bindings (13):
> * Alex Porcelli
> * ZhangJian He
> * Wilfred Spiegelenburg
> * Alin.Jerpelea
> * Imba Jin
> * Cédric Champeau
> * Rui Fan
> * Chunshao Ren
> * Hongyu Guo
> * Jermaine Hua
> * Weibin Zeng
> * ConradJam
> * Cheng Pan
> -0 non-binding (2):
> * vin jake
> * Huajie Wang
> Best,
> tison.

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